Elena Dotlatova - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Elena Dovytova is the second official wife of the writer Sergei Dovlatova. Despite the complex personal life of Pozaika, Elena - the one who remained with Dovlatalov in immigration to the death of the writer.

Elena Dovlatova in youth

Elena was born in 1939 in Leningrad. The girl's father went to the war in maritime infantry and returned to disabled. Military service deprived Pope opportunities in the future to receive a visa and ride abroad.

When the war ended, Elena went to school. Then she was seven years old. Having finished learning, worked in different positions.


In 1965, Elena agreed with Sergey Dovlatov, and a little later I met a writer's mom. Nora Sergeyevna realized that the girl is competent, and invited Elena to pass the exam for the position of the Saluer. The girl correctly wrote the word "corridor" without two "r" and got a job.

Elena Dotlatova worked with Mom Sergey 13 years. During this time, Ekaterina's daughter was born with the writer. But in 1978, Elena from Katya emigrated. At first, a woman with her daughter spent some time in Italy, then went to a permanent residence in New York.

Editor Elena Delativova

Soon Elena got a job in a "new magazine", whose editor was Roman Gulya. But this place she occupied not long. Then he began to work in the "New Russian Word." Here, the career biography of Elena has developed as it is impossible. A year after arriving in New York to Elena and Katya joined Trevatov with Mom.

Since 1980, Sergey Dovlatov began to issue a new American magazine. The publication has become a competitor for the newspaper in which Elena worked. For a woman, the conditions were created under which Dovlataya had to quit.

Personal life

To live with Sergey Dovlatovoy was difficult. The couple met when the writer had a novel with Asia Pekurovskaya. Elena with Dovlatovov first met in trolleybus. Then they drove two stops together, and then some time went on the same street. Elena went to visit the artist, and Tomptov home. For three years, young people crossed out on the street. When Sergey arrived on vacation from the army, they accidentally faced near the cafe "North". Since then, complex relationships of the girl with the prosecar began.

Elena Dovlatova and Sergey Dovlatov

In 1966, Elena and Sergey had a daughter Katya's daughter, but only in 1968 he divorced the wife of Acea. After the birth of the daughter, the couple moved to live to Nore Sergeyevna. In 1995, Catherine arrived in Moscow and remained to live in the capital.

On Elena Sergey married in 1969. A year later, the second daughter was born from Pekurovskaya. The girl called Maria. Masha first saw his father only at his funeral. In 1973, Asya immigrated to America and took the daughter.

In 1971, Sergey issued a divorce with Elena Dovlatova. The writer, until the end of his life, could not decide who of two women he loved more.

Nora Sergeyevna, Nicholas and Elena Dovlatova

In 1972, Sergey went to Tallinn. There he met Tamara Zibunova, who stayed to live in an apartment. In 1975, she gave birth to the writer daughter Alexander. In the same year, Dovlatov returned to Leningrad.

Elena has long been solved for emigration. But when they appointed the day of departure, obstacles began to occur. That Katya sick, herself Elena, then Katya again. And a couple of days before the departure, I broke my hand. Leaving the USSR with plaster.

When Sergey with the hole of Sergeyevna arrived in America, Elena met them at the station. The first time Dovlatov perceived his wife as an American woman. They began to live together with Elena and Catherine.

Elena Dovlatova and Sergey Dovlatov

At first, the family was equipped in a private house, but then moved to the apartment in Queens. Over time, housing conditions improved. Elena Dovytova in emigration gave birth to the prose of the son of Nicholas on February 23, 1984 (according to some data on December 23, 1981). The American name of the child is Nicholas Dulley.

In 2001, the book saw the book "Sergey Dovlatov - Igor Efimov. Epistolar novel. " Efimov had long wanted to publish a novel, but the publisher refused him. Only the publishing house "Zakharov" agreed to release the book.

Ekaterina Dovlatova and Elena Dovlatova

Dovlatov bequeathed the copyright to creativity Elena, and she knew that the writer was against the publication of this correspondence. As a result, the woman has achieved a ban on further publications of the book. But the circulation of 15,000 copies unchanged no longer able to cancel.

In September 2007, in the Northern capital opened the memory board Sergey Dovlatov at the house in which he lived with Elena. In honor of the events of Dovlatov and daughter came to St. Petersburg.

Elena Dovlatova now

Now Elena Dotlatova on pensions, lives in America. She loves to relax and does it well. With the old work of the wife of Pozaika connects only one customer to whom it periodically prints the text.

Elena Dovlatova

On March 1, 2018, the film "Dovlatov" comes into wide rental. Milan Maric embodied on the screen of the writer, and his wife Elena - the Polish actress Helena Süsterka. Judging by the photo, the actor looks like a famous prose. The picture was shown at the Film Festival in Berlin, where the tape applauded foreign critics. In Russia, the film will show only four days. Tickets are replenished rapidly.

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Director Alexei Hermann-younger has long hid the name of the artist, who has fallen out of honor to play Sergey Dovlatov. Before starting shooting, the producers conducted the opinion of the need of the film about Govatov: 28.6% of respondents answered that the film is needed.

In addition to Milan Marich, Danilla Kozlovsky, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Anton Shagin, Elena Lyadova was involved in the painting.

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