Cyril and Methodius - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Icon, ABC 2021



Cyril and Methodius became famous for the whole world as chambers of the Christian faith and the authors of Slavic ABC. The biography of a couple of extensive, Cyril is devoted to even a separate life-key, created immediately after the death of a man. However, today it is possible to get acquainted with the brief history of the fate of these preachers and the founders of the alphabet in various benefits for children. Brothers have their own icon, where they are depicted together. It is treated with prayers about good studies, luck for students, adding the mind.

Childhood and youth

Cyril and Methodius were born in the Greek city of Soluni (the current Thessaloniki) in the family of the commander named Lion, which the authors of the blessings of the pair of saints are characterized as "good kind and rich." Future monks grew in the company of five more brothers.

Cyril and Methodius meet with the Slavic people

Before the male, Mikhail and Konstantin were wore, and the first was older - born in 815, and Konstantin in the 827th. Regarding the ethnic affiliation of the family in the circles of historians, the disputes still do not subscribe. Some belong to the Slavs, because these people are perfectly owned by Slavic. Others are attributed to Bulgarian and, of course, Greek roots.

The boys received a brilliant education, and when they indulgered, their paths were separated. Methodius summed up for military service for the protection of the faithful friend of the family and Doros even to the governor of the Byzantine province. At the "Slavic Prince" established himself as a wise and fair ruler.

ABC Cyril and Methodius

Cyrill from early childhood was fond of reading books, hit the surroundings with excellent memory and abilities to the sciences, heard a polyglot - in the Language Arsenal, except Greek and Slavic, was listed Hebrew and Aramaic. In 20 years, a young man, a graduate of Magnavra University, has already taught the basics of philosophy in the court school in Tsargrad.

Christian ministry

Cyril flatly refused a secular career, although such an opportunity was provided. The marriage on the skeleton of the official of the Tsarist Office in Byzantium opened the dizzying prospects - leadership of the region in Macedonia, and then the position of commander-in-chief array. However, the young theologians (Konstantin turned only 15 years old) chose to step on the church path.

Saints Cyril and Methodius. Miniature from Radziwill Chronicles, 15th Century

When he already taught at the university, a man managed to even win in theological disputes over the leader of the iconoborets, who was once a Patriarch John grammar, also known under the name Ammonium. However, this story is considered just a beautiful legend.

The main task for the Government of Byzantium at that time was the strengthening and propaganda of Orthodoxy. Together with diplomats, which were chased by cities and the villages, where negotiations with religious enemies were led, missionaries went. They became in 24, Konstantin, having settled with the first important task from the state - to instruct Muslims on the right path.

Icon Cyril and Methodius

In the late 50s, the 9th century brothers, charter from the worldly fuss, retired to the monastery, where 37-year-old Methodius took a post. However, Kirill did not allow a long time to rest: already in 860, a man called for the Emperor's throne and instructed to join the ranks of the Khazar mission.

The fact is that Khazar Kagan announced an interreligious dispute, where Christians were proposed to prove the truth of faith to Judah and Muslims. Khazars were already ready to pass out on the side of Orthodoxy, but they set the condition - only in the case of the victory of the Byzantine profits in disputes.

Cyril took his brother and brilliantly fulfilled the task assigned to his shoulders, but still the mission completely failed. The Khazar State of Christian did not, although Kagan and allowed people to be baptized. This trip happened serious to believers a historical event. On the path, the Byzantines looked into the Crimea, where Kirill found the relics of the Clement, the Holy Pope, the fourth, which was then handed over to Rome in the vicinity of Chersonesos.

Brothers are involved in another important mission. Once a help from Constantinople asked the ruler of the Moravian lands (Slavic state) Rostislav - a teacher-theologian was required that those in the affordable language told the people about the true faith. Thus, the prince was going to escape from the influence of the Bishops-Germans. This trip has become a sign - a Slavic alphabet appeared.

Cyril and Methodius with students

In Moravia, the brothers worked not to twist the hands: translated Greek books, they taught the Slavs of Aza of reading, letters, and at the same time they learned to lead worship. "Travel" took three years. The results of the Labor played a big role in preparing for the baptism of Bulgaria.

In 867, the brothers had to go to Rome to keep the answer for "blasphemy." Kirill and Methodius Western Church called heretics, accusing that they read sermons including in Slavic, whereas the Most High it is possible to speak only in Greek, Latin and Jewish.

Temple of Cyril and Methodius in Saratov

On the way to the Italian capital, they stopped in the Blatensky principal, where they trained the people of the book. For those who arrived in Rome with the relics of the Clement so we were happy that the new dad Adrian II allowed serving worship in Slavyansky and even allowed the translated books to decompose on churches. During this meeting, Methodius received the Episcopian San.

Unlike his brother, Cyril only on the verge of death, he was torn to the monks - it was necessary. After the death of the preacher, Methodius, which brought up students, returned to Moravia, where he had to fight with the German clergy. The deceased Rostislav changed the nephew of Svyatopolk, who supported the politics of the Germans, who did not quietly work to work by the Byzantine priest. Any attempts to disseminate the Slavic language as church were stopped.

Icon Cyril and Methodius

Methodius even was sitting in conclusion during the monastery. The Roman Pope John VIII helped to be free, who imposed a ban on liturgy until Methodius in prison. However, in order not to pump the situation, John forbade the worship in Slavic. Only sermons did not punish the law.

But the leaving from Thessaloniki at his own fear and risk continued to secretly hold services in Slavic. At the same time, the Archbishop baptized the Czech Prince, for which a little later appeared at the court in Rome. However, luck wondered Methodius - he did not simply escaped punishment, and he also got a papal bull and the opportunity to lead worship in Slavic. Shortly before the death managed to translate the Old Testament.

Creating ABC

Brothers from thessalonikov entered the story as the creators of Slavic alphabet. Event time - 862 or 863 year. Kirill and Methodius's life argues that the idea was born back in 856, when the brothers together with the students angelairia, Naum and Clement settled on Mount Small Olympus in the Polychron Monastery. Here Methodius served as the abbot.

Cyrillic and verbs

The authorship of the alphabet is attributed to Kirill, and what exactly, remains a mystery. Scientists are inclined to the verb, it is indicated by 38 characters that it contains. As for Cyrillic, it was embodied by the Clement Ohrid. However, even if this is the case, the student still used Kirill's operations - it hesitated the sounds of the tongue, which is the most important when creating writing.

The basis for the alphabet served as Greek Tyline, the letters are very similar, so the verb is confused with oriental alphabets. But for the designations of specific Slavic sounds, Jewish letters took, for example, "sh".


Konstantin-Kirill on a trip to Rome struck severe illness, and on February 14, 869 he died - this day in Catholicism was recognized as the Day of Saints. The body betrayed the ground in the Roman church of the Holy Clement. Kirill did not want the brother to return to the monastery to Moravia, and before the death allegedly, it was necessary:

"Here, my brother, we were with you as two times in the harness, plowed one furrow, and I fall Ya Forest, finishing my day. A, though you love the mountain, but not the MOGS for the sake of the mountain to leave your school, for what else can you achieve salvation better? "

Methodius survived the wise relative for 16 years. Single death, ordered himself to read the church to read the sermon. The priest died on Palm Sunday April 4, 885. Methodius fled in three languages ​​- Greek, Latin and, of course, Slavic.

Monument to Cyril and Methodius

At the post Methodius replaced the student Mountains, and then all the undertakings of the saints began to collapse. In Moravia, the liturgical translations were gradually banned again, the followers and students opened the hunt - they pursued, sold into slavery and even killed. Part of the adherents ran into countries next door. And yet the Slavic culture has surrendered, the center of the book movement moved to Bulgaria, and from there to Russia.

Saints Propoolete teachers are worshiped in the West and East. In Russia, a holiday was established in memory of the feat of the brothers - on May 24, the day of Slavic writing and culture is celebrated.



  • 1869 - The founding of the village of Methodiyivka near Novorossiysk


  • Monument to Cyril and Methodius at the Stone Bridge in Skopje, Macedonia.
  • Monument to Kirill and Methodius in Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Khanty-Mansiysk.
  • Monument in honor of Kirill and Methodius in Thessaloniki, Greece. Stamp in the form of a gift was transferred to Greece by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.
  • Statue in honor of Kirill and Methodius before the building of the National Library of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • Basilica ascension of the Virgin Mary and Saints Cyril and Methodius in Tellegrada, Czech Republic.
  • Monument in honor of Kirill and Methodius, established before the building of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Ohrid, Macedonia.
  • Cyril and Methodius are depicted on the 1000th anniversary of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod.


  • 1835 - Poem "Kirillo-Metodiada", Jan Halle
  • 1865 - "Cyril-Mefodievsky Collection" (edited by Mikhail Pogodin)
  • 1984 - "Khazar Dictionary", Milorad Pavice
  • 1979 - "Solong Brothers", Slav Karaslavov


  • 1983 - "Konstantin Philosopher"
  • 1989 - "Solong Brothers"
  • 2013 - "Cyril and Methodius - Apostles Slavs"

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