Boris and Gleb - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Icon, Temple



Boris and Gleb are the first saints, canonized by the Russian and Constantinople churches. The younger sons of equivalent prince Vladimir, born to the baptism of Russia, were a religious and spiritual feat. They showed an example of humility and non-resistance evil for the sake of peace and good.

Boris and Gleb

On the example of the princes of passion recorders who took death and wished to divide the suffering of Christ, the first generations of Orthodox Christians were raised.

Saints Boris and Gleb favorite and revered by the Russian people. Pious martyrs showed how to accept the will of God, whatever it was. The brothers ranged to the face of the Sainty Passionerpians, and they became the patrons of Russia and the heavenly assistants of the Russian princes.

Childhood and youth

With the baptism of the younger sons of the Grand Duke Kiev, they gave the names of Roman and David. In the biography of brothers with white stains, their birth dates remained. Mother Boris and Gleb, according to the Tver Collection of 1534, was "Bulgarian" Anna, the daughter of Emperor Byzantia Roman II. Non-palate data indicate a different name - Milolyak.

Boris and Gleb on the horses

Boris and Gleb raised with pious Christians. Senior Boris (the Ninth Son Vladimir Svyatoslavich) gave a good education. The young prince spent a lot of time for reading the Holy Scriptures and legends about the life and acts of the saints, wanting to "walk their feet." The young man dreamed of a spiritual feat and turned with prayers to the Almighty, so that he honored the honor to put life in the name of Christ.

At the field of Father, Boris married and was planted to rule Vladimir-Volynsky on the right bank of the Luga. Then, according to the will of Prince Vladimir, the son was put to pronounce in Murom on the left bank of Oka, while being in Kiev.

Saints Boris and Gleb

Under the lifetime of the Grand Duke, in 1010, Boris received the Rostov lot in submission. Managing the lands, Boris took care of the spread of Orthodoxy among the subjects, impeded piety and followed the righteous way of life from the near-circle of subordinates on which the people looked.

Murom departed to the reign of the younger brother Boris - Gleb. Prince Gleb shared the views of the older brother and the love of Christianity. He looked at Boris in kind and mercy to the disadvantaged and sick. An example for sons was his father, the Grand Duke Vladimir, whom they loved and read.

Princes Boris and Gleb

In the spring of 1015, the Grand Duke Kiev was lying on her deathbed. The bed of the dying father was Boris, who loved and worshiped Vladimir "Page All". Having learned about the attack on the ownership of 8 thousandth Pechenegs, the Grand Duke sent Boris to reflect enemy Navalla: Boris Vladimirovich, Zheny Christian, became famous for both an experienced warrior.

Boris went hiking, but Pechenegov did not meet: frightened, nomads went into the steppe. On the road, the young prince learned about the death of his father. The death of Vladimir Svyatoslavich unleashed the hands of the Senior Grand-Room Siblings, Svyatopolki and Yaroslav to the Soviet brothers, which made it to the Kiev throne.

Boris and Gleb on the ship

Earlier, Vladimir severely straightened with confused, who carried out their policies and sought independence. Yaroslav, who has refused to pay Kiev Dan, father declared a rebel and gathered a squad for a hike to Veliky Novgorod to humble a squalon. And the adoptive son of Svyatopolk, called the plot, on charges of conspiracy to power together with his wife and accomplices sharpened to the dungeon.

The end of the ruler opened the way to the heirs who took up to power, and the Scholyopolk who came to freedom, taking advantage of Boris from the capital, took the Kiev throne. During life, Prince Vladimir saw the successor of Boris, which Svetopolk knew about. Distributing the generous gifts to the Kievans in order to lean them to their side, Vladimir's stepson unleashed the bloody struggle against Boris and Gleb, direct competitors for the throne.


Boris, who accompanied him in a hike on Pechenegs, was ready to go to Kiev and overthrow the Svyatopolka, but the prince refused to shed blood of the named brother and let go of the army home. Svyatopolk doubted the good intentions of Boris and wished to eliminate a competitor.

The circumstance that pushed the impostor to the bloody violence was the love of the people to the young prince. Svyatopolk sent to Boris the faithful servants, having commissioned to kill the heir to the throne. The prince was notified of the intentions of a cunning brother, but he did not want to prevent a blow or hide.

Murder Boris.

Sunday July Day, 1015, Boris Vladimirovich was in a tent on the bank of the Alta. He prayed, knowing that he was waiting for death. When she graduated from prayer, submissively suggested that the saline killers would commit that for which Svyatopolk was sent. Boris's body pierced several copies.

The servants wrapped the bloody body of still breathing Boris and took him as proof by the prince, ordered the murder. They were met by Svyatopolk Varyagi, directed by the prince on the murderers. Seeing that Boris is alive, they finished off his blow to the heart. The deceased was taken to Vyshgorod and under the cover of the night were hidden in the church of Vasily the Great.

Murder Gleb

Gleb remained in Murome, and Svyatopolk understood that he could take revenge for the murder of his beloved brother. The killers also went to him, which Gleb was warned by the messengers from Kiev. But he grows about the deceased father and brutally killed Brother Gleb Vladimirovich followed the example of Boris: he did not raise his hand at Svyatopolka and did not unleasively unleashed the fratricide war.

Svyatopolk lured Gleb from Murom, where the faithful troops could protect him, and sent him to him the warriors who performed a bloody mission at the mouth of the Smolensky River. Gleb, according to the example of an elder brother, has come to the terrible fate and, without having resistances to the tormentors, the deathly accepted death.

Christian ministry

The Christian feat of the brothers is that they refused to take away the life and shed blood, though the named, but brother, because the murder was considered to be a mortal sin on the canons of Orthodoxy. They deliberately became passion recorders, putting life to the altar of Christian love. Boris and Gleb did not violate the postulate of Christianity, stating about the deceit of everyone who swars in love for God, but at the same time hates the neighbor.

Borisoglebsky Monastery in Torzhok

Saints Boris and Gleb - the first in Russia, who showed Christian humility with their example. In a previously stayed in the darkness of the paganism of Russia, blood revenge was built in a valor. The brothers demonstrated that it was impossible to respond to evil to evil, and it was possible to stop the bloodshed, only refusing to respond to the same.

The faithful Christian teaching, Boris and Gleb followed his main postulate, who says not to be afraid of those who kill the body, because the soul is outside of inaccessible.

Borisoglebsky Cathedral in Chernigov

As historians write the historians, the Lord punished the power-loving and bloody tyrant. In 1019, the brosine of the fratricheets was the headwater broken by the army of Yaroslav wise. The prince, whom contemporaries nickned by the dipped, escaped to Poland, but did not find a reliable refuge, or a calm life in a foreign person. In the chronicles it is said that SMRArad proceeded from the grave of the brainikes.

And in Russia, as the apocryphas write, the world reigned and silenced. Boris shedding and Gleb strengthened the unity and stopped war. Immediately after the death, the reverence of passion recorders began. Boris and Gleb service amounted to John I, Metropolitan of Kiev.

Yaroslav Wise found unknown remains of Gleb and transported them to Vyshgorod, where he put it with the relics of Boris. When the temple burned down, the power of the saints remained intact flames.

Rostov Borisoglebsky Monastery

The evidence of the miraculousness of the saints is preserved. Described the healing of the young man from Vychligodnod: the brothers were a teenager in a dream and painted the sick leg with the leg. The boy woke up and went, not chrome.

Heard about the wonderful healing of the patient, Yaroslav Wise ordered to build a phenomenon of the phenomenon of the saints of the five-core temple, which Metropolitan was consecrated on the day of the murder of Boris (July 24) in 1026.

Thousands of churches and monasteries called the names of the saints where worship was built in Russia. The icons of passion recorders worship millions of Orthodox worldwide.

Boris and Gleb phenomenon in front of the Nevsky Battle

Boris and Gleb are called saints that patronize Russia, protecting it from enemies. The saints were in a dream Alexander Nevsky before Ice Weight and Dmitry Donskoy, when he ran into the Kulik field in 1380.

A hundreds of cases of healing and other wonders associated with the names of Boris and Gleb are described. In history, the image of the brothers has survived to this day. About the holy martyrs whose lives are described in testes and apocryphs, poems and novels are written, films were shot.


  • The memory of Saints Boris and Gleb is celebrated three times a year. May 15 - the transfer of their relics to the new Church of the tomb in 1115, which Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich built in Vyshgorod, September 18 - the memory of the Holy Prince Gleb, and on August 6 - a joint celebration of the Holy
  • In honor of Boris and Gleb, Borispol in the Kiev region was named, Daugavpils in 1657-1667, Borisoglebsk, Borisoglebsk Voronezh region, Borisoglebsky village in the Yaroslavl region, Borisoglebsky village in the Murmansk region
Monument to Boris and Gleb at the walls of the Borisoglebsky Monastery in Dmitrov
  • Boris Tumasov wrote about Boris and Gleb ("Boris and Gleb: Blood washed"), Boris Chichibabin (poem "Night Chernigovskaya from the mountains of Ararat ..."), Joseph Brodsky (poem "sketch", Leonid Latynin (novels "Sacrifice" and "Berloga" ")
  • In 1095, particles of the relics of holy princes were transferred to the Czech Sazavsky Monastery
  • In the Armenian Chenet mini, 1249 included "Tale of Boris and Glabe" called "History of the Saints David and Romanos"

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