Nazgul Ozuzov - biography, photo, "voice. Detty", songs 2021



Nazgul of ouzov - a teenage girl from Bashkortostan, who conquered his vocal data first his native Ufa, and then the whole of Russia. At the blind auditions of the fifth season of the popular competition "Voice. Children "The girl performed a rather complicated musical composition of the French singer Lara Fabian" Adagio ". The girl's vocal abilities provided it with the favor of immediately all the members of the jury and the auditorium.

Childhood and youth

Nazgul Razzov was born on December 21, 2003 in the small resort lowland village Yangantau in Bashkortostan. Nothing is known about the girls' parents, except that, according to Nazgul himself, she grew up in a musical family. Often, parents sing with the only daughter singing songs together with the sole daughter. The repertoire of them is quite wide: from folk Bashkir songs to Russian pops. At the same time, Nazgul emphasizes that she has never been engaged in vocals, and his voice is given by nature.

Nazgul Ouzova

General secondary education Girl gets at school number 1 of the village Yangantau. According to Nazgul, the music and literature began with their favorite items at school. In his free time, the girl reads a lot, and also helps her grandmother to keep a household. So the girl is already able to cook borsch, sculpt dumplings and bake pancakes.

Show "Voice. Children"

The speech of Nazgul on a large stage before the overflowing visual hall was first held in 2008. 5-year-old ouzov participated in a television vocal competition.

After 8 years, Nazgul spoke at the music festival-competition "Ufa Wave", held in June 2016, where he performed the song of the "Cinema" group. At the same time, for the first time, information about the biography of young dating, where, among other things, it was noted that the girl visits vocal classes every day under the guidance of a serious teacher, which, however, contradicts Nazgul's words on the show "Voice. Children".

Nazgul Ozuzov - biography, photo,

According to the results of the "Ufa Wave", Nazgul won the "debut" nomination and received a golden key as a reward. Already after the completion of the competition, it became known that the girl came to the scene with a cold, but even the disease did not prevent her to make it brilliantly.

In October 2017, the ouzov presented on his page in VKontakte clip to the Sun Musical Composition. And on December 2, 2017, a children's creative competition under the name "Talents Bashkortostan" was held in Ufa, where Nazgul won the "vocal" nomination.

Inspired by the past successes, on February 22, 2018, Nazgul went on blind listening to the fifth season of the show "Voice. Children". For listening, the girl chose a difficult song, which nevertheless emphasized the cycling data of the contestant. Adagio Lara Fabian performed by Nazgul Ouzova made an indelible impression on all members of the jury and the auditorium.

Pelageya, Valery Meladze and Basta almost simultaneously turned to the girl, so the choice was already behind her. Nazgul stressed that she likes all the jury members, but in the mentors she chooses Vasily Vakulento, known as Basta. The girl explained his choice in an interview after a speech by the fact that Basta is close to her in spirit, and Nazgul is confident in victory with him.

While the girl sang on blind auditions, 2 of her aunts were sick for her, and their parents supported the daughter from home - they could not come to Moscow along with Nazgul for personal reasons.

By the way, the composition of the French singer Nazgul performed earlier, as part of a concert dedicated to the International Women's Day in 2017. In addition, in 2013, the recess of the VI of the International Festival "Inspiration" in the nomination "Pop vocals" became the outer. And in 2017 he won in the All-Russian competition "Crystal Mosaic".

Nazgul Ozov Now

After the successful passing of listening in social networks appeared fan clubs Nazgl, and the girl itself publishes on the personal page in the "Instagram" photo and video from performances.

Now the preparation for the next stage of the competition "Voice is published. Children "as part of the Basta team. After the first speech on the television show "Voice. Children "The young star had a large number of fans who follow the creative successes of the left and openly sympathize with her.

Nazgul Ozuzov in 2018

Like Nazgul fans, and the show mentors mark the unusually strong energy of the girl who played the last role in her still a little victory on the "voice." Colorite adds extraordinary Eastern appearance Nazgl, but its nationality is unknown.

In his young years, Nazgul is already thinking about the future and invariably emphasizes that he sees himself a star of Russian show business and nothing else.

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