Ivan Shishkin - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, death



Ivan Shishkin "lives" in almost every Russian home or apartment. Especially in the Soviet times, the owners loved to decorate the walls with reproductions of paintings by artist, eliminated from magazines. Moreover, with the work of painter, the Russians get acquainted from early childhood - a bear in a pine forest decorated the wrap of chocolate chocolates. In the life of a talented master, the "forest bogatyr" and the "king of the forest" as a sign of respect for the ability to sing the beauty of nature.

Childhood and youth

The future painter was born in the family of the merchant Ivan Vasilyevich Shishkin on January 25, 1832. The artist's childhood passed in Elabuga (in the royal times, it was part of the Vyatka province, today is the Republic of Tatarstan). Father loved and respected in a small provincial town, Ivan Vasilyevich even for several years held the chair of the head of the settlement. At the initiative of the merchant and on his own money, Elabuga found a wooden water supply line, which still partially works. Shishkin also presented to contemporaries and the first book about the history of the native land.

Ivan Shishkin

Being a person versatile and pragmatic, Ivan Vasilyevich tried to interest the son of Vanya with natural sciences, mechanics, archeology, and when the boy had gone, sent him to the first Kazan gymnasium in the hope that the offspring would receive a brilliant education. However, young Ivan Shishkin since childhood has more attracted art. Therefore, in the educational institution quickly bored, and he threw it, saying that he did not want to turn into an official.

Portrait of Ivan Shishkin

The return home of the Son frustrated the parents, especially the siblos, as soon as the walls of the gymnasium left, began to draw selflessly. Mom Daria Alexandrovna was outraged by the inability of Ivan to study, annoyed and the fact that the teenager is not at all adapted to home affairs, sits and deals with anyone who does not need "Patchwork Paper." Father supported his spouse, although in secret was happy asked in the saint of a strip to the beautiful. In order not to amuse the parents, the artist practiced in drawing at night - so the first steps in painting were designated.


For the time being, Ivan "dismissed" brush. But once the artists who were discharged in Elabugu, who were discharged from the capital for the painting of the church iconostasis, and Shishkin for the first time seriously thought about the creative profession. Having learned from Muscovites about the existence of the School of Painting and Sculpture, the young man caught fire with a dream to certainly become a student of this wonderful educational institution.

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Father with difficulty, but still agreed to let the Son go to the long-range edges - provided that the offspring does not throw and study there, and will preferably turn into second Charles Bryullov. The biography of the Great Shishkin showed - the word in front of the parent respected flawlessly.

In 1852, the Moscow School of Painting and Scary took into their ranks Ivan Shishkin, who fell under the guardian of the artist-portraitist Apollo Mokritsky. A beginner painter attracted landscapes, in the drawing of which he selflessly practiced. Soon about the bright talent of a new asterisk in visual art, the whole school learned: the teachers and fellow students celebrated a unique gift to draw the usual field or the river very realistic.

Artist Ivan Shishkin

The diploma of the School of Schishkina turned out to be a little, and in 1856 he entered the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts, which also conquered the hearts of teachers. Ivan Ivanovich diligently studied and surprised outstanding abilities in painting.

In the first year, the artist went on a summer practice to the island of Valaam, for whose species in the future received a large gold medal from the Academy. During his studies, the piggyback film was replenished with two small silver and small gold medals for paintings with St. Petersburg landscapes.

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After the end of the Academy, Ivan Ivanovich was able to improve the skill abroad. A talented graduate Academy appointed a special retirement, and Shishkin, not burdened with care to make a piece of bread, went to Munich, then in Zurich, Geneva and Dusseldorf.

Here the artist tried forces in the engraving "Tsarist Vodka", a lot wrote a lot, from which a fateful picture was published "View in the vicinity of Düsseldorf". Bright, air work went to his homeland - for her Shishkin received the title of academician.

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For six years, he got acquainted with the nature of a foreign country, but Tosca in his homeland took the top, Ivan Shishkin returned to his homeland. In the early years, the artist tirelessly challenged on the expanses of Russia in search of interesting places, unusual nature. When appeared in St. Petersburg, the artists of artists participated in the affairs. The painter drove friendship with Konstantin Savitsky, the Archka of Queenji and Ivan Kramsky.

In the 70s, classes were added. Ivan Ivanovich founded together with his colleagues a partnership of mobile art exhibitions, in parallel to joining the association of the aquafortists. It was waiting for a man and a new title - for the painting "Forest Wilderness", the Academy erected him to a number of professors.

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In the second half of the 1870s, Ivan Shishkin almost lost the place that managed to occupy in artistic circles. Having experienced a personal tragedy (the death of his wife), a man was drinking and confused friends and loved ones. He hardly took himself in his hands, sanking his head. At that time, the masterpieces "Rye", "First Snow", "Pine Bor" came from under the master's feather. Ivan Ivanovich's own state described like this: "What is me now most interested in? Life and its manifestations, now, as always. "

Shortly before the death of Ivan Shishkin was invited to teach in the Supreme Art School at the Academy of Arts. The end of the XIX century was marked by the decline of the old school of artists, the youth preferred to stick to other aesthetic principles, however

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Ivan Ivanovich loved to communicate with young authors and even tried to make new motives in his work. During teaching, the painter considered the outstanding artist Valentina Serov.

Evaluating the talent of the artist, biographers and fans of Shishkin compare it with a biologist - in the desire to portray the not romanticized beauty of Nature Ivan Ivanovich carefully studied the plants. Before proceeding to work, fell moss, small leaves, grass.

Gradually, its special style was formed, in which experiments were glanced with combinations of various brushes, smears, attempts to transfer elusive colors and shades. Contemporaries called Ivan Shishkin by the poet of nature, able to see the character of each corner.

Ivan Shishkin in recent years

The geography of the painting of painter wide: Ivan Ivanovich was inspired by the scenery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the forest on the Loss Island, the expanses of Sokolnikov and Sestroretsk. The artist painted in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and, of course, in his native elabug, where he came to visit.

It is curious that Shishkin did not always worked alone. For example, writing an animal and comrade Konstantin Savitsky's animal and Comrade Konstantin Savitsky helped a picture of the "Morning in the Pine Forest" - from under the pen of this artist on the canvas came to life. The picture has two copyright signatures.

Personal life

The personal life of the ingenious painter was tragic. Ivan Shishkin first went under the crown late - only at 36 years old. In 1868, he married great love with the sister of the artist Fyodor Vasilyeva Evgenia. In this marriage, Ivan Ivanovich was very happy, did not tolerate long separation and always hurried earlier to return from business trips across Russia.

Evgenia Aleksandrovna gave birth to two sons and daughter, and Shishkin drank his fatherhood. Also at that time he was heard a welcoming owner, who was happy to take guests in the house. But in 1874, the spouse died, and soon after her had a little son.

Evgenia Shishkin, the first wife Ivan Shishkin

With difficulty recovering from grief, Shishkin married his own student, artist Olga Ladoga. A year after the wedding, the woman died, leaving Ivan Ivanovich with her daughter in his arms.

Biographers note one feature of the character of Ivan Shishkin. During the years of study in the school, he wore a nickname monk - so nicknamed for disgust and closure. However, those who managed to become a friend for him, then wondered how long the man was talking and joking in a circle of loved ones.


Ivan Ivanovich left this world, as the masters relies, at work on the next masterpiece. In the sunny spring day of 1898, the artist in the morning sat down for the easel. In the workshop, besides him, a assistant worked, who told the details of the death of the teacher.

The grave of Ivan Shishkin

Shishkin portrayed something like Zovka, then his head just sank to the chest. The doctor diagnosed is the gap of the heart. The painting "Forest Kingdom" remained unfinished, and the last completed work of the painter is the "ship grove", today is pleasing to visitors of the Russian Museum.

Ivan Shishkin was first buried at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery (St. Petersburg), and in the middle of the 20th century, the artist was transported to Alexander Nevsky Lavra.


  • 1870 - "Walking in the Forest"
  • 1871 - "Birch Forest"
  • 1878 - "Birch Grove"
  • 1878 - "Rye"
  • 1882 - "On the edge of a pine forest"
  • 1882 - "Forest Field"
  • 1882 - "Evening"
  • 1883 - "Creek in Birch Forest"
  • 1884 - "Forest Dali"
  • 1884 - "Pine on the sand"
  • 1884 - "Polesie"
  • 1885 - "Misty Morning"
  • 1887 - "Oak Grove"
  • 1889 - "Morning in the Pine Forest"
  • 1891 - "Rain in the Dubov Forest"
  • 1891 - "In the north of wild ..."
  • 1891 - "After the storm in Mary Hovi"
  • 1895 - "Forest"
  • 1898 - "Ship Grove"

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