Mark Jacobs - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Collections 2021



Mark Jacobs is an American designer of clothes and accessories, with whose creativity are familiar in any corner of the world. The founder of his own brand is not afraid of bold experiments. The designer is compared with the king of Midas: what part of the wardrobe did not give birth to fantasy Mark, everyone immediately wants to get it.

Childhood and youth

The famous Kuturier is the son of the Jewish large family, was born on April 9, 1963 in New York. Parents worked with agents at the theater. When the boy was seven years old, father died, and carefree happy childhood broke off. Mom hit the search for a new husband, changing spouses like gloves, in a short time managed to go three times under the crown.

Designer Mark Jacobs.

Mark, together with his brother and sister, were not deeds. Already in adulthood, the fashion designer spoke in an interview that, in addition to the unhealthy desire to find personal happiness, the parental suffered from a mental disorder.

Peating in the parent house, the teenager went to live to her grandmother on his father, who occupied a luxurious apartment in a skyscraper Majestik. It was she who laid the beginning of a creative biography of Mark Jacobs: Grandma put the boy taste to gorgeous, but practical things, taught to hold the knitting needles in his hands, creating exclusive knitted clothes.

Mark graduated from a mathematical school, and at 15 years he joined the ranks of students of the Higher School of Art and Design. To get closer to get acquainted with fashion trends, the young man operated in parallel in the boutique of the avant-garde clothing "Charivari". A fateful meeting was happening here - Jacobs began to communicate with Perry Ellis, the designer, about legends. At that moment, Mark finally understood that he would connect life with fashion, it would be hand to work beautiful clothes.


Mark began to file high hopes in the fashion industry still a student. In 1984, the young man became the owner of the award from Chester Wainberg and Ellis "Golden Thrust", and soon was called the best designer of the year among students. At the same time, Jacobs decided to try the strength in creating his own collection, presented to fashionable hand-related sweaters. The "sample of the pen" of the novice fashion designer came out under the "The Sketchbook Label" brand and received approving reviews of critics.

Mark Jacobs in 1988

Career rapidly gained speed. The young couture after the death of the idol and mentor Perry Ellis was invited to lead the team of designers in the company "Perry Ellis", and here he truly turned around, sowing loudly declare himself about himself. Collection of grunge clothes, created for this brand, made a brand famous.

Jacobs was closely within the framework of the house "Perry Ellis", the energy of a young man was enough for other projects. The designer joined the efforts with the fashion designer Robert Duffy - a couple of Mira brought a new company for the production of clothes "Jacobs Duffy Designs Inc.".

Fashion designer Mark Jacobs.

With the triumph to go to the fashionable Olympus helped and the collection under the name "Marc Jacobs Label", which in the late 80s brought a man an incredible success. The brand even awarded the Award of the Council of American fashion designers - he became the youngest designer who received this award. In 1989, Jacobs, together with Duffy, began to wear ladies, taking guidelines in Tristan Russo, a company that specialized in creating women's collections.

And five years later, Mark was pleased with fashionable innovations and men, giving them a separate clothing line. However, for the first time, the designer was accused of plagiarism - in this vintage collection of Oscar de la Rent a sketch of his own early creativity. However, fashion critics were broken in the fluff and dust suspicion of bison design, pointing to the fact that Jacobs does not copy, but successfully interprets the details.

Bags from the brand Jacobs

To climb the career on the step above it helped acquaintance with the owner of LVMH Bernarr Arno, who suggested the brand chair of the director and the chief designer of the French company Louis Vuitton. Couturier happily agreed, leaving his head.

When creating collections of bags, the master collaborated with the artists Takasi Murakami, Richard Prince and even Raper Kanye West. The profits of the fashion house "Louis Witton" rapidly grew, already in the first year of Jacobs's work three times. A significant achievement of the brand as a designer of the bag was the MARC Jacobs Stam Bag model, invented specifically for the Canadian mannequin and the fashion model Jessica Stam.

During the years of cooperation with Louis Vuitton, the fashion designer continued to nourish the new collections of clothing and not only. By 2006, he already owned 60 boutiques, released a few flavors of spirits, glasses, shoes and one line of hours under his brand. The ideas of the designer sometimes wore the nature of the shares. So, twice Mark created a series of T-shirts, on which nude media individuals were concerned - in support of the control of melanoma.

A talented couture gladly appeared with orders of the star of film and television. Among the clients of Anna Wintur, Christ Tarlington, Naomi Campbell and others. Jacobs sewed suits for the Paris Ballet "Amoveo".

Perfume from the brand Jacobs

Not dealt with the brand of Jacobs and without scandals. In 2008, the fashion designer had to be responsible for the scarf, the design of which he spied in the work of the Swedes, the stars of the 5th anniversary of the Gosta Olofsson. The plagiarism was revealed by chance - one American reporter, licafered old magazines, saw that the creation of Jacobs is an exact copy of the Swedish fashion designer. It was necessary to pay compensation to relatives of Olofsson.

Then another scandal followed: journalists learned that instead of artificial fur adorning fashion designer's clothes, the wool of a Chinese raccoon dog was used. In 2013, Mark left Louis Vuitton by sending all the strength and opportunities to develop his brands.

Personal life

Personal life designer does not hide, on the contrary, in every way advertisites. Mark is a homosexual, fiercely struggling for the rights of representatives of sexual minorities. Including with the help of crafts: In 2009, a man created a line of T-shirts in honor of the legalization of same-sex marriages in America. The same spring designer openly married his beloved named Lorenzo Marton.

Mark Jacobs and Lorenzo Marton

However, the Union was fragile - after a year already broke up. Then Jacobs was noticed in connection with some Harry Louis, but the attitude of the attitude did not reach the altar.

Jacobs has a passion for alcohol and cocaine. In the early 2000s, even had to go to the rehabilitation in the clinic - Mark lost consciousness at work, scandaling with subordinates.

Mark Jacobs and Harry Louis

Preferences in the style of clothing from the fashion designer changed over the years. First, Mark Jacobs really looked like a fashionable couture, wore wide pants and bulk shirts in trying to hide extra weight. But in 2006 he hit the sport, the figure turned into an athletic, a stroke of tattoos appeared on the body, and in the ear of a diamond earring. Mark experiments with fashion, often the skirts and dresses are on the output.

Mark Jacobs now

Now Marc Jacobs includes three directions - the MARC by MARC Jacobs youth brand, the Children's "Little Marc" and the Preta-A-port line "The Marc Jacobs Collection". The brand has an official website on which any fashionable novelties can be ordered. Fashion House and Perfumery "Marc Jacobs" also has a chain of stores with aromas, accessories and cosmetic services.

Anna Wintur and Mark Jacobs in 2018

Mark remains extremely prolific designer, although recently the criticism accuses Couturier in returning to early creativity and in excessive theatrical collections, clothing from which can hardly be worn in everyday life.

In early 2018, the press spoke about the instability of the business of the American designer, they began to close his shops everywhere. However, Jacobs never ceases to participate in fashion shows. The fall-winter collection is replete with bows, leather, large and small details, is distinguished by a wide line of shoulders and volumes. For spring-summer, the artist suggested bright boa, turbans, light African balashes and dresses in the style of Hollywood retro-chic.

State assessment

Until 2014, MARC Jacobs retail sales brought $ 650 million to the owner of $ 650 million. But the economic crisis was made adjustments, and today revenues decreased to $ 300 million.

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