Nodar Siraze - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Charismatic actor Nodar Siraze is called the uplink star of Russian cinema. The black-eyed young man with a penetrating point-x-ray and expressive features of the face, energetic and explosive, remember the audience roles in the projects "on the game", "Escape" and "Gamers". The artist's filmography is rapidly replenished with new paintings and TV shows. Browsing them, viewers and film critics converge in the opinion that the Nodar is equally good in all amplua.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born in September 1984 in the Russian capital in the family with Georgian roots. Childhood Nodar was remembered by the home comfort and aroma of coffee, which the hospitable mother cooked guests who adored herbs and welcoming owners.

Since childhood, movable and energetic, Nodar Siraze dedicated all his free time. Tennis, the young man gave 8 years of life and reached the level of a professional player. At School, Siraze did not dream about the career of the actor, although the artistry in the guy marked relatives and friends.

Nodar Siraze

After presenting the school certificate, the young man, thinly felt style and beauty, entered the college, where he learned to the hairdresser. But did not become a fashionable master and stylist, the Nodar did not: in college, the acting essence of Siradze broke out and demanded the implementation.

From the first attempt, Muscovite entered the rati-guitis and came to the course of a talented theater director and the Mentor Sergey Genovac.


The acting talent of Nodar Siraze manifested itself from the first years of study in theatrical university. In the study theater, he not only went on stage as an actor, but also his debut as a director, putting the play "Snow Maiden".

Assessing the game of a novice artist, the audience was able to the "Studio of theatrical Art", founded by Zeeping in 2005. In the "STI magnifier", the Nodar played Student-Swede Dologov in the play "Lion Tolstoy. Scenes "and liputin in" demons ".

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In the diploma performance "graduation", put on the stage of the Theater Center "On Passion", the actor entrusted to play a key character. The role of the mentor in the fate of the graduate of Gityis is difficult to overestimate. Sergey Zeadovach taught Siradse as an acting skills and took the "STS" troupe a year before the end of the university, in 2008.

In 2009, a 25-year-old certified artist continued to build a career. On the stage of the Women's Theater, he played bright roles in the play "Marienbad" on the play of Sholom-Aleichema and "Boys" based on the novel "Brothers Karamazov".


The demand for theatrical stage and the first recognition was covered with an artist and pushed the strength to the cinema. The cinematic biography of the Nodar, as in most colleagues, began with an episodic role: in 2008, Siraze starred in the ribbon director of the Hamisonium Schot "Field, Clowns, Apple ...".

Full Nodar Siraze

A year later, the young actor first felt the taste of glory: in 2009, the first part of the youth militant "on the game" came to the screens. Writer and director Pavel Sanaev entrusted a newcomer The role of the first plan: the Nodar played the aggressive and risky gamer Yana from the team of players receiving after winning in the tournament on the eSports of supercorposses.

On the set, Nodar Siradze met with Matrahi Russian Cinema Igor Sklyar, Viktor Verzhbitsky and young stars - Agnia Ditkovskite and Paulil. The project scored high ratings, and next year a continuation came out.

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For Siraze, the role in the first large-scale project was of particular importance: the actor dedicated his debit of his own uncle, who first believed in the talent of the nephew, but did not live to the film premiere.

The next rating project, in which Nodarus Siradze got a leading role, was the 22-serial criminal fighter "Escape", the adaptation of the American series. Spectators learned the artist in the Master Hero Camer - the criminal of Nalim. Siradze was so born in the role that the artists of the extras - the former convicts - noted the "proper behavior" and "infant" of Namilim. In 2012, the continuation of the project was published, in which Siraza was performed again.

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Prior to this, in 2011, the Nodar starred in the "Women's Dreams of Far Full Countries" tape and played Sergeant Galieva in the Life-affirming Comedy "Suicides" with Evgeny Skykachin, Alexey Vorobyev and Oksana Akinshina. Another project of 2012, expected by the audience - prequel "on the game", is the series "Gamers", in which Nodar Siraze again reincarnated in Gambling Yana.

In 2013, the artist pleased fans by the appearance in the biographic drama of Sergey Ginzburg and Sergey Shcherbina "Son of the Father of Peoples". Directors entrusted Siraze the role of Yakov Jugashvili, Senior Son Joseph Stalin. The appearance and "Georgian" Nodar energy helped on the set.

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2014 gave an artist with a meeting with the stars of Russian cinema Sergey Celine, Alexei Kravchenko, Anton Khabarov and Daniel Vorobyev, who played the quartet of the paratroopers, who again united the trouble that fell on one of them. Nodar Siraze played Zhorik.

The viewers of Alexander Cotta "1001", the premiere of which took place on the "First Channel" in the spring of 2014 in the spring of 2014, to assess the multipleness of the artist. Siraze appeared in an unexpected role, while playing the jester.

Personal life

Nodar Siraze is not an active user of social networks. Pages in "Instagram" and in VKontakte are not verified, new pictures rarely appear.

Nodar Siraze

In his free work in the theater and cinema, the artist loves to sit with friends at home for a sincere conversation. Nodar argues that this is his main passion. Energy of guests is important for him, so Siraza invites only close and proven friends to visit.

The years of work in the "STS" Theater and filming in the cinema turned the colleagues of the Nodar in the family. The actor is friendly with Pavelilica, Evgeny Kharlanov, Sergey Chirkov.

Nodar Siraze now

In March 2018, the premiere of the series "One who reads thoughts (mentalist)" of the director Alexei Muradov, familiar with the audience, and Vlasik and Vlasik, took place on the "First Channel". Shadow Stalin. "

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In a 16-serial detective, Nodar Siradze played the role of the first plan with colleagues Anastasia Mikulchina and Igor Orobe. The main role was given to the Israeli actor YEZEZKEL Lazarov, familiar audience of the CIS on the film "Mata Hari".


  • 2009 - "On the game"
  • 2010 - "Women's dreams of distant countries"
  • 2010 - "Escape"
  • 2010 - "On the game 2. New level"
  • 2011 - "Suicides"
  • 2011 - "Gamers"
  • 2012 - "without a trace"
  • 2012 - "Escape-2"
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2014 - "1001"
  • 2014 - "Bratany-4"
  • 2018 - "The one who reads thoughts (mentalist)"

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