Yehoeskel Lazarov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Yehezkel Lazarov is a talented Israeli actor, whose biography has become an excellent confirmation of the commander of the phrase about talented people who are on the shoulder any task. In this person, the gift of the Lyediei, the talent of the dancer and choreographer, as well as the directorial flair and the figurative thinking of the author of the scripts and the director's scenario.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on February 8, 1974. Motherland Yehzkel Lazarova - Tel Aviv. Parents of the stars moved to Israel from Bulgaria. From early childhood, the boy was distinguished by plastic and artistry, studied dance, participated in school performances. After graduating from school, Yehzkel went to study stage art to the famous Studio Telma Elin.


Then Yehezkel served the last time in the army and, demobilized, resumed classes with dances. The artist joined the composition of the choreographic group called "Bat Sheva" and for four years acted in this collective. Then Lazarov went to study to Europe: in Paris, Yehezkel took the lessons of choreography, and in London he studied acting in the notorious "The Actors Center".


The filmography of Yehezkel Lazarov opened a picture called "Forbidden Love" director Yoshi Zummer. The debut of the actor took place immediately in the lead role, and it is worth noting that Lazarov was worthy of handed over with the task.


The plot of the old paintings as the world: two lovers of the heart want to be together, but the external circumstances oppose this desire. In this case, the love of the young man Khanan (Hero of Yehoeskel) and the beauties Lei (actress Aiket Zorer) opposed the father of the girl. This touching romantic melodrama instantly loved the audience, and the name of Yehezkel Lazarov became recognizable.

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Then, after a break, Yehzkel Lazarov appeared in the film "Three Mothers" (2006), and in 2007, starred in the "Debt" picture. This joint project of the Israeli and Ukrainian studios collected on the same set of Guil Almagor and Yuri Chepurnov, no Garth, Oleg Drache, Erena Ivanira. In the center of the narration - the adventures of the Mossad agents, which will be completed, started thirty years ago.

Another bright filmmaker YEZHESKEL LAZAROVA - Painting "Waltz with Bashir". This animation project Ari Folman shook the kinomians of the whole world and even earned a nomination for Oscar. Despite the animation filing, the plot of the paintings is more than serious: this film-confession of the war veteran in Lebanon, who in step recalls the terrible events of that time.

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In parallel with the shooting, Yehzkel Lazarov continues to go to theatrical scene, as well as put their own performances and work around the choreography for dance shows.

According to the actor himself, the directing activity gives him anything not comparable - to create something new, materializing the hidden thoughts and dreams in scenic images. In 2017, Lazarov even put "fathers and children" of Ivan Turgenev, stressing that the problems of different generations described in the story remain sharp and to this day.

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Also in 2017, Yehzkel Lazarov again appeared on television screens. This time the actor starred in the historical multiserial project "Mata Hari". The team worked on the biography of the famous dancers and spies again turned out to be international. YEZEZKEL here got the role of the second plan: the actor appeared in the image of Count Kostello.

The main role in the picture was played by the Frenchman Vain Jokanta, deservedly continued list of actresses, tested the image of the seductress of Mati Hari. Recall: in different years, Mata Hari played Jeanne Moro and Greta Garbo, Silvia Crystel, Asta Nielsen and other actresses. Also in the film played Oshshin Stak, Victoria Isakov, Christopher Lambert, Gerard Depardieu, Svetlana Khodchenkova and other world stars.

Personal life

Lazarov's personal life of Yezezkel was happily. The actor is married. The spouse of Yehoeskel - Alin - also works in the field of cinema and theater, she is an artist-costume.

Yehzkel Lazarov and his wife Alin

It is known that the wife of Yehzkel speaks Russian perfectly in Russian, as the parents of a woman at one time immigrated to Israel from the Soviet Union.

Yehzkel Lazarov now

In 2018, the photo of Yehzkel Lazarov again appeared on the pages of news publications. The show was the series called "The one who reads thoughts", the premiere of which was announced in Russia on March 26. This project was the adaptation of the cult American series "Mentalist", with the success of the past in many countries. The Russian version of Mentalist, according to the director Alexei Muradov, is adapted to local realities, but the plot and the main atmosphere of the original are left unchanged.

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The main hero of the series - Daniel Romanov (I was played by Yehzkel Lazarov). Daniel is a talented psychologist who knows how to see people through and skillfully manipulating the actions and thoughts of others. In addition, Romanov knows how to hypnotize interlocutors than and misleading them, issuing themselves for psychics.

Such "talents" turn out to be in demand - Daniel is constantly invited to various television programs. And one day, after meeting with the maniac, the demon on one of the TV show, the measured life of Daniel cool changes. Romanov will have to meet a demon face to face.

Yehzkel Lazarov in 2018

Here, Igor Orobei, Anastasia Mikulchina, Nodar Siraze, Valery Burduja, Alexander Mokhov became partners of Yezezkel Lazarov on the set. Fans on the eve of the premiere of the series remains for news about idols in fan communities in "Instagram" and other social networks.

Now Yehzkel Lazarov, according to rumors, is already busy in the next project, but the actor himself has not yet confirmed this information.


  • 1998 - "Forbidden Love"
  • 2006 - "Three Mothers"
  • 2007 - "Refuge"
  • 2007 - "Debt"
  • 2008 - "Waltz with Bashir"
  • 2011 - "Fifth Sky"
  • 2012 - "The World of Fun"
  • 2014 - "Educator"
  • 2017 - "Mata Hari"
  • 2018 - "The one who reads thoughts" ("Mentalist")

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