PSY - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



It is unlikely that someone did not hear the bottomhole dance song "Gangnam Style" performed by the Korean artist Psai. After all, after all, the number of views of the appropriate clip on YouTube was inserted into the shock of the hosting administration, forcing how to make changes to the counter settings.

Childhood and youth

PSY, in life wearing the name of Pak Che San, - representative of the Korean "Golden Youth". The singer was born in Seoul under the very end of 1977 in the family of the director of the company engaged in the release of electronics. He studied in an elite closed school and received other attributes of a rich life.

PSY in childhood

CE San got carried away by the work of American rappers, which did not cause an understanding of the parents. Father sent her son to America as part of training specialists for his own enterprise, to study the basics of business management. However, the debris of business administration in the guy's plans did not fit out, and six months later, Pak stopped appearing in the audiences of the University of Boston.

PSY decided to build a biography in his laws and entered Berklee College of Music. But here the patience was enough only to study the synthesis of music and the foundations of solfeggio. The young man returned home, began to record songs and lay out creations on the Internet.


In 2001, PSY shook the network space by the composition "BIRD" and followed by the album "PSY from the Psycho World!". Sales of new plates "SA 2" and "3 PSY" have been restricted due to asocial content. The exception was only the song "Champion" - the informal anthem of the World Cup, who passed in 2002 in South Korea and Japan.

Then followed some decline in creativity, the fans began to forget the previous pet. Saved participation in concerts and festivals. Although Singles "Beautiful Goodbyes", "Father", "Right Now", "We Are The One" came out during this time, there was no former popularity. About PSY was often told about producer and composer.

Starry hour has come in 2012. "Gangnam Style" with ease scored a billion views in 159 days and brought the singer's income over $ 3.5 million in addition to the Guinness Book of Records, the song "Cannes Style" found a place on the top lines of the National Chart of Great Britain and the Billboard authoritative edition. And the dance from the video was so loved by countrymen of the singer, that in 2016, a monument appeared in the Mentioned area of ​​Seoul in the form of crossed hands. Neither the inhabitants of the city nor the idea did not like the idea, only tourists are delighted.

At the MTV Europe Music Awards PSY presentation ceremony, Lady Gaga, Rihanne and Katy Perry has been competing with the world celebrities. And even Madonna did not consider to slide along with the Korean musician.

The song broke up with the status of Guinness Record only in the summer of 2017, lifting the championship of the "See You Again" composition from the Furious - 7 movie. Under this song in the finals, the paintings left friends one of the main characters Paul Walker.

After the sensational main hit in his career, the RSY released the release of the song "Gentleman", which initially was called "Assarabia". This slang expression in Korea is used to transfer acute sensations and has no racial parallels.

And yet, in order to avoid the wrong interpretation, the singer changed the name and corrected the text. At the presentation of the PSY clip appeared, dressed up to the head into white, causing an agenious demand for clothes of the same color among fans.

According to the author, in choreography this time he used elements of folk korean dances. CE San's composition recorded in his native language, inserting phrases in English "I am Mother Father Gentleman" and "I Am A Party Mafia".

The next record was the joint work of Pak Chean Sana and American Raper Snup Dog "Hangover". A funny clip shot in a couple of days in the vicinity of the Korean airport and called the "Thymmer", got into the leaders of the Billboard Hit Parade. More than 300 million spectators, of which 20 million were only in the first day, no one was surprised.

Singer PSY.

In 2015, PSY presented the Album "Chiljip PSY-DA". The British pop singer Ed Shiran, American rapper and producer participated in the entry of the tracks.

In the clip on the title composition "Daddy", which for a day was viewed by 4 million spectators, the South Korean star, an actress and singer Lee Rin, she was also cl. The author remained faithful to humorous style and told where he had such an ideal appearance. In the reviews published on the pages of The Rollingstone, the characteristics of the "stupid text" and "stupid video" were found.

In May 2017, PSY published on the channel in Youtube two new music videos on the songs "I LUV IT" and "New Face". In the first, a Japanese celebrity Pico Taro, whose composition about pineapple, apple and a handle with a duration of 45 seconds came to the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest song. Hit took the top position in South Korean Gaon Digital Chart.

Both track entered the new album of the artist called "4x2 = 8". In the chart "Billboard + Twitter Trending 140" took the first and second place.

Personal life

Details of personal life is not the sphere on which in Asia is accepted to piano, and only the information that the singer provided for the official chronicle is known about Ca Sana.

In 2003, PSY got acquainted with the graduate of the University of Yongs, a cellist Yu Yen. Three years later, young people got married and soon became the parents of twins. The names of the children are kept secret, and in the "instagram" of their father's photo not to find. Artist's wife took over the responsibilities of his personal stylist. The family lives in the United States, not far from Beverly Hills, in a mansion cost more than $ 1 million.

PSY and his wife

PSY popularity sometimes leaves singer singer. So, at the Cannes Film Festival of 2013, unidentified type in the image of the Korean artist visited secular events. It was assumed that this could be a twin of Che Sana, the Frenchman Denis Carr, but did not receive confirmation hearing.

And in 2012, Psai was given to anti-American performances in their homeland, when the artist joined the action against the presence in the Korea of ​​American troops. And although it was in 2002, questioned PSY in a charitable concert under the patronage at that time of the US President Barack Obama. The musician explained that it was

"Emotional reaction to war in Iraq. I will always regret any pain that I have caused to someone with these words. "

PSY now

In early 2018, the press appeared in the press that in the framework of the growing movement of Korea's political association, possibly PSY concerts in Pyongyang. And allegedly local Star Hen Salt Woli was opposed to a visit to a popular southern neighbor.

PSY in 2018

In May of the same year, PSY has stopped many years of cooperation with the audio recording company YG Entertainment, which in many ways contributed to the takeoff of the singer to the musical Olympus. In a press release, representatives of the agency reported that they respect the desire of PSY to conquer new heights, wish him happiness and thank the fans for the love of artist.


  • 2001 - "PSY from the Psycho World!"
  • 2001 - "BIRD"
  • 2002 - "Champion"
  • 2002 - "3 PSY"
  • 2005 - "Father"
  • 2006 - "SSA JIP (Cheap House)"
  • 2006 - "Calling You Because It's Raining"
  • 2010 - "PSY FIVE"
  • 2011 - "IT'S ART"
  • 2012 - "PSY'S BEST 6TH PART 1"
  • 2012 - "Gangnam Style"
  • 2015 - "Daddy"
  • 2017 - "4 × 2 = 8"

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