Nita Kuzmina - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Smooth skin, almond-shaped expressive eyes, chubby lips and an accurate waist - to tear the view from such a beauty is impossible. On her "instagram" signed 1,600,000 people, and view two times more. She is not an actress, not a politician, not a scientist. What is the secret of the popularity of the girl with a wonderful name Nita?

Childhood and youth

Nita Kuzmin was born in the Russian capital in November 1992. Bright appearance, the girl is obliged to Pape-Hindu, who at the time of his daughter received a higher education in the Moscow university. Mom Nits - a Russian woman, a housewife, who in marriage with a leaving from India bore two more sons: now boys are 20 and 8 years old. The surname of Nita on Father - Gupta, however, the girl decided that with her mother's name popularity would achieve easier, and changed her after the university.

Nita Kuzmina

Girl she often seen her grandparents in New Delhi. Nita with warmth remembers how much it was a hospitable and distinctive country. Now the girl rarely falls into India: besides employment, from traveling repels the envy and rejection of the Hindu, who look with gray mice on her background.

Nita says that in childhood was a capricious and spoiled - parents allowed much. The girl was not forbidden to make pierrsing, painting her hair and change styles in clothes and behavior. Nita managed to visit Got and Emo, hanging out with guys, as the girls Kuzmin were disliked because of bright appearance and self-confidence.

Nita Kuzmin as a child

In school №120, beauty studied mediocrely, she was more interested in what was happening behind the walls of the institution. Nita understood that there would be no more books and theory in life, but practices and mistakes. And she does not regret that she did not seek to nibble the granite of science - after all, he had already achieved more than classmates-girlfriends. Nita has a diploma of higher education from 2014, a specialty is a psychologist. He studied in absentia at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, the specialty chose based on interests.


The path to the popularity of the Nita began in 2010 with the fact that I shot and laid out on YouTube video lessons for girls to care, makeup and hairstyles. Then register in "Instagram" and started shooting short rollers for this gaining momentum in those years of the social network. The number of her subscribers at that time did not exceed 5 thousand.

Model Nita Kuzmina

In parallel, the girl tried herself in the model business: projects offered little-known, profit was a penny. Popularity came to her at the show "Vacation in Mexico-2". To get to the chic villa on the shore of the Pacific, she passed a multi-stage casting and turned out to be one of the actors.

From the first days she made an impression not only on the project participants, but also at the audience. For a tattoo on the pope in the form of the berries of Cherry, she was immediately called "Cherry". Despite the fact that on the villa she lasted 5 weeks, the Nita had time to make a novel with Evgeny Kubukhov. Later, the cherry admits that the relationship was a mistake.

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Exotic beauty noticed producers, media faces, and after returning from Mexico, they began to be invited to shoot, projects and events. Increasingly, candid photos with the participation of the threads began to enter the pages of magazines and sites. At that moment, she decided to correct their appearance, resorting to plastic.

The star does not hide that there was an operation to change the shape of the nose, lips and eyebrows, the facial oval, and also increased the chest. In addition to surgical interventions, the girl actively worked on himself, observing a strict diet and playing sports.

Nita Kuzmina before and after plastic

The photo "Before and after" surprise the scale of the transformation: from an interesting, slightly magnificent Madame, Kuzmin turned into an expensive princess with perfect features of the face and a chic figure. Plastic helped her even more popular: the nickname became more actively involved in photo sessions, offering rather spicy shooting.

Often the Nita becomes a face of advertising companies, advertising beauty salons, cosmetics shops, medical centers, copyright shows, etc. For example, in 2014 she presented the autumn collection of the SaVage brand. Thanks to the model parameters, it is attracted to the advertisement of luxury underwear.

Model Nita Kuzmina

In addition to the model career, a bright girl worked in one of the best Russian escort agencies "Queens Palace". As a VIP model, she accompanied wealthy men at the receptions and other events. On average, the escair receives $ 5 thousand per month, subject to employment by 2-3 outputs. The main condition for such a work is the lack of intimate relations between the customer and the model, so nothing reprehensible Kuzmin saw in this work.

Personal life

Popularity is one of the reasons for increased interest in personal life, and the biography of the NIT is not an exception. Previously mentioned a short novel with Evgeny Kubukhov, which occurred in the project "Vacation in Mexico-2". The girl does not like to talk about this relationship. According to her, the beloved turned out to be not the one who betrayed himself. She is glad that relations are rapidly ended.

Nita Kuzmin and Mikhail Terekhin

In 2014, the Nita on commercial shooting meets Mikhail Terechin - the former beloved Ksenia Borodina. Kuzmina did not hide that they were associated not only friendly relations: the sympathy was mutual, but the couple did not want to rush the events. They went to restaurants, visited exhibitions and theaters. It seemed that everything just begins, how suddenly from social networks both began to disappear joint photos, and then they celebrated the apartments at all on February 14. What caused the gap is unknown, on this relationship ended.

For 4 years, the Nita does not give comments about personal life: judging by the number of photos with bouquets in social networks, she has no problems with fans. But it belongs to someone her heart - unknown. There were rumors that she is a bisexual, but in the company of girls never was noticed.

Nita Kuzmina in the show "Let's get married"

Kuzmina tried two times to find love on the project of the first channel "Let's get married": in 2009 and in 2014. It was not possible to pick up a couple - the girl is too strong in nature, according to Larisa Guzeyeva. The perfect man for the thread is the one who is confident in itself and always goes to a victorious goal. Kuzmina does not shy mercantile glances - she wants to be only with such a man who is expensive and successful.

Nita Kuzmina now

Now Nita is trying to increase popularity. The main goal is to become a global model, conquer foreign podiums and become the face of international brands. In addition to impressions and filming, the girl visits acting courses, dreams of playing in the cinema or TV series. For 5 years, Nita lives separately from the parents and admits that it only has a positive effect on the relationship. The best friend of the girl without a doubt calls Mom, who is trusted as anyone else.

Nita Kuzmina in 2018

In one of the last interviews, Nita stated that he was ready to marry and give birth to children. According to her, she reached that maturity, when I want to be necessary, but the marriage was alone and for life, like the parents. In the meantime, Nita is free, trying to travel, communicate a lot with bright personalities, to know new spheres of life. For example, the model recently worked at the Moscow nightclub DJ.


  • "Let's get married"
  • "Holidays in Mexico 2"
  • "Elevator"

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