Damon Wayans - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



American actor, producer, director, comedian and screenwriter Damon Wayans was born on September 4, 1960 in New York. The boy grew up in a poor large family. At the actor four brothers (Ivori, Marlon, Sean, Dwayne, Kinen) and five sisters (Nadia, Elvira, Kim, Dider, Vonnie). To help the family, the boy had to quit schools and go to work.

Damon Wayans in youth

Like his brother, Damon began to work as a stand-comic comic, speaking in small clubs. The first performances were not popular, but they helped Damon earn and get experience.

Due to the fact that Damon Wayans had to go to work early, about childhood actor little information. He studied in an ordinary school, without showing success in school. However, at school, the actor began to joke, cheer the public and invent numbers.


Years of work in the Standap genre allowed him to hone a humorous skill, which helped the comic to succeed. Participation in the Sabbath Evening Evening show did not bring the popularity of Damon, but he did not give up, and in 1984 he was invited to play in Martin Brest "Policeman from Beverly Hills" film.

Damon Wayans in youth

Eddie Murphy became a colleague on the film. Many jokes, shootouts, fights and excellent acting game made a case - the film became popular. The charming starter remember the audience, and the director noticed Damon and began to invite him to new projects.

In 1987, a new comedy with the participation of Damon Wayans was published on the screens - "Hollywood alignment". Actor worked on him with Robert Townsend. Further, he played in the TV series "Other World", where he fulfilled the role of Marvin.

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Simultaneously with the work of the actor, Damon was engaged in writing scenarios. From under his feather, the series "date for one night", "in bright colors", "My wife and children". He also wrote scripts for "more money" films, "Shadow Batman" and the famous "Major Pan".

Since 1990, Damon Wayans has performed in projects not only by a screenwriter, but also producer. This gave him the opportunity to control the plot of the series or the film and receive a share of profits from the rental.

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The actor tried to attract all his family to work, so he often met on the set with brothers and sisters. So, over the film "Money, money, more money" he worked together with Brother Marlon Wayans. After years later, Wayans began to call "the most fun family of America," because each of them managed to conquer the hearts of the US residents only with jokes and fun.

1988 - Damon's swivel in the career. For the year he has time to participate at the same time in four projects, each of which has become successful: "Earth girls are easily accessible" Julin Temple, "Last Fought" Tony Scott, "Raisin" David Zeltser and "Colors" Dennis Hopper. These roles helped Damon Wayans to establish themselves in the status of the Hollywood Star with millions of fees.

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Russian spectators know Damon as Major Pain from the movie of the same name, which came out on the screens in 1995. Major retired accepts an invitation to become an instructor in a specialized military institution for difficult children.

There, Major communicates with children in extremely strict form, but one of them does not listen to him and knocks out of the general building. Major Pain's statements quote for more than twenty years, and the comedy discovers all new generations of viewers.

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In 1996, the actor filmography replenished the picture "Big White Cheating". In the film, Damon worked along with Samuel L. Jackson. After filming, the actors often communicated and still advised to each other about new projects.

In recent years, the actor is more often filmed in the series. It can be seen in "My wife and children", "happy end" and "fatal weapons". Comedy Talent Damon decorates each of them. In general, the biography of Daimon has more than fifty projects, where he performed as an actor, director, producer or screenwriter.

Personal life

Damon Wayans was married once on Lisa Torner. The couple got married in 1984. Four children were born in marriage: Damon, Michael, Kara Mia and Kaila. Damon has already continued the family dynasty and became a famous comedy actor. He is known for working on the series "Happy End" and "New" and voice acting in the film "Marmadyuk".

Damon Wayans and his ex-wife Lisa

Lisa and Damon divorced in 2000, living together for 16 years. The couple officially did not voiced the cause of parting, giving only vague comments "did not compare the characters", "everyone decided to go to his expensive" and "we always stay friends and parents." Children quietly took the news about the divorce of the parents and continued to communicate with both.

Marlon Wayans Younger Damon for 12 years. He, like the brother, early began to work as a stand-comic comer in the club. Now Marlon is known for the whole world by comedy roles, among which work in the films "Very terrible cinema", "without feelings", "White Chicks" and many other comedies.

Damon Wayans Jr. and Damon Wayans Senior

Sean Wayans - Middle Brother in the Family. He, like brothers, is an actor, producer and director. The first fame to him came after the comedy screens "very scary movies", "not a demod South Central", "Shalun". Over the past ten years, the actor has not starred in any film.

Kinen Ivori Wayans is a middle brother in the Wayans family. He first began to build a career in comedy business. It was Kinen Ivori that became the producer of famous comedies, where he invited to play his brothers.

Damon Wayans in 2018

Duane Wayans is an older brother, the only one who did not become an actor, but chose another path. Dwayin became a writer and composer. The brothers often invite him to write music for their films and serials.

Kim Wayans - American actress, producer and comedian. Kim, like the brothers, began his career in comedy TV shows, which brought her first success. Over time, the actress decided to become a producer and help his brothers in the shooting. In 2011, the girl tried herself in the dramatic role in the "Molded" picture. Critics highly appreciated her work, but the girl did not decide to develop in this direction.

Damon Wayans now

Damon Wayans lives in New York, seemed from relatives and continues to work. In 2018, the actor is working on one project - the TV series "Death Weapons". The series ratings every season are growing, so in the coming years, Damon is involved in this project.

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The actor carefully protects his personal life, so it is unknown if he has a new girl. If Damon appears in the public, then only in the society of friends, colleagues, loved ones or children. In "Instagram", the actor has no photo hinting at a new passion, so fans remain guess, whether the heart is free.


  • 1984 - "Beverly Hills Policeman"
  • 1987 - "Roxana"
  • 1988 - "Earth girls are easily accessible"
  • 1988 - "Raisin"
  • 1991 - "Last Fought"
  • 1994 - "Shadow Batman"
  • 1995 - "Major Pan"
  • 1996 - "Big White Cheating"
  • 1999 - "Chocnut"
  • 2001 - "My wife and children"
  • 2006 - "For a smile"
  • 2011 - "Happy End"
  • 2016 - "Death Weapon"

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