Igor Kio - biography, photo, personal life, tricks, death



People's Artist of Russia, the Soviet and Russian Circus Artist, Illusionist Igor Kio could become a football forward, but at the insistence of his father continued to the dynasty. The famous magician and the star of circus performances, Kio long before David Copperfield surprised compatriots fantastic tricks. He was called the main wizard of the USSR. And the illusionist became famous for a pental and fleeting marriage with the daughter of the Soviet Secretary General Galina Brezhneva.

Childhood and youth

Igor Kio - Native Moskvich. A future magician was born in March 1944 in a family belonging to Artistic Bohemia: Mom Evgeny Smirnova - Circus Ballet Artist, Father Founder Circus Dynasty. In the veins of Emil Girshfeld, Jewish-German blood flowed. At the time of the birth of the son of Igor, the 6-year-old son Emil Kio smasted: the firstborn was called in honor of the Father.

Igor Kio

The origin of the scenic surname is interpreted in different ways. According to one version, this is an acronym from the "sorcerer from Ossetia", according to the second - "culture and rest". Yuri Nikulin shared another version. According to him, the creative pseudonym kio-senior at the dawn of his career suggested the case: the company took place near the cinema, in which the penaltile letter fell in the word "cinema".

Igor Kio came out in childhood on the circus arena: the father saw a huge potential in a five-year-old boy. It is noteworthy that in the first-night Emile, the head of the family did not see the successor at first and even advised to learn the civil profession. Igor, who grew up behind the scenes, was not "tesheled" on stage: A familiar boy assisted the dad and pleased the parents who saw in a small successor squirrel.

Igor Kio in youth

But when the youngest son grew, he became interested in football. A beginner football coach of Konstantin Bezkov drew attention to the young striker. He noticed the amazing ability of the attacker: the guy intuitively turned out to be in the place where the pass flew through the colors of the second.

When Igor Kio because of the lack of time - the father increasingly involved the Son in the circus - began to skip the workout, the beans went to the kio-senior. But he showed hardness, saying that the Son would become an illusionist.


An independent debut of a novice illusionist occurred in 1959: the 15-year-old Igor Kio replaced the heavenly parent. So began his star biography on the arena of the metropolitan circus. Igor Emilevich went to the death of a kio-elder as an assistant. After the death of the head of the circus family, a 21-year-old artist took his father's numbers into their repertoire.

Illusionist Igor Kio

The Soviet Circus Star in the mid-1960 went on tour to the country of the Rising Sun, and in the late 1960s Igor Kio surprised the fantastic attractions of the audience America, Belgium, France and Germany. Two years performed in Tandem with Nikulin.

In 1977, in the city, the city of Ko-Jr. presented the author's program composed of the numbers of the old repertoire, which were rejuvenated with new ones. The concert of the Moscow Focussary was called "Favorites-77". The popularity of Kio reached a peak in 1970-80: he gave 600 concerts annually.

Presentation of Igor Kio

A few years later, the artist expanded the repertoire, giving fans of the talent of the show "Once or two-three", created in a duet with Oleg Levitsky. In the first half of the 1980s, the illusionist was pleased with focus focus focus attractions in tandem with Alla Pugacheva: fans and today remember the room with the "burning" of Primaudonna.

In 1985, the spectators first saw the program "Without illusions", where the main role was given to the numbers of Igor Kio, and in the intervals, the stars of Soviet pop. The 1990s did not become for the artist "Lidhima": Igor Koo left the "SoyuzGosirk" and founded the firm that gave his name. The firm organized tour of the founder's artist and was engaged in promoting the CIS teams.

Alla Pugacheva and Igor Kio

In the 1990s, the audience saw the audience in the Kremlin, called "at 6 o'clock after the winter," where pop cumiirs appeared. After 5 years, Igor Kio in Tandem with Arkady Arkanov prepared and presented the show "Wizard of the XX Century". During the day, children and adolescents came to the star illusionist program, and in the evening "adults" numbers appeared in the concert, "EX-BB" and performances of the humorist Yana Arlasorov.

Under the curtain of the 1990s, the artist was among the honorary academicians of the Russian Academy of Circus Art, and in 2003 Kyo became a popular artist. In his piggy bank, Oscar was "Oscar" from the Brussels Royal Circus: the Society of Journalists and Critics of Belgium was covered about the Prize of the Russian Focuscriptor. Repeatedly Igor Kio became a member of the jury of the competition of cheerful and resourceful.

Igor Kio

The legendary artist has repeatedly recalled in artistic paintings. In the serial of 2008, Galina, removed Vitaly Pavlov, in Igor Kio, the artist Igor Yevtushenko reincarnated. And in the Motheric Melodrama "Margarita Nazarova" in 2016 Roman Kirillov played illusionist.

Personal life

Star Fokussian attribute novels with women whose names knew the whole country, but the official marriages had three.

The first wife of the illusionist became Galina Brezhnev. On the scandalous Mesaliance of the 18-year-old circus and the 32-year-old daughter of the future Secretary-General, the elite of the country was braveled.

Igor Kio and Galina Brezhnev

But in the legitimate alliance, the young illusionist and Galina, who left her husband - Evgeny Milayev - has stayed only 9 days. Employees of the special services selected a passport in young Igor Kio and returned with a clean page, without printing about marriage.

Lovers met secretly from Leonid Brezhnev 4 years old, but the circumstances presented to the Union were too strong. Brezhnev, and parents of KIO also opposed the relationship.

Igor Kio and Iolanta Olkhovikova

Soon the Fokcnik's father intentionally introduced to his number an offacarious artist of the circus Iolaant Olkhovikov: the girl performed with parrots. The young horse was carried away by the young beauty and married. The marriage lasted 11 years, and his daughter Victoria appeared.

With the third spouse, the illusionist met in 1971, when he was married to Olkhovikov. Young Victoria became an assistant magician: Flexible beauty Igor Emilevich skillfully "saw" or "burned" on stage.

Igor Kio and his third wife Victoria

The service romance of artists lasted until 1976, while lovers did not hit the car accident, and the secret romance was public. Igor and Victoria left families and got married. They created a strong family, living together for 30 years. There were no common children from spouses.

After parting from Kio Olkhovikov married the ballet artist, then became the second half of her older brother - Emil.


Since the end of the 1990s, the artist sick: he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

Igor Kio's heart stopped fighting at the end of the summer of 2006: pneumonia and aggravated diabetes were caused.

Buried the "main wizard" of the country at the Novodevichy cemetery of the capital.

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