Aida Urazbakhtina - biography, photo, personal life, news, show "Bachelor" 2021



The biography of Aida Urazbakhtina became an interesting viewers after the appearance of young beauties on the show of the TNT "Bachelor of the Channel". Appearing in the 6th season of the project, the star "Instagram" and the novice singer attracted the attention of not only the main character, but also a wide audience of the channel.

Childhood and youth

Aida Urazbakhtina was born in Naberezhnye Chelny on August 7, 1994. The childhood of the girl was held in his hometown, and Misiroval, she went to Kazan. The bright appearance of Aida Urazbakhtin is obliged to mixtures of Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian blood, which has come from parents.

Aida Urazbakhtina

A student ended the prestigious Economic Faculty of the oldest of Russia's schools - Kazan Federal University. However, the career of the office clerk or economist did not work out. Aida, being the owner of a throwing appearance, dreams of achieving fame in show business.


In the Aida profile it is indicated that the girl is a housewife. Of course, the household is not the limit of dreams and hobbies of ambitious beauty. First of all, Urazbakhtina is engaged in sports. These are not professional training, and fitness for a young girl is rather a pleasant hobby.

The exact number of the starting star of the mass media does not call, but complains that the weight after the birth of the child has to be carefully controlled. If the metabolism worked for a hundred percent to pregnancy and two pizza in the middle of the night did not remind themselves about the extra centimeters on the waist, now only sport helps look perfect.

Model Aida Urazbakhtin

Net Aida and to small growth. However, this did not prevent a photo model to start a career. Beautiful figure, attractive, attracting views The appearance of the brunette meets the requirements of the fashion. The camera loves Aida, and the photo model is successfully used by this.

As the starting model is recognized in one of his interviews, a burning brunette pays appearance not too much time. The main concern for the girl remains haired care. From nature, they are porous and curly, which does not suit their owner. Therefore, the girl regularly conducts the Botox procedure, which allows you to maintain a hairstyle in the desired state. Other procedures are not fond of beauty.

Perhaps the main passion of seeking the vocation of a resident of Kazan remains vocals. The girl loves to sing, tries to devote to this maximum time. And too loud singing in a joke calls its drawback. Developing vocal skills, a beginner singer performs songs of Russian and foreign stars. There are no professional studio entries yet, but Aida leaves no hope for a brilliant career on stage.

All achievements and talents, the girl is divided with subscribers in "Instagram". The page in the social network has more hundreds of thousands of users who follow the life of Ayda, as well as hundreds of photos of a girl, video with signs of singing talents.

Personal life

Appearing on television, the girl, without hiding, told about the first marriage and a child who brings up alone. The young mother will grow up a three-year-old son Oscar. The girl dedicates all of himself to upbringing the baby. Laughing, Aida and warmth notes that her son is a real little peasant. Photos with your beloved son often appear on the page in "Instagram", invariably causing admiration and lunizing subscribers.

Aida Urazbakhtina and her son Oscar

But the relationship with the spouse was far from such happy and cloudless. The starting star of the TV project frankly tells that at first the future husband appeared to the girl interesting and reliable. Feeling in love and coming out married the chosen one, the new wife gave birth to a wonderful boy. And soon the spouse seemed to be an excellent satellite of his life began to raise his hand on the second half.

Aida suffered a cruel appeal, not wanting to endure litter from the hut and hoping that the situation would be corrected. But at one moment the former husband allowed himself to behave cruelly and with the child. Then, without hesitation, the young mother left the collapsed family.

Aida Urazbakhtina in 2018

Having such a negative experience of domestic violence by shoulders, Aida dreams of creating a means of helping women who collided with a similar problem and in a difficult position. The girl believes that women should know that they have a place where they will help and protect from home tyrannov spouses.

Aida Urazbakhtina now

In 2018, Aida passed the casting to participate in the popular TNT Channel Show "Bachelor". In the sixth season of the project, the contenders are trying to win the heart of Egor Crea - the famous young singer, the favorite of the Black Star Inc. label. At the time of participation in the show, Intra turned 23 years old. Forky age presupposes in love, and the singer is attributed to the inconspicuous number of novels. However, the show young man plans to find a single love.

Aida Urazbakhtina - biography, photo, personal life, news, show

Aide Urazbakhtina was lucky to enter into the number of seventeen beauties who would try to become the only and unique. Among the rivals are catchy and original applicant, some of them already have experience in participating in television shows.

More than once flashed on the television scandalous lover of provocations Anastasia Smirnov. Viewers remember the girl to participate in the show "Dom-2", "Instagramovshchitsy", "Vacation in Mexico". In all projects, the rebellion was marked by ambiguous behavior.

Repeatedly trying happiness in trying to conquer the heart of the "bachelor" Dasha Klubin. Last season, the show girl fell in love with Ilya Glinnikova. Present on the project and two participants of the show "Dance" - Ulyana Prewayev and Elena Golovan.

Aida Urazbakhtina and Egor Cre

In addition to the rivals on the screens, among the participants of the model, singers, bloggers, business women and even albino girl. By the way, Aida is not the only single mom in this season. Independently brings up kids and Victoria Korotkov.

Obviously, participating in the project, Aida Urazbakhtina will have to use all its charm and charm to get around the rivals and become the beloved star of the Russian show business Egor Cre.

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