Catherine Kotricadze - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



Georgian Catherine Kotricadze is a talented TV journalist and a claimed manager. A young woman is held by the post of deputy editor-in-chief of the RTVI TV channel. She became famous for initiated by the first scandal in Russia about sexual harassment.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Besyakievna Kotricadze was born on March 23, 1984 in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia (at that time, the Georgian SSR in the Soviet Union). She does not speak about his nationality, although it does not hide that there is a lot of Georgians among her relatives.

The girl graduated from school in his hometown, and he went to Moscow to receive a higher education. While studying at the Faculty of Journalism in Moscow State University In 2003, the student began working on television in the "Dangerous Zone" program. After receiving a red diploma in 2005, the journalist returned to his homeland, to parents.

In 1999, the tragedy happened in the family of Catherine. At the beginning of September, that year in Moscow, a wave of terrorist acts rode, in which the attackers exploded at home in the Russian capital. The first destroyed the house on Guryanov Street, where at that moment Lia Bakhtadze was. Kotrichadze could not believe in the death of the mother whose body was never found under the ruins. At that time, the girl was 15 years old, she had a grandfather in Tbilisi and had to go back by September 1 to go to school.

Katya loved Tbilisi and wanted to extend the stay there. For the first time in all the time, her grandfather succumbed to persuasion, and without the knowledge of the mother they changed the plane tickets on the 10th. It saved her life, because Kotricadze at that time was to be with her mother. After the terrorist attack, she believed for many years that Leah alive and be sure to find, because under the wreckage, the woman did not find the body - she was listed missing.

Personal life

Personal life Kitricadze began with Egor Kurroptev, who became the first official spouse of the journalist. But it was not possible to keep these relationships with a pair, and after a while they broke up.

Then Ekaterina married Colleague Alexei Zyunkin, gave birth to the beloved son of David. The boy was born after moving the family to America, adding to numerous official duties of the mother the need to pay attention to the house not only with her husband, but also a child.

However, this marriage ended in divorce. Catherine confessed in an interview that over time, with Alexey, they became annoying each other and to protect the child from the observation of the family quarrels, they decided to part.

Kotrichadze alone remained alone. In the autumn of 2019 at the age of 35, she acquired a third husband, which Tikhon Dzhedko became. From the first marriage, a man has two children - Sophia and Peter. The wedding played 2 times - first in Russia, and then in Georgia. At the same time, the newlyweds said that they did not immediately put a stamp in the passport, for both the holiday itself was important. Following this, rumors crawled in the network that Katya is pregnant, then this information was confirmed. The woman began to appear in the ether with a markedly rounded belly.

Despite the workload, Catherine finds the time to communicate in social networks, using the advantages of each: in Facebook you can find videos with the participation of a journalist, news from its biography, and in Twitter - an operational response to the events of the surrounding world.

"Instagram" TV presenter is devoted to her personal life. There she publishes photos with her son and husband. Snapshots in a swimsuit in the social network is not found, although the figure (growth and weight is unknown) well allows a woman to demonstrate such frames.


Even in his youth in Georgia, Catherine got a reporter on the TV channel "Alania", and, having mastered the local realities, in 2008 she became its own correspondent of RTVI (Russian international television). In 2009, her voice rang on the radio "Echo of Moscow". In the same year, the idea of ​​creating the "first information caucasian" - Russian-speaking Georgian television channel appeared. The idea was supported by the President of the country Mikhail Saakashvili.

Kotricadze became one of the founders of the "peak" and the head of the information service. In 2011, the journalist rose to the next step of the career ladder - Deputy General Director of the Channel.

However, in 2012, after the victory of opposition in Georgia, the TV channel "Peak" stopped broadcasting, and the media model had to look for a new job. There were no long searches: the experience gained in the process of creating and promoting the Georgian Russian-speaking project was in demand. In the same year, the new leadership of the RTVI decided to modernize the channel and suggested that Kotricadze to take the post of head of the information service in New York and lead the editorial policy.

The girl took the challenge and moved to the USA. Another continent and the city, a new team and topics - instead of concentration on events in the Caucasus region, had to be covered by the news of the whole world.

At the end of 2013, Kotricadze visited a large press conference for Russian and foreign media with the participation of the President of Russia. Vladimir Putin basically asked questions related to relations with Ukraine and the United States. The head of the Russian Federation did not discount the RTVI journalist about the Angela Merkel and the relationship with Barack Obama.

In 2016, the RTVI leadership replaced again: Alexey Bivovarov became the general producer and chief editor of the Canal, and his deputy - Catherine Kotricadze. The project was completely restarted, the releases of the TV show began to postpone on the Internet. New journalists came to the team, including NTV and Rain. One of the recognizable leaders became Tikhon Dzhedko.

In February 2018, the State Duma deputy Leonid Slutsky broke out a scandal associated with accusations of sexual harassment. The first journalists speaking on rain with the stories about the obscene behavior of the deputy preferred to hide their names.

Catherine recalled, as in 2011, working at the "First Information Caucasus", came to Moscow. One of the professional tasks was to interview Leonid Slutsky. She agreed on the phone, which planned to discuss the details of the shooting of the plot. The conversation took place in the personal office of the deputy, where he began to hug and kiss it. Blowing around and running, the girl did not know how to react.

The journalist supported the anonymous victims of harassment with a sincere story about the past. The editor-in-chief of RTVI Alexei Pivovarov noted that only now I understood the importance and complexity of the problem of the Harassment.

In early January 2019, the "Troy" channel appeared on Yutiube, and the program with the same name, where Catherine, together with his spouse, the Tikhon is found with interesting guests, ranging from rappers and writers and ending with politicians, and discusses actual and important and important with them. themes.

Gregory Yavlinsky was visited in the transfer of a married couple, Irina Khakamad and Maxim Vitorgan. With Zakhar Prilengin, they discussed the amendments to the Constitution, asked why a man was afraid of the arrival of liberals to power. With the former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, the leaders talked about his attitude to the new minister of culture, Cyril Silvernikov and Nureyev ballet, and actor Alexander Filippenko told that he helps him to be free from the state and how conflicts with Georgia and Ukraine hinder the art.

On behalf of RTVI, Ekaterina leads a blog on Yutubeub, where he tells about the last political news. In one of the issues, she argued about the period when Donald Trump took the American division from the North-East Syria before Recep Erdogan began his surgery against Kurds. In another program, the journalist told about Denmark, which after 2 years later allowed Gazprom to build a plot of pipes on its territory, while Poland, Ukraine and the United States opposed it. In the transfer, Kotricadze explained why Europe went to meet Russia.

Ekaterina Kitricadze now

2020 presented kotricadze big changes in business and personal life. At the end of March, she talked with the leading transfer "Personally your" Stanislav Kryuchkov. In the program, the journalist told how the time shrewd during a coronavirus infection pandemic, as everyone learned to remotely work and celebrate holidays on video links.

In the summer, the head of the information service went with RTVI on maternity leave, to prepare for the second childbirth. How fast she returns to the ethers, her fans remain only to guess. And after this, the position of the General Producer of the TV channel was taken by the leader of the Leningrad Group Sergei Shnurov.


  • 2003 - the program "Dangerous Zone" on TVC
  • 2006 - TV channel "Alania"
  • 2009 - TV channel "First Information Caucasus"
  • 2012 - RTVI TV channel

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