Richard Madden - biography, photo, personal life, news, movies, orientation, Lily James 2021



Richard Madden is a talented actor who loved the audience for the emotionality and sincerity of the game. He is so convincingly gained in the role that the heroes of paintings are truly alive, they want to believe and empathize. The images played as drastically differ, which does not give a chance of Richard to become a hostage of one role.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born on June 19, 1986 in the village of Eldersley, which is in Scotland. Richard's father worked at the local fire department, the mother taught at school. In an interview with Madden, he recognizes that grew by a modest and shy child. It even prevented the boy to get acquainted with peers. Then someone advised Richard's parents to give his son to theatrical studio to help him overcome shyness. So Madden came to theatrical layouts for the first time.

Richard Madden in his youth

Soon the boy really stopped shy, and some time later, when Richard managed to relax on the stage, it turned out that he was endowed with acting talent. And the audience of the local theater, and acting teachers noted the ease with which Madden managed to build in his heroes. It is not surprising that soon serious producers paid attention to the boy.


When Richard realized that the game in the cinema and on stage was his calling, he went to professionally study acting skills. The choice fell on the Royal Academy of Music and Drama, which is in Glasgow. Five years, a novice guide dedicated to study, in parallel agreeing on small roles in the theater and shooting in commercials. In addition, Richard joined the troupe of one of the theaters of Glasgow and soon became known in the circles of theatrians.

Separately, the critics were celebrated Madden's game in the play "Fool", where the actor got the image of a rustic space. This play was put in different cities, and when the troupe reached tourists to London, Richard Madden noted the director of the Globus Theater.

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On the same day, young people offered cooperation, but Madden was forced to refuse, referring to an unfinished study at the Academy. Richard returned to Glasgow, and only having received a diploma, again went to the capital. There Madden, already being a certified actor, became part of the Globus Theater team. One of the first roles of Madden became Romeo in the classic formulation on the work of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". In this image, Richard Madden and won the first fans.

Until 2009, the professional biography of Richard Madden was devoted exclusively to theater. A young man honed acting and already kept on stage as a professional with an impressive experience.


In 1999, being a 13-year-old teenager, Richard first received a role in the film. And although Madden's hero was not the main acting person, for a beginner actor, this work has become an excellent experience and the ability to show his own talent under the sights of cameras. Since then, the dream becomes a professional actor settled in the heart of Richard Madden, and the young man began to attend numerous samples and castings in the hope of a serious role.

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Soon Richard was again invited to the shooting platform. This time the actor got a role in a children's multi-sieuled project called "Finy Boomerang aunt". During the year, Madden played one of the key heroes of the series.

The following years the actor dedicated the theater, but did not leave the dream of the movie, and in 2009 Madden began to storm castings and views. At first he was invited to play secondary characters in the series. Then there was an episodic role in the movie "Chat" (here by the partners of Richard Madden on the shooting platform were Hanna Murray, Aaron Johnson, imported Pats).

In 2010, the actor's filmography was replenished with a role in the picture of Julian Jarrold "Extinguish for the fight." This biographical drama, telling about the beginning of the creative path of the legendary battle of George, had to like the audience, and strict critics. Here Richard Madden got the role of Kirk Brandon, the beloved of the main character. Also in the picture the actors Douglas Booth, Mark Gethiss, Freddie Fox.

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Although the name of Richard Madden was already known to the film wednesday, the greatest fan of the actor gave the role of Robob Stark in the cult project "Game of Thrones". This was Madden's starry hour: after the premiere of the series, the young man in the literal sense of the word woke up celebrity.

Together with Richard in the series Played Sean Bin, Lina Hidi, Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clark and other talented actors played. Madden Character, according to the writer of George Martin, did not survive until the end of Saga, but I remember the audience thanks to the talented game of a hyseride.

After the "Game of Thrones", Richard Madden literally covered proposals on cooperation. In 2012, a picture of the Bird Song of Philip Martin came out. In this military drama, Richard got the role of Captain Weira. And a year later, the actor appeared in a touching romantic history, called the promise.

This film tells about the love of the young secretary to his elderly master's wife. Young people struggling with all his strength with surgery passion, but love is stronger than their will. Richard Madden played the role of Friedrich Zeets. Rebecca Hall, Alan Ricman, Shannon Tarbet, also starred in the film.

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In 2015, Madden filmography was replenished with a picture of Lady Chatterley's lover, where the actor played one of the main roles - Oliver Mellors, who became the beloved Lady Chatterley. This love drama raises the theme of romance, and more serious questions, such as the rehabilitation of war veterans, as well as the morality and its borders. Here, the actors of Hollide Granger, James Norton, Edward Holcroft, became colleagues of Richard Madden on the shooting process. This film screening of the named novel of the writer David Lawrence fell along the actor fans.

Also in 2015, Richard Madden played a prince in Cinderella Kenneth Brahn with Lily James, Kate Blanchett, Helen Bonham Carter, Ben Chaplin. And the year later, in 2016, the actor began to be filmed in the historical mini-series "Medici: Florence Lords". This drama, based on real events, talks about the fate of the monarch of the family and about the events of that era.

The series has shown the location of the film critics and enthusiastic reviews of the audience. Richard Madden appeared in the lead role of Kozimo di Giovanni de Medici. Dustin Hoffman, Stewart Martin, Valentina Chervi also played in the film.

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The actor also appeared in the picture of James Watkins "Cool Measures", and the year later began to work on the set of the fantastic series "Oasis". Priest Peter Lee, hero Richard Madden, heads on the planet called an oasis to introduce the inhabitants of the planet with the Word of God. However, the aborigines are not as friendly as they would like. And now the task of Peter is not only to introduce the inhabitants of the Oasis to the Bible, but also survive in hostile conditions. The situation is complicated by the fact that on earth, as it turned out, not everything is also smooth.

Personal life

Personal life Richard Madden, in contrast to career successes, tries to keep secret. It is known that in 2011 a man began to meet with actress Jen Coleman, known for the TV series "Doctor Who".

Richard Madden and Jenna Coleman

The press appeared joint photos of lovers and post-wedding messages. However, it did not reach the registration: in 2016, the actors broke up.

Celebrities attributed novels with the Irish journalist Laura Whitmore, as well as with the English model of Sunic Waterhouse. In 2017, he was seen with the British actress Eleonor Bamber - the lovers came under the sights of the chambers of the Paraszi during the holidays on Ibiza.

A beautiful couple admired fans, the unexpected news about their parting at the end of 2018. Although both preferred not to comment on the gap, Folloviers were confident that Madden's increased popularity was the reason for this after receiving them the Golden Globe Prize (for the role in the film "Bodyguard").

In 2020, the fans of Richard's creativity assumed that his heart was employed by the film "Cinderella" Lily James. The reason for such rumors served joint photos of actors.

The star "Games of Thrones" in the interview is trying to avoid questions about personal life. Therefore, even rumors about non-traditional orientation and suspicion of romantic communications with a partner in the film "Rocketman" Brandon Flynn Richard responded calmly.

Richard Madden now

Ikaris is the tactical leader and the most powerful of the eternal. It has an incredible force, ability to levitation and radiation of powerful space energy from the eyes. Playing the role of the main character of the film "Eternal" was lucky to Madden. He joined the acting project of Chloe Zhao after Angelina Jolie, Don Le Lee and Kumel Nanjiani.

The date of the premiere of the superhero blockbuster was scheduled for November 5, 2021. The film was the 26th in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Another project in which Richard had to radically change the image, the series "Citadel". The artist was to play a mannequin, so every shooting day had to be favorable procedure. The detailed process of Transfiguration Madden took off and put in his instagram account. So, he was applied silicone and poured by a plaster to create a special mask. Richard's partners in the series were Stanley Tucchi and a pleasant of Chopra.


  • 2000 - "Partners"
  • 2002 - Taggert
  • 2009 - Hope Springs
  • 2010 - "Chat"
  • 2010 - "Surviving for the fight"
  • 2011-2013 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2012 - "Bird Song"
  • 2013 - "Promise"
  • 2015 - "Lady Lady Chatterley"
  • 2016-2017 - "Medici: Lords Florence"
  • 2017 - "Electric Dreams Philip K. Dick"
  • 2018 - "Bodyguard"
  • 2019 - "Rocketman"
  • 2021 - "Eternal"

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