Daniel Moscow - biography, photos, personal life of the holy prince



Prince Daniel Moscow - Son Alexander Nevsky, Father Ivan Kalita, ancestor of the Moscow kings. Engaged in creating, not war. Hired by the Holy Russian Orthodox Church.

Childhood and youth

In 1261, the fourth, younger, son was born in the family of the Grand Prince of Kiev and Vladimirsky Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The name of the baby received in honor of St. Daniel Stalnik, whose memory of which Christians celebrate on December 11, so historians suggest that Knazych was born at the end of the autumn or early winter. Alexander Nevsky died when the boy was two years old.

Daniel Moscow and Alexander Nevsky

Princess Alexander (in some Texts of Parashen) Bryachikovna gave birth to her husband of four sons - Vasily, Dmitry, Andrei, Daniel - and daughter Evdokia. After the death of the spouse, the princess adopted a post in the Vladimir Assumption Monastery under the name of Vassa, having deserve the righteous life respect for local residents. Guardianship over little Daniel took his uncle, Tver Prince Yaroslav.

Evdokia Relatives were married to the prince of Konstantin Rostislavich Smolensky, and the brothers shared their father's legacy. The junior in the feeding was allocated by the Moscow Principality - at that time the smallest and poor, not coming in any comparison with Novgorod or Vladimirsky. For the first seven years, instead of the young prince, his uncle guardian Yaroslav rules, and the boy studied diploma, military and political art.

Daniel Moscow

As told in the life of the saint, more than the science of government management, little Daniel loved the temple of God: he spent his free time in the church, listening to choral singing and prayers. In 1272, Yaroslav Yaroslavich dies, and the eleven-year-old boy has to make the principality of the principality and move to Moscow. The arrangement in the new site of the young man began with the reconstruction of the Kremlin, in particular, ordered to build the Savior Transfiguration Church.

Governing body

Prince Daniel became famous for concern about people. Before the arrival of the young host in Moscow, the governors were ruled there, worried about personal enrichment more than about the prosperity of the city. The prince personally checked the tax system, traveled the surrounding villages with the inspection, talked with the headlights and merchants. For trade, allocated a place at the walls of the Kremlin, later became the red square.

Prince Daniel Moscow

By order of Daniel, a large Orda road was arranged, which made Moscow by the crossroads of trade routes. Instead of wooden churches built stone, whole complexes of buildings were erected: bishops and fortified monasteries. The role of monks in those hectic times was not only for the prayers for the laity, the stone monasteries were real fortresses, and the monks during the war were taken for the weapon.

The preliminary brainchild of Prince was the monastery, called in honor of the patron of Prince, Rev. Daniel Stalnik. The place for Holy Danilov Spassky (simply Danilova or Danilovsky) was not chosen by chance: he became the first in the chain of fortified monasters who defended the approaches to Moscow from the south. In 1296, the ruler ordered to build the Epiphany Monastery, and in 1300 - a stone bishop house and the temple of Peter and Paul.

Epiphany monastery

All Life, Daniel Alexandrovich conducted a peaceful policy. In the biography of Prince there are no dark episodes with fratania and insidious intrigues. In 1282, together with Tver Prince spoke on the side of his brother Andrei, who fought for the throne of the Grand Duke Vladimirsky against another son Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry. But with the mediation of Daniel, his brothers reconciled, hoping without battle.

Since 1283, he supported Brother Dmitry, to the Vladimir throne. In 1293, Andrei Gorodetsky led to Russian lands a military of the Golden Horde under the command of the Khansky commander Tudan (Tech). Dudyeva ruled and burned Moscow, but the prince shared property with the people, which allowed the population to quickly rebuild the city.

Daniel Moscow and Andrei Gorodetsky

The treacherous act of Prince Andrei was not forgotten by brother, and in 1294, after the death of Prince Dmitry, Daniel Alexandrovich speaks against Andrei. Despite all the civilians, in 1296, princes at the meeting in Vladimir, with the assistance of church leaders, managed to agree on the world.

But in 1301, the Moscow Prince demonstrated the talents of the skilled commander, defeating the Ryazan Prince Konstantin Romanovich under Kolomnaya troops along with his allies of Tatars. Drew the Tatars and capturing Kolomna, Daniel Alexandrovich did not join the conquered lands to his possessions and did not even allow the warriors to plunder them. Such behavior looked in the eyes of contemporaries worthy of surprise.

Saint Daniel Moscow is a traveler

In 1302, a childless prince Ivan Dmitrievich Pereyaslavsky died and bequeathed his lands to Uncle Daniel, who respected for the mind and piety. Inheriting the Pereyaslav Principality, Daniel Moscow did not transfer the capital into a rich and fortified Pereyaslav, but became one of the most influential princes, the increase in the wealth of Moscow.

Personal life

The name and origin of the prince's wife in the preserved primary sources is not found. However, Peter Vladimirovich Dolgorukov, who made a "Russian pedigree book" in the nineteenth century, recorded it under the name of Evdokia Alexandrovna.

Ivan Kalita, son of Daniel Moscow

About Daniel's daughters is also not reliably known, because the stories of women in that epoch rarely fell into the chronicle. And the prince's sons had five: Yuri, Alexander, Boris, Ivan and Athanasius.


It is reliably known that Daniel Alexandrovich died in 1303 from the disease, having time to take the monastic stop before the death according to the tradition of the rulers of that time. Over the burial site, two versions are known. One, outlined in the "power book" and entered into the canonical lives of the Holy, says that the prince bequeathed to bury him on a general cemetery with the Danilovsky monastery, which was fulfilled.

Sarcophag Daniel Moscow

The second version is based on the incredible Trinity chronicle written in the XIV century and burned in the fire in 1812. N. M. Karamzin, who worked with the chronicles, leaned out from there information that the body was buried in the Cathedral of St. ArchReart Mikhail in Moscow. The same place calls the facial chronicle of Ivan the Terrible.

Be that as it may, in 1652, the unwanted relics of the Holy was the world. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered them to transfer them to the temple of Sedmi Ecumenical Councils, located in the Danilovsky Monastery, where the relics were laid in a specially made cancer. This event occurred on August 30 (September 12) and since then the church has been celebrated annually.

Temple of Daniel Moscow

After the revolution of 1917, the relics were kept in the Trinity Cathedral. In 1930, they moved to the temple of the Sunday of the word in the Assumption enemy. During the struggle of Soviet power with religion, the power was lost and still not found. Purchase St. 4 (17) Martha and in a rolling holiday - the Day of the Moscow Saints Cathedral. These days in churches are read by the laid canons and acathists.

Icons Daniel Moscow

On the icons of St. Daniel of Moscow, most often depicts in long princely clothes, on top of which monastic vestments (kudz). In the hands usually holds a layout of the monastery erected. The sorry is treated with a prayer for delivering from quarrels and disagreements, he is asked for help in finding the house and protection against thieves, about the successful outcome of the trial, consider the patron saint of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of Russia.


  • 1547 - raised the question of canonization, written by the stimit and canon
  • 1652 - Care of Power
  • 1791 - canonization of the blessed prince as a local saint
  • 1975 - Written Roman D.M. Balashova "Junior Son"
  • 1983 - Danilov Monastery was revived as the Stavropigial Male Monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • 1988 - the Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow three degrees was established
  • 1996 - the name of the prince named atomic submarine of the Northern Fleet
  • 1997 - Mounted Monument in the square of the Danilovskaya Square of Moscow
  • 1997 - Image of Daniel of Moscow and Danilov Monastery appeared on Russian brands
  • 1998 - built an Orthodox chapel in the square on the Square of Serpukhov Ozada in Moscow
  • 2013 - the documentary "Peacemaker. Saint Daniel Moscow "

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