Yaropolk Svyatoslavich - biography, photo, personal life, board, death



Yaropolk Svyatoslavich - Grand Duke Kiev, the eldest son of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. Belongs to Rurikovich. Rules Yaropolk ancient Russian state is not long - only 8 years old - from 972 to 980 years. This time is commemorated by bloody civilians. Having become the killer of Oleg's own brother, Yuropolk himself fell from the hands of a consolidated brother Vladimir.

Childhood and youth

The exact date of birth of Yaropolk is unknown, but historians suggest that it was 945 years old. It is the opinion that he was born 10 years later - in 955. In confusion, he leads the moment that in 945 his father Svyatoslav Igorevich was only 3 years old. But a lot of chronicles were destroyed, so it's difficult to talk about the accuracy of the dates.

Yaropolk Svyatoslavich

Father Yaropolk - Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich - was a great commander, he was little interested in family life. Therefore, his mother chose his mother - Princess Olga. According to some data, it was a daughter of Kiev boyar. But the historian Vasily Tatishchev claims that the Holy Svyatoslav's spouse has become a pre-soldier. They had two sons - Yaropolk and Oleg.

Svyatoslav Igorevich in military campaigns used to seek his goals at any cost. He did not strive to keep allegiance. Therefore, the prince brought not one wives-prince from hiking. Brother Yaropolk Vladimir was a consolidated him - his slave of Princess Olga - Kleisk Malusha.

For the first time, the name Yaropolk Svyatoslavich appeared in the "Tale of Bygone Years" in 968. There was described the moment of the attack of Pechenegs to Kiev. Allegedly, the princess Olga locked in the city with three grandchildren.

Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich

In 970, their father again went to a military campaign, and the Board of Kiev entrusted to the eldest son Yaropolk. After 2 years, it became known that the Grand Duke Kiev Svyatoslav fell into battle with Pechenegs, and Yaropolk became a full ruler of the ancient Russian state. Brother Oleg gotten the Trellian lands, and Vladimir - Novgorod.

Konstantin Bogdanov wrote that all three brothers were brought up apart, everyone had their own mentors, they were never close. Every year, distrust only grew to each other.

Governing body

Presumably, at the beginning of the board, Yaropolk was 27 years old. There was plenty of advisers around it. But since childhood, his main mentor was the Voivode Svevend. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", an incident is described, due to which the civil war between the brothers began.

Portrait of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich

Son of Svineld hunted in the forests of Oleg, and the young prince Drevlyansky killed him, by chance or intentionally - a story about it silent. Svineld, dreaming to take revenge on the life of the Son, convinces Yaropolka to go with the army on Oleg. But there is an opinion that this passage in the "story" was inserted much later than the main text and is exclusively a legend.

Anyway, in 977, Yaropolk went with his brother's war. The advantage was behind Yaropolk, and Oleg had to run. During the retreat in the capital of his lands, Oleg fell in the ditch and was crushed by the bodies of people and horses. Yaropolk did not want his brother's death and extremely sealed his tragic death. Oleg lands switched to the ownership of Yaropolk.

Prince Yaropolk Svyatoslavich

When Vladimir learned about what happened, he left Novgorod to the Varangian lands. In his absence, Yaropolk put in Novgorod his man. But soon Vladimir returned, yes not one, but with the army. He quickly removed the famine from Novgorod lands and went to Kiev. Of course, the goal of Vladimir was not just a revenge for the death of his brother, but also the desire to get up at the head of Kievan Rus.

In his nature, Yaropolk was merciful, he led a soft internal policy, for example, the prince gave the will of Christians. Plus, he took his wife a Christian Greek. Just for these reasons, in some chronicles, dislike people to the princess note. After all, the bulk of people was pagans.

Earth Yaropolk Svyatoslavich

Yaropolk was the first one who began to be coined in Kiev Rus his own coins. They resembled Arab Dirham, later they were called "Pseudodirhem Yaropolk". But in any case, for ancient Russian state it was a big step forward.

Svyatoslavich's Yaropolk coped well and with foreign policy. He managed to establish relations with the German emperor Otten II. In 973, he sent ambassadors to Germany, and even there is a version that the prince was engaged to the relative of Ottone - Cunigund. His Union with Germany was thoroughly thought out - he was created to confront Poland and the Czech Republic. He did not forget the bloody wars of his father with Byzantia, so Yuropolk concluded a new peace treaty.

Personal life

In the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said that Yaropolk married the former Greek nun. She captured the father of Yaropolka. It was not embarrassed by the monastic status of a woman, he "RESTORD" it and took her wife. But, according to Pereyaslavsko-Suzdal Chronicles, the wife of Yaropolk suffered into the nun only after the death of Yaropolk, and the "stripping" of her Vladimir, seduced by her beauty.

Yaropolk Svyatoslavich - biography, photo, personal life, board, death 15402_6

Her name was lost. But after entering the screens of the film "Viking" she began to attribute the name Irina.

After the murder of Yaropolk, Vladimir made a woman with his own concubine. According to some data, at that time she was pregnant, the son of Svyatopolka gave birth. But this question causes big discussions. Some chronicles believe that Vladimir was the father of Svyatopolka. At least, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich called him his legitimate son. And in history, he remained like Svyatopolk Vladimirovich. Later began to say that the Son of Grechany was born of "two fathers."

Princess Rogund Rog Volodovna

Also there is information that during the marriage Yaropolka with Irina, Rogned Falotsky was launched. The conclusion comes by itself - at that time the polygamy was legally. This is reported by Nikolai Karamzin. By the way, when Vladimir went to Kiev, he captured Polotsk. Knowing about the walling of Rogged to Yaropolk, he forcibly took the girl to his wife, having raped her in front of his parents, and after killed them and her brothers.


In the conquest of the capital, Vladimir Svyatoslavich helped a traitor surrounded by Yaropolk - Voevoda Blud. By agreement with Vladimir, he persuaded the prince to leave Kiev and hide in the city of Nam. The siege was so painful that hunger began in the city, and Yaropolk decided to negotiate with his brother.

Especially since Blud assured the prince that he faces nothing and Vladimir does not plan his brother to cause evil. Of course, surrounded by Yaropolk, people convincing him in the opposite, but he believed in the words of Blud and went to the meeting to Vladimir, where he was immediately killed.

Death Yaropolk Svyatoslavich

Two Varyaga looked at him sharp swords under the sinuses. Presumably, it happened on June 11, 978. So Vladimir revenged for the death of Oleg and became the Grand Duke of Kiev.

In 1044, Yaroslav Wise died out the remains of his uncle - Yaropolk and Oleg - and pissed their bones. After that, reburied them next to Vladimir. True, according to Christian canons, such actions are prohibited.


  • 1870 - Khmyrov M. D. "Yaropolk I Svyatoslavich"
  • 2004 - "Saga ancient Bulgarians. Vladimir's pallet Red Sunshine, "in the role of Yaropolk Alexander Filippenko
  • 2006 - Cartoon "Prince Vladimir"
  • 2007 - "Russian State History", Series 11
  • 2013 - Bogdanov K. "Vikings and Rus. Conquerors or allies? "
  • 2016 - "Viking", in the role of Yaropolk Alexander Ustyugov

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