Yakov Jugashvili - biography, photo, personal life, son Stalin, captivity, cause of death



Yakov Iosifovich Jugashvili is the eldest son of Joseph Stalin, who died during the Great Patriotic War in German captivity. The life and fate of the firstborn "Father of Peoples" is tragic and does not correspond to the "lobal" idea of ​​the exemplary son, how I would like to submit to Soviet propaganda. Jakov Jugashvili was an ordinary person - conflicting, rolling and alive, and the status of a Sibling of Generalissimus rather prevented than helped him in life.

Childhood and youth

The firstborn of Stalin was born in March 1907 in the north of Georgia, in the village of Badji, which is not far from Kutaisi. Mama Ekaterina Svanidze Yakov did not remember: the woman died from the abdominal typhoid 8 months after the birth of the son.

Up to 14 years old, the nephew was on the care of his native aunt Alexandra, Mamina Sisters. The nearest school was in the neighboring village, for 7 kilometers, and Yasha every day on foot overcoming the way to Badji and back. Father took the firstborn to Moscow in 1921. In the same year, the son of Vasily Stalin was born with the future of Generalissimus, and in 1922 Joseph Vissarionovich was elected by the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the RCPP (b).

In the capital, a teenager who came from the deaf Georgian province was confused. In the new family, the Father felt more superfluous, shut off and kept in the shadows, for which Stalin called Yakov Volconk. Nadezhda Allilueva warmed the boy with maternal warmth and found a approach to him.

Yakov Jugashvili graduated from school on Arbat, then went to the electrical school in Sokolniki. In 1925, the young man received secondary special education, but he refused to enter the institute, although the assessment was high.

The secret marriage of the 17-year-old Yakov on the younger for the year classmates Zoe Gunnina, the daughter of the priest, wrapped his head of his father's wrath of his boyfriend. A quarrel with a parent ended with suicide attempt: Jugashvili shot himself, but the bullet went on a wave.

After the recovery of Yakov and his wife, at the Council, Sergey Kirov went to Leningrad and found shelter in the Allyluve family. Zoya entered the Mountain Institute, and the young Jugashvili, with the help of Kirov, settled to work at the substation by the Electrometer Assistant.

Yakov performed the demand of his father and returned to the capital in 1930. In Leningrad, he did nothing: a year earlier they had a girl with a roe, but after a few months a child died. The family broke up.

In Moscow, Yakov Zhugashvili became a student at the Institute of Transport Engineers, where until 1936 studied at the faculty of thermal physics. The year of the head of the leader worked at the plant's power plant that wears the name of the Father, as a post of duty engineer of turbines. Joseph Vissarionovich dreamed of a military career of sons, and Yakov lost: in 1937 he became a student of the Academy who was preparing artillery players.

Jugashvili graduated from the academy on the eve of the war. In May 1941, he was appointed by the battery commander and a member of the WCP (b).

Military service

At the front, the senior lieutenant Yakov Jugashvili hit at the end of June 1941. Father's farewell to go and fight, he performed, heading the battery of the Gaubic Shelf in the tank division of the 20th Army. After a week, July 4, part of Jugashvili fell into a German environment near Vitebsk, and on July 7, Jacob, along with other fighters, presented to the award for the battle under the Belarusian city of Senno.

In mid-August 1941, an article about the courage and heroism of the battery commander was published in the Red Star, to the last projectile, together with the fighters fought with the enemy. At the time of the release of the newspaper number, Yakov has been captured for the Germans for a month. He fell to the fascists, breaking out of the enemy environment, in mid-July.

For the first time, the Son of Generalissimus interrogated July 18, 1941. The interrogation protocol was found after the war in Berlin, in the archive. Nowadays, the document is stored in Podolsk, in the repository of documents of the Military Ministry. At the interrogation, the son of the head of the Soviet state was kept adequately, but could not resist from the words of disappointing the tactics of the Red Army's actions.

Two years Yakov, Jugashvili wandered around the camps: It was transported from Bavarian Hammelburg to the North of Germany, in Lubeck, and from there in 1942 to the Zakshenhausen concentration camp in Oranienburg.

In all likelihood, the German command was trying to exchange the Son of Generalissimus on the prisoner of the Wehrmacht. For the first time, this was written by a consolidated sister of Yakov, Svetlana Allyluweva. According to her, his father told her about the proposed exchange and its reluctance to bargain with the enemy in the winter of 1943-44.

The program of proposing the Germans to exchange Jacob on Friedrich Paulus did not find confirmation, and the words of the leader did not exchange a soldier at Field Marshal, may be a beautiful legend of Stalin's biographers for history. But the German attempts to make profitable exchange are likely.

In the memories written in the post-war period, Georgy Zhukov shared that Joseph Vissarionovich knew about the sad fate of Yakov. At the meeting, he churbed that her son did not get out of the camp, the Germans shoot him. In the Military Drama "Fall of Berlin" Director Mikhail Chiaureli intended to show the primary heroes of Generalissimus as a tragic hero of the Great Patriotic War, but Stalin forbade.

Personal life

In the mid-1930s, Jaugashvili went to Uryupinsk, where he spent her vacation. Acquaintance with Olga Golysheva occurred in relatives of Hope Allyluve. A speedy novel broke out, which was not crowned with official marriage.

A year later, in 1936, Olga gave birth to Jacob firstborn, who was named Eugene. At that time, Jugashvili was already in official relations with the ballet artist Julia Melzer. In February 1938, the spouse gave her husband to her daughter Galina.

The grandson of Joseph Vissarionovich - Evgeny Jugashvili - graduated from the Suvorov Military School in Kalinin, then the Air Engineering Academy. After the death of grandfather, grandchildren appointed a personal award before the end of education.

Eugene defended his thesis and in 1970-80 he taught at the military departments. In the early 1990s, he retired in the rank of Colonel. He wrote a book about the famous grandfather and played Joseph Vissarionovich in the film Devi Abashidze "Yakov, Son Stalin".

Evgenia Zhugashvili had two sons - Vissarion and Yakov. The first became the director, the second - artist. Stalin's great-grandfathers live in Tbilisi.

Galina Zhugashvili graduated from Moscow State University and worked at the Institute of World Literature the younger Researcher. In 1970, the Son was born from Algerian - UN expert. Stalin's great-grandfather called Selim.


In the history of the death of Yakov, Jugashvili remained white spots. The official version says that the leader's firstborn died in Zacchenhausen in April 1943. He jumped out of the lamb window and rushed to the guard. Died from lesion to the current. Before the death of the watch jak, he answered: "Shoot!"

The corpse of Jugashvili was burned in the camp crematorium. Urn with accompanying documents about the death of Yakov and the results of the investigation of his death disappeared from the Main Department of the Imperial Security of the Third Reich. In the German archives, the photo was preserved at which the deceased Yakov Jugashvili was captured, but the experts are not sure that the Son of the Son of Generalissimus is captured.

After the end of the war, the Ssensek was brought written evidence of Solagers Yakov, as well as the testimony of the commandant and a security guard, of which Stalin learned about the courage of the Son.

The foster son of the leader - Artem Sergeyev - denies the death of Yakov in Zacchenhausen, although in the summer of 2007, the FSB of Russia officially confirmed the death of Jugashvili in the concentration camp. Sergeyev argues that the named brother died at the front in July 1941.

Memory (Cinery)

  • 1969-1971 - "Liberation"
  • 1990 - "Yakov, Son Stalin"
  • 1992 - "Stalin"
  • 2006 - "Stalin. Live »
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2017 - "Vlasik. Stalin Shadow "

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