GFFI - History of creation, his friends, filmization


Character History

Walt Disney presented the world of bright and unique cartoon characters, among whom Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Scroogeak McDak, Pluto and Gufi. Over time, the heroes of animation serials changed outwardly, but the perky characters of the eccentric beasts remained the same. A funeral dog and his friends received their own storyline from Disney, although Gofi (the protagonist) sometimes appeared in the cartoons that united the characters of other legends of the Disney Universe.

History of creation

Interest in the image of the GUFI was stormy and did not subscribe not for a long time due to a specific image or novelty of the storyline of the cartoon. He was heated by intrigue around the origin of the character. For the first time, a funny dog ​​appeared on the screen in 1932, and in 1938 a full-fledged animated series called "The History of Crazy Gofi". With each new cartoon character became more popular and turned out to be more recognizable. The director used his image more and more.

The first appearance of the GUFI

The name of Gofi from English translates as a "fool". It is noteworthy that Aberdeen-Angus Cow served as the prototype of the hero. This breed is excreted in Scotland and is distinguished by the absence of horns on the head. PR-managers of Disney has not revealed the secret of creating a character for a long time. The story of the origin of the character was silent due to political sentiment that reigned at the time in the United States, and the exacerbation of the relations of the United States of America with the UK. The hero voiced the Briton with a funny accent. The Americans opposed all English and, having learned about the origin of the hero, would perceive Gufi with a negative. But they loved dogs, so the decision of the Disney team became logical: the cow was modified into a dog.

The Personal Series of GUFI turned out to be successful and demanded from the audience. He became one of the best friends of Mickey Mouse, won the position of the public and revealed another symbol of Walt Disney Universe in his face.

GUFI and his friends

Clumsy dog ​​with hoarse voice and stupid smiles became a central character of hundreds of cartoons. In the 1950s, got his own team, which included his household and relatives. In this period, the son of Max and the wife of the Gofi, which the creators decided to present in the appearance of the cow, giving tribute to the origin of a funny dog. The incredible adventures of Gofi and his friends cause smiles in children and adults.

GUFI and his friends

An animated series called "Gufi and his team" was produced on television from 1992 to 1993. GUFI is represented by an eccentric dog. He is scattered, but has a sense of humor and is inclined to help close. A funny loser, distinguished by the fitted moral and good nature, is constantly falling into ridiculous situations that have a happy finale.

Gufi and Pete

Gouti's friends helped him and were the character's protagonists. One character - Pete, a former classmate of Gofi, a disturbed and lazy dog, is opposed to a slim pressed PSU. The character of the grill and grumpy pit is not sugar, a hero rude and a hither. Pete trades used cars. He alchen and gladly goes around the finger of anyone besides the spouse. Pegg, gentle and sophisticated, knows how to soften the heart of her husband and return the good location of the Spirit. Pete does not like Gufi, who is ironically becoming a neighbor's neighbor. In each series, the director intentionally expose the loser of GUFI, in reality, due to the circumstances, it turns out to be Pete.

Gofi has a foster son named Max. He smarter stepfather, manifests the initiative and loves adventures. Merry and responsive boy is friendly with Pi-Jehem, Sich Piet. The boys often fall into trouble and desperately hooligany. Unlike Father, Pi-Jay loves Gofi. In the family of Nather, there is a small daughter - Pistal. The perky fidget also takes part in the funny adventures of heroes.

Reception Son Gufi - Max

The creators of Disney cartoons are not burdened with species prejudices, so there are pets in dog families - Wafer's cat from Gofi and a dog Raspil to Piet. At the same time, Pluto, the brother of the GUFI and PIF, - the pet's pet Mike Mouse. Despite related ties with Gufi, he does not know how to speak and speaks in the image of a character that did not endorse with human qualities.


Disney Studio Multipliers have created two completed animated series dedicated to GUFI. 145 episodes highlight the stories of carefree PSA and the relationship of grief-friends. Each presents the public a separate plot, having a violence, culmination and junction.

Frame from cartoon

In addition, GUFI was used by the director as a separate character. The creators have released a cycle of versatile stories in which Gofi enters unpredictable situations. Among such cartoons includes the Olympiad GUFI. In addition, the children saw how the hero was reincarnated in amazing images, becoming a representative of any profession, for example, an economist or a circus officer who washes an elephant.

Cartoons with the participation of Gofi Comicy and cause a good smile. These are short rollers without a moralistic idea designed to make a viewer and give positive emotions.

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