Cyclops - character biography, value, image and character


Character History

Character of the mythology of the ancient Greeks. Cyclops represent either a certain individual race, or children of the goddess of the Earth of Gay and the ancient God of Uranus, who personified the sky. The meaning of the word "cyclops" can be translated from ancient Greek as "round-eyed".

History of origin

The image of the cyclope could be for quite real bases. There is such a malformation as a cyclope, which is found in vertebrates. This phenomenon develops at the first stages of pregnancy. The eyes of the fetus are formed designed and fit in one eye on the middle line of the face. This violation occurs incredibly rarely, but in ancient times, when humanity has not yet known science, even single such cases could form the basis of myth.

Skull of Maltese Dwarf Elephant

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Paleontologists offered another version. The skulls of the Maltese dwarf elephants that people were found in antiquity, could raise their imagination and cause the myth of cyclopes. On such a skull there is a central nasal hole that can be easily taken for a huge eyelet. At the Mediterranean Islands, Crete, Cyclades and others, where the ancient Greeks lived, these elephants were just watered. There were also inhabited by the semi-dog tribes, which could also become a prototype of the people of cyclops.

Image and nature

The description of the largest polyfem in the culture of the cyclopa of the Gomera is the following. This is a giant with a single eye in the middle of the forehead that lives in a cave. In the nature, ferocious and cruel, prone to cannibal.

King Odyssey, returning from the Trojan War home, mooring on the road to the island and together with the satellites for ignorance stops in the Cyclopa cave. Polyfem, finding them there, takes Odyssey with comrades. Before Odyssey comes up with how to get out, the polyfem has time to devour six from the team.

Odyssey pumps the eye cyclop

Armed with a stake, Odyssey pumps the polyph of the only eye when the giant cannibal falls asleep. After that, Odyssey with the team is hidden among the sheep who spend the night in the same cave and every morning go out. Polyfem blinded by the Polyfen is feeling a sheep with his hands before releaseing from the cave, but does not see the Greeks hidden under the animals. So Odyssey with comrades manage to escape.


Polyfem Avenue. Having learned the name Odyssey, deprived of sight of Cyclops, turns to the father of Poseidon, so that he persecuted Odyssey and Mstal. In another myth, the polyfem kills the stone of the beloved Neretha Galatei, which rejected him.


In 2013, the film "Percy Jackson and the Sea monsters" came out, where Cyclops Tyson - the brother of the main character. The role is performed by actor Douglas Smith.

Another cyclops in the film - the mythological polyfe, which is pressed by the guard to the Golden Runa. This polyfe uses Fleece to lure into its own lair of satirs, which then eats. Satirov, according to the scenario, from nature attaches to the Golden Runa, probably according to the principle of generality: the mythological rune - the golden branch of the skin, and the satir is a forest deity with goat legs.

Douglas Smith in the image of cyclopa Tyson

The main heroes are manual necessary as an artifact that will allow them to solve some problem. The role of the film Polyfem in the film Plays actor Robert Maillet.

The Cyclops character also appears in the adventure militant "Wrath of Titans", which was released in 2012. Cyclops accompanies the main characters to God Hephasta, with whom those wish to meet. The role of episodic, performed by Martin Befield.

Robert Maillet in Cyclopa

In 2008, a fantastic thriller "Cyclops" came out on American television, where the action occurs during the time of ancient Rome. In the film, the monster cyclops kills merchants who are trying to kidnap the goat. Then the cyclope catches the squad of soldiers and delivers to the capital, where the character is locked in prison. The Emperor Tiberius comes up with a new fun - to produce a cyclope on the gladiator fights. Cyclops kill slaves that are forced to fight against him, until one person comes with a monster in contact. Taking the cyclope to speak, the slave understands that it can be used in the fight against the emperor.

Cyclops - character biography, value, image and character 1536_6

In 1958, the American adventure film "Seventh Journey of Syndbad" was released, where the famous Sinbad Seaido hits on the island of Cyclops, having gotting down from the course in the fog. On the island, the heroes save the wizard, whom the cyclops persecuted. The wizard, however, during the flight something lost and wants to return to the island to pick up it.

Ancient Greek mythology

According to Homer, which is set out in the poem "Odyssey", cyclops are a separate people. The fierce one-eyed monster of the polyfem, blinded by Odyssem, is one of them. This is the most famous cyclops in the culture, the son of the Sea of ​​Sea Poseidon.

The sons of uranium and gay are considered to be the elders among cyclops, the three brothers-Giant Arg, armored and sterre, whose names are translated as "shining", "thunder" and "sparkling". Father Uranus tied cyclops and dropped those in Tartar - the deepest abyss, which is under the kingdom of the dead. He did it immediately after the sons were born. When the ancient God of Uranus was overthrown, Titans released cyclops, but later they were again stolen the god of the time Kronos.

Battle of the Gods with Titans

The next time the cyclops escaped from Tartara when God-Rublzzz Zeus started to fight for power with his father Kronos and Titans. Gay's mother advised Zeus to free the cyclops to connect those to the war on the side of the Olympic gods. Cyclops really were helpful - forged thunder and lightning for Zeus, which he used as a weapon: metal and hit titans. Cyclops provided weapons and other gods. Aid received a helmet from cyclops, and Poseidon is a trident. The goddess of Athena and God-Blacksmith Hephasta learned from cyclops crafts.

When the war with Titans ended with the victory of the Olympic gods, the cyclops remained in the service of Zeus and continued to rush weapons in the Hephaesta cave. One of these Kuznetsov is known by Piragmon.

When the God of Winemail Dionysis arranged an Indian campaign, the cyclops were among those who went with him. And about the cyclop Bronte, it says that he cherished on his knees of Artemis-hunter when she was a girl.

The culprit of the death of cyclops was God-archer Apollo. Zeus struck the son of Apollo, asclepia healer, and did it with a zipper that cyclops were forgotten. Apollo destroyed those who created this weapon. After the cyclops died, God Hephaesta himself became a weapon for Zeus.

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