Karl Franzel - biography, photo, personal life, uprising in "Sobibor"



Karl Franzel - Member of the Nazi Party, SS officer. Administration officer concentration camp Sobbor. Franzel was a third person in the hierarchy of the death camp. In 1966 he was charged with genocide and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Childhood and youth

Carl august Wilhelm Franzel was born on August 20, 1911 in the Brandenburg lands, in the small town of Cementik. His father was a simple worker, worked on the railway, was a member of the Social Democratic Party. Who was his mother - unknown.

In 1918 he entered the school of Oranienburg, finished learning in 1926 and immediately began to work as an assistant carpenter. At that time, professional socialist unions acted in Germany, Karl entered such a union of carpenters.

Karl Franzel at the table

But handing up the qualifying exams, the young man remained without work. The yard was 1930. He interrupted from one job to another, even for a while worked as a butcher. But the current situation was not satisfied. The Nazi Party promised to create thousands of jobs, for this reason, in 1930, Franzel became her member.

For the year Karl made his brother, and in 1934 - Father. But, as Karl claimed himself, he understood that anti-Semitism was the most important aspect of the party's policies, but for him it was personally indifferent.

Military service

In 1930, Franzel joined the detachment of attack aircraft - "brown-concerned". Storm detachments (CA) played a decisive role when climbing national socialists. Until the summer of 1933, he served in the spare police officer. Until 1935 he worked at the Military Equipment Factory in Grunberg.

SS officer Karl Franzel (left)

At the beginning of the war, Charles Francel called on the service of Rehi. But he was immediately released from his service, because at that time he had minors in the care of minors. However, this alignment was not satisfied: his brothers and friends were in war, and he remained aside.

Therefore, soon he was adopted as part of the group of killing T-4, designed to destroy people with disabilities. The man participated in the construction of the Center of Euthanasia in Bernburg, and later he was transferred to the center of Euthanasia of the city of Hadamar. Here he was responsible for the removal of corpses from gas chambers, as well as extracting golden dental crowns after cremation tel.

In 1942, Karl Frenzel was sent to Sobibor's death camp, he was appointed performer "Operations Reinhard".

Rebellion in Sobibor

The camp was in Poland. During its existence, only a year and a half - more than 250 thousand Jews were destroyed. The territory was divided into three sectors: in the first there were residential barracks and workshops, in the second - warehouses and sorting, and in the third sector there were gas chambers where the prisoners were smaller.

Camp Sobibor.

Karl Franzel took the position of commander of Camp I, was the third person after Gustav Wagner and Franzes. His duties included the distribution of newly arrived people. But, unfortunately, the main part of the prisoners fell into gas chambers.

On October 14, 1943, there was a single successful uprising in the history of the Nazi death camps. He headed his Officer of the Red Army Alexander Pechersky. According to his plan, the prisoners needed to "remove" the camp staff, and then, carved the arms, to kill the remaining security. The plan has succeeded in part. But still it was possible to escape more than 300 prisoners.

Alexander Pechersky and Former Prisoners of Sobbor

The Germans were in rabies from the uprising in Sobibor. The remaining people were shot on the spot, the camp was immediately demolished, the land was repaid, and on the site of the massacre of the Jews, the Nazis put the cappist and potatoes. The dismantling of the camp designs was led by Franzel.

Personal life

In 1929, Franzel first began to meet a girl, she was a Jewish. At that time he was 18 years old. They were young and happy, their relationship lasted two years. But when her father found out that Karl - a member of the Nazi Party, immediately forbade her daughter to communicate with him. Lovers broke up, and in 1934 her family immigrated to the United States.

Karl Franzel

In 1934, Karl Francel married. Unfortunately, his wife's name in history has not been preserved. The spouses had five children.

At the end of the war, in 1945, Franzel's wife was raped by Soviet soldiers. Soon the woman had a typhus, from which she later died.


Immediately at the end of the war, Karl Franzel was taken under arrest, but he was released. Nazi did not just survived the war, he began to live quietly and work by an electrician in Frankfurt am Main. But in 1962 he was identified and sent to court with other SESS.

Karl Franzel in the courtroom

In 1966, he was accused of involvement in the genocide of the Jewish people - a man was sentenced to a life imprisonment for the murder of six Jews and for participating in the mass murder of 150 thousand people. After 16 years, it was amnestied.

In 1984, the Stern edition organized a meeting of Karl Francel and his former captive of Thomas Blatt. Nazi asked him for forgiveness. The man did not deny fascism, as well as the reality of the organized genocide of Jews, but explained it by oath and order.

Thomas Blatt and Karl Franzel (Right)

Some considered this interview with Farca, as they understood that Karl had already knew that the cassation process begins in his case. And all this was done in order for him again not to get behind the grille. But in 1986, he was again convicted and in prison stayed until 1992. He was liberated because of poor health and old age.

Karl Francel died in Garbsen, near Hannover, September 2, 1996. He was 85 years old.


  • 1968 - Book of Stanislav Schmayzner "Hell in Sobibor" (published only in Portuguese)
  • 1982 - Documentary book Richard Rashka "Escape from Sobbor"
  • 1987 - Jack Golde film "Escape from Sobbor", as Francel - Kurt Raab
  • 1997 - the book of Thomas Blatt "from Sobbor's ash"
  • 1997 - the book of Thomas Blatt "Sobibor. Forgotten uprising
  • 2014 - Documentary film "Fascist Camp of Death: Big Escape"
  • 2018 - The film Konstantin Khabensky "Sobibor", as Francel - Christopher Lambert

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