Tiffany Tissren - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Tiffany-Amber Tissren - American actress, producer and director, known to the audience due to roles in popular TV series "Saved Call", "Beverly Hills, 90210" and "Pandemic". After the release of the criminal and detective tape "White Collar" Actress was again in the center of spectator and on the crest of the popularity wave.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born in January 1974 in California, in the resort town of Long Beach on the Pacific Coast. It is not surprising that Tiffany decided to become a movie star, because 30 kilometers from his hometown, in Los Angeles, the heart of the "Dream Factory" - Hollywood.

But the dream of a career in the film industry was born at Tiffany Tissren not in childhood. Parents - Housewife Robin and Landscape Designer Frank - had only an indirect attitude towards the art and three children - Tiffany-Amber and Sons Todd and Shulera - brought up without a pitue to acting profession.

Perhaps the role was played by the "rattling mix" of blood connected in the veins of the girl: along the mother's mother in the family were Welsh, Turks and Greeks, the Father's Germans. Or maybe the choice of Tissren influenced his uncle-actor who studied with Stephen Spielberg.

Tiffany Tissren in youth

But Tiffany Tissren, a girl with a bright appearance, who made the first successful steps in the model business (in 1987 he won the title "Young Miss America"), suddenly changed his mind to tie a further biography with the podium and came to the shooting area of ​​the "Road" series, where she was entrusted with episodic role.


The first major role in Tiffany Tissren went to 15 years: the actress played the heroine Kelly Kapovski in the rating series "Saved Call", which was broadcast from 1989 to 1993. During the filming of the soap opera, the girl appeared in the rating Sitkom "Charles in Answer."

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These two projects lit up on the Hollywood sky a new star, which TV viewers were now recognized in the face. Comedy TV series "Married with ... children", "Step by step" and "Bloss" strengthened Tiffany Tissren in the comedy role, which American film critics spoke.

Change the opinion of the audience and critics Tissren managed in the mid-1990s, when the cult youth series "Beverly Hills, 90210" came to the screens. Tiffany joined the acting of the project and became a star of youth serials. And again got into captivity of the actress of one amplua.

Attempts to break out beyond the docking actress Tiffany Tissren did, playing roles in full-length feature films. From the mid-1990s to the 2000th American woman starred in the pictures of "Sweet Dreams", "close stranger", "from sunset to dawn-2".

In 2002, the premiere of the Genodrama of the Brilliant Woody Allen's "Hollywood Finals" took place, in which Tiffany appeared in a small role. The key characters played by Allen and Tea Leoni. But the works of Tissren in the named projects, the audience and film critics were cooled.

The most successful works in the cinema of this period were drama "she fought alone" and the comedy thriller "Well, very terrible cinema." In the first project, Tiffany Tissren appeared in a duet with Brian Ostin Green, in the second - with Tom Arnold.

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In 2007, the premiere of the mini-series of Armand Mastroanni "Pandemic" took place. Tiffany Tissren played the main heroes of the thriller, Eric Roberts and Fei Danaway, but the Star Composition did not make a film successful - the picture failed at the box office.

The actress returned to the shooting of multi-sized television projects and was again on the ridge of popularity. Tissren appeared in the "Criminal Racing" ribbons, "Good morning, Miami" and "What about Brian?", The warmth of the audience met by the audience. But the greatest resonance received the series "White Collar" and "Miracle of Christmas".

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In the "White Collar", the American actress played the main character Elizabeth Berk and returned to the first "Star Star" Hollywood. The project was stretched for 6 seasons and broadcast from 2009 to 2014.

In Canadian Fantasy "Miracle of Christmas" Tiffany Tissren starred with Douglas Barrome and Josh Hopkins. A kind of christmas fairy tale came to the souls to the viewers.

Personal life

Roman with Brian Ostin Green broke out in the late 1980s: A couple introduced a common friend, actor and musician David Faustino. In 1994, Brian and Tiffany began to live under the same roof, but soon the relationship was smoldered: in the fall of 1995, two stars broke up.

Tiffany Tissren and Brian Austin Green

Tiffany Tissren with a colleague - Handsome David Strickland - ended tragic. In 1999, David, arrested and condemned for drug use, hanged himself in a hotel room. The actor, whom the court sentenced to conditional punishment and forced treatment was deeply depressed, pushing the tragic outcome.

Having recovered after impact, Tissren found calm in the arms of the actor Richard Raccolo, with whom he met on the TV show "Two Guys and Girl" television show. From 2001 to 2003, young people were gained. What caused the tightness - the story is silent.

Tiffany Tissren and Richard Raccolo

Family happiness Tiffany found with Brady Smith. A two-year-old novel was crowned with a marriage and classified wedding ceremony in California Monterico. About marriage Journalists learned a few months later - the stars did not want a happy event to be saved in the tabloids.

Today, the spouses raise two charming children: the daughter of Harper, born in 2010, and the Son of the Holt, which appeared in 2015.

Tiffany Tissren and her husband Breidi Smith

At different times, Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling were the best friends of Tiffany Tissren. With Jenny actress, a friendship on the filming of youth film system in Beverly Hills. Tissan became a girlfriend of the bride at the Wedding Ceremony of Garth and Peter Fachinelley, but soon the friendship was interrupted.

Friendly relationship with Tori Spelling stopped after divorce actresses with the first spouse.

Tiffany Tissren now

News In the life of the star, fans track on her page in "Instagram", whose subscribers in 2018 exceeded half a million. Tiffany willingly share family pictures, where those who wish can consider the actresses adults.

Tiffany Tissren in 2018

Since 2015, Tissan has launched the author's culinary show that comes out now. Fans of star kitchen and Tiffany fans have already seen the 3 seasons of the Tiffany dinner TV project.

At the transfer of the actress invites famous friends who are in the cozy kitchen and in the spiritual atmosphere are divided by the recipes of delicious dishes and secrets of personal life.


  • 1989-1993 - "Saved Call"
  • 1990 - "Charles in Answer"
  • 1990 - "Married ... with children"
  • 1992 - "Step by step"
  • 1994 - "Saved call: Wedding in Las Vegas"
  • 1994-2000 - "Beverly Hills, 90210"
  • 1995 - "She fought alone"
  • 1995 - "She fought alone"
  • 1999 - "From Sunset to Dawn 2: Bloody Money Texas"
  • 2000 - "Well, very scary movies"
  • 2002 - "Hollywood Final"
  • 2007 - "Pandemic"
  • 2007 - "What about Brian?"
  • 2009-2014 - "White Collar"
  • 2014 - "Miracle of Christmas"

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