Warwick Davis - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Warwick Davis is one of the most popular dwarf actors in the history of cinema. Its growth is 107 cm. Films in which he starred is striking with its legendaryness - "Star Wars", "Harry Potter", "Narnia Chronicles", "Hitchhiker for Galaxy" and others. Despite the appearance defect, he managed to become a successful actor in Hollywood, a happy husband and father.

Childhood and youth

Warwick Davis was born in the city of Eps, Surrey County in England. His father Ashley Davis worked as an insurance broker, the mother of Susan was a housewife. Unlike the Son, they were the most ordinary people of medium height. As it turned out, the boy was born with a rare genetic disease, barely reaching a meter, he stopped growing.

Full Warwick Davis

Basically, the "dwarfism" is associated with ahondroplasia, but in the case of Davis, it was about spondyloyepiizar dysplasia. Medicine was at such a level at the time that the doctors immediately warned his parents that at best the child would live to adolescent age. But, fortunately, the doctors were mistaken.

He studied Warwick well, graduated from Chinthurst School, then "City of London Freemen's School". It is noteworthy that at birth, the parents called Son Warwick, but for some reason in the Russian-speaking segment initially went wrong - his name began to sound through the letter "B" - Warwick.

Warwick Davis

It is unlikely that someone would have known him at all if not his grandmother. When the boy was 11 years old, she heard the casting on the film "Star Wars. Episode VI: Return Jedi. " They were looking for people whose growth was below 120 cm. For Warwick - the fan of "Star Wars" - to get into the acting film was a dream, which was destined to come true.


Of course, this casting he could not miss. As a result, he was approved by Dubler Evok Kenny Baker. But unexpectedly for the film crew Baker fell ill, and George Lucas was forced to give the role of Davis. However, he ever regretted it ever about it. The young actor coped with the tasks of "Hurray".

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The film on the screens was released in 1983, subsequently, Warwick appeared in the spin-off of the "Star Wars" - "Caravan of Reshelchkov. The adventures of Evoks "and" Evoka. Battle for Endor.

In 1987, Davis received such a proposal from which it was impossible to refuse. He was invited to George Lucas and Ron Howard, they wanted to discuss a new project - the film "Willow", whose script was written directly under Warwick. He got the main role - a novice wizard Willow Afguda.

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Initially, the film was conceived as a trilogy, but the fees were low. Therefore, we decided to shoot two subsequent parts not to start. The picture received two Oscar premiums and five Saturn Awards, and Warwick Davis would be recognized as the best young actor.

Later, Davis was invited to television, and he participated in the filming of the series "Chronicles of Narnia". By the way, after many years, he reappeared in the elaboration of Narnia, however, now in big cinema.

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In 1993, Warwick starred in the horror film "Leprechaun" and became the main villain of the picture. Filmities reacted skeptical to the film, but it was commercially successful. Therefore, Leprechaun received a continuation, and not one, but still five more films.

An equally important project in the career of the actor was the mini-series on the work of Jonathan Swift "Adventures of Gullyer". Davis played Grildrig Dwarf. The picture was awarded at once five AMMI awards.

Warwick Davis in the films about Harry Potter

But the young viewer Warwick Davis is familiar to Saga about Harry Potter. Moreover, the actor has played three roles in films at once - Professor Filitiva Flitvik, manager of Gringotts Bank and Goblin Cryukokamba. Although it is extremely difficult to find out under kilograms of the makeup.

But, perhaps, even more makeup was on the actor during the filming of "Star Wars". In the "Episode I: Hidden Threat", he fulfilled the role of anyone else, as the wisest and strongest Jedi of his time - Yes. In the subsequent parts of the saga, he played the roles of Walivna, Vitifa Sugy, a boy, a friend of Anakin. Thus, in the "Star Wars" Davis got the most roles.

Warwick Davis in the role of iodine

Warwick appeared and a fantastic comedy film "Hitchhikeh in the Galaxy", he got the role of Robot Marvin. In 2009, Davis starred in the fantasy series "Merlin", in 2013 played Porridge in the TV series "Doctor Who". Perhaps, thanks to the small growth, a man managed to achieve such success in the cinema.

Personal life

In 1991, Warwick married Samante Burrow. Girl on 17 centimeters above his spouse. Samantha suffers from ahondroplasia. Honeymoon newlyweds spent on the ranch of George Lucas. By that time, they were friends with Davis.

Warwick Davis with family

In 1997, the Courty was born daughter Annabel, and in 2003 - son Harrison. They, like the Father, diagnosed the dysplasium.

The Davis family leads an active lifestyle, regular photos from quests, games and concerts regularly appear on the Internet. There is not a single photo on the network, where the actor does not smile. No difficulties broke Warwick, he became happy, no matter what.

Warwick Davis now

The actor continues to be filmed in the cinema, in 2018 it is planned to enter the new part of the "Star Wars" - "Khan Solo. Star Wars: Stories. " True, it is still unknown, whom Warwick will play. But for actor fans, this is only heating interest in the premiere.

Warwick Davis in 2018

Also, the network has information that the actor participates in the filming of the picture "Short Fellas". The plot and the release date are not yet known. There is information only about the fact that Warwick got the main role, and his wife Samantha will take off in the film.

Warwick Davis owns his own studio "Inch High Productions", where removes and produces music clips and commercials. Also with Peter Burrowz founded the company "Willow Personal Management Ltd" - the world's largest agency for "small" actors.


  • 1983 - "Star Wars. Episode VI: Jedi Return »
  • 1988 - "Willow"
  • 1993 - Lepricon
  • 1996 - "Journey of Guivier"
  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2005 - "Hitchhiker for the Galaxy"
  • 2008 - "Narnia Chronicles: Prince Caspian"
  • 2013 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2013 - "Jack - the conqueror of the giants"
  • 2017 - "Star Wars: Last Jedies"
  • 2018 - "Khan Solo. Star Wars: Stories "

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