Antonina Shuranova - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Actress Antonina Shuransov embodied on the screen of intelligent and strict heroines, externally emotional, but with a strong inner rod. She did not try to like, and the surrounding trees were trepidated. Fans recognized her, without even looking at the scene - one by one voice.

Childhood and youth

Antonina Nikolaevna was born in Sevastopol in an officer family on April 30, 1936. Mom was a Muscovite, father - Leningrad, died at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Mother with three daughters, of whom there is a sonya, returned to Leningrad.

Actress Antonina Shuranova

Free time, the girl practically did not remain. In addition to school, Tonya went to the section of academic rowing, sang in the choir, in the urban zoo, took patronage over the camel. She also fascinated painting, she dreamed of becoming art historian.

Classes took place in the Hermitage. There organized a theatrical exam. Antonina played an excerpt from the play of Lope de Vegi. The speech of the young actress was successful, the tone began to read the artistic future. But after the seven-year girl, to help the mother, he entered the technical school of green construction and worked for three years a gardener on the Vyborg side. However, I did not leave the dream about the theater scene, and about the movie speech did not go - the girl considered herself not a photogenic one.

Antonina Shuranova in youth

From the first attempt and even somewhat unexpectedly for himself, Tonya entered the Leningrad Theater Institute for the course of Tatiana Grigorievna Soynikova. The teacher had a principle: if you did not achieve success in 10 years, you need to leave the profession. A person who has made a real actress from yesterday's student, Suma Shuransov called the main director of the young audience Zinovia Karodsky.


The sign in the creative biography of Antonina Schuranova was the role of Princess Marya Bolkonskoy in the legendary film Sergey Bondarchuk "War and Peace". The actress then ended the institute and dreamed of the academic theater, because the filming resolutely refused. But Mosfilm dropped the deanat with demanding telegrams, and the girl had to agree. When five contenders left out of 17, there were sports interest - who would be chosen, recalled the actress.

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Also, at first, the tonya rejected the invitation to participate in the biographical film "Tchaikovsky". He agreed only because her heroine Hope von Mecc - age and attracted a young actress with difficulty and contradictory. Actress had to be immersed in an aristocratic life. On the set of Shuranov fed the huge English dogs, learned to ride in a male saddle, almost lost her teeth from the strike of a horse.

The most powerful impression on Antonin was performed by the leading role of the great Russian composer Innokenty Smoktunovsky. Working with him actress considered the gift of fate.

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Later, Antonina Nikolaevna got small roles in the children's film "Step from the roof", the melodrame "Strange Adults" with Lvom Durov and Alexander Demyanenko. The audience was remembered by the restrained and sophisticated Olowan Pily in Drama Vladimir Basova "Dangerous Turn".

One of the main roles of Shuransova played in the drama about the life of the ambulance doctors "Cardiac business." Actress's partners became George Tarautkin and his wife Ekaterina Markova, Anatoly Papanov.

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In the joint Soviet-Finnish formulation of "trust", Tonya embodied the image of the companion of Vladimir Lenin, the flame theorist of Marxism Rosa Luxembourg. Kirill Lavrov came as the leader of the world proletariat.

The most popular "unfinished play for mechanical piano" Nikita Mikhalkov also did not cost Antonina Shuranova. On the screen, the actress appeared in the role of Anna Petrovna Warny, the mistress of the manor, in which the film is unfolded. The picture with enthusiasm adopted by the audience, awarded awards. The story is also well known about how to lose weight by the artist Alexander Kalyagin to fit into the requirements of the director.

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Revolutionary, writer, diplomat, beloved Nikolai Gumileva - This was the character of Larisa Reisner, embodied by Shuranova in the film-monograph on the life and work of the poet "and the eternal battle ... From the life of Alexander Blok."

In the new Russian cinema, the talent of Antonina Nikolaevna was not very in demand. Boris Galkina actress, along with Irina Rozanova, Vladislav Galkin, Sergey Artzibashev, appeared in the caste of the military drama "June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock."

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Elena Safonova Shuranov's on-screen mother performed in the third part of the surviving melodrama "Winter Cherry". In an equally well-known TV series "Streets of broken lanterns" played an episodic role, in the "gangster Petersburg" - art historian, wife of the main character - a thief in the law performed by Kirill Lavrov.

Personal life

Having barely enrolled in the institute, Antonina married Nikolay's classmate. Marriage lasted until graduation. The second spouse Shuranova is a doctor. The family lived near the theater Square in a large apartment. Tonya worked in the theater of the young spectator, was detained late, which did not like her husband. The scandals in the house became commonplace, Antonina Nikolaevna recalled that he was mired into them.

With the third husband, Alexander, Khanovsky actress, was familiar for 14 years, but the romantic feelings broke out unexpectedly when the artists put a performance together. Sasha during this time managed to marry twice - on the artist of the circus Irina Asmus, known as Cloinesss of Iriska, and on the artist. Khayinsky sang beautifully and always liked the tone.

Antonina Shuranova and Alexander Khain

Antonina took only personal belongings and went into a communal service to Vasilyevsky, to wanting. The last marriage turned out to be happy. According to Shuranova, she lived with Sasha as a stone wall, looked at things with his eyes. Spouses have positively influenced each other, although household problems lay entirely on the tone.

The first seven years of living together the couple lived, without putting a stamp in the passport. They went to the registry office, only when they were refused to deliver them to one room in the hotel. Raced in the break between rehearsals and signed, the wedding did not celebrate such.


The health of the artist seriously undermined the death of her husband, which happened in April 1998. Antonina Nikolaevna told that after the death of Alexander could not be out of the house, he constantly felt the presence of a number of a loved one. The surroundings noticed that the woman had changed a lot, closed in himself, did not want to communicate with relatives and friends.

The grave of Antonina Shuranova

Later, Suchanova was diagnosed with cancer, which was the cause of death of the actress in 2003. Until recent days, how much strength was allowed, Antonina played in performances and demonstrated all his appearance that there was no illness.

The people's favorite buried at the Serafimovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg next to the spouse.


  • 1965 - "War and Peace"
  • 1970 - "Tchaikovsky"
  • 1973 - "Cardiac cases"
  • 1974 - "Strange Adults"
  • 1975 - "Trust"
  • 1981 - "Comrade Innokenty"
  • 1988 - "All someone love"
  • 1992 - "Remember the smell of lilac"
  • 1995 - "Winter Cherry 3"
  • 1999 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2000 - "Gangster Petersburg. Baron

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