Ryu Murakami - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



As in Russian literature there are two fat - Lion and Alexey, and in Japanese - two Murakov. Haruki and Ru do not have neither related nor other relations - the first writes novels that are incrediblely popular outside of Japan. The second same creates works much more radical, affecting the themes of psychology, violence and murders who love and understand mostly compatriots. It was not by chance that Ryu Murakami earned a reputation as a "bad boy" in Japanese literature.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the writer - Rysnik Murakami, was born on February 19, 1952 in the city of Sacebo, located in Nagasaki Prefecture. The childhood of the future author was not easy: Ryu since childhood had a rebellious character, although he was born in the teacher's family and artist.

Writer Ryu Murakov

Being a high school student, the young man once barriced on the roof of the school in protest against the war in Vietnam. Murakami simpatized hippies, then at 15 years old created a rock band and organized a youth rock festival. In other words, Ru himself became a prototype for some of his desperate characters.

Until the majority of Murakami lived in the port city where the American naval base was located. This fact was reflected in the work of the Ryu: part of the works permeated by thoughts on the problems of the coexistence of the cultures of the West and the East. Usually, Murakami attempts at mutual adaptation and at the level of personalities, and at the level of society lead to terrifying consequences.

Ryu Murakov in youth

In 1970, Ryu Murakami moved to the Tokyo suburb of Fuss, received a higher education at the Art University of Musasino. In those years, Ru became a frequent participant in shares of the National Student Self-Government Federation, which were directed against the presence of the US military forces in Japan. In the early 70s and the literary style of the author began to form.


The creative biography of the writer began in 1976, when Ru debuted with the novel "All shades of blue". A peculiar affair with a non-standard story about teenagers-marginal caused sensation. The book was separated by more than 1 million copies, one part of critics instantly called Murakov founder of a new direction in Japanese literature. The young author became the winner of the literary Akutagava Prize.

Writer Ryu Murakov

At the same time, another part of critics accused the young author in decadence, as Ru said he did not care about the readers who do not have experience in drug addiction and group sex. So Murakami once again confirmed the stormy youth, and also explained why the stories of books are so realistic and detailed.

In 1980, the work of "Children from Storage Camera". Roman talks about two consolidated brothers abandoned by mothers in the maternity hospital. In the youthful age, they face psychotropic poison - "Duttle". This drug delivers a pleasure similar to a narcotic, and burns inside the desire to kill.

Books of Ryu Murakov

After that, the author creates a number of works that are distinguished by an innovative approach to the presentation of the plot. Ryu abundantly uses Slang, boldly writes about the peculiarities of the intimate life of the population of the native country. For all the work of the writer, a critical display of reality is characterized, for example, the history of the serial killer from the MISO-Soup thriller, released in 1997, further revealed the actual problems of the Japanese society. For this Roman Murakami received the literary Award "Yamiuri" in the category "Fiction".

In addition to writing, Ryu is fond of director, shielding his books. In 1979, the first film was released on the debut novel "All Shades Blue". In subsequent years, he released a few more tapes, the most famous of which became the "Tokyo Decadence" on the novel "Topaz". A film telling about the difficult fate of the young prostitute ah, in a number of countries, is counted for the category of pornographic for candid sexual and sadomasochist scenes.

In 2003, the "Ecstasy" book was published in print - the first volume of the trilogy "Monologues on enjoyment, apathy and death". The readers saw the psychological groundnight bdsm in it: Murakami explains why one or another character is not against beatings or violence. The plot of the trilogy is related to each other: one common Hero for all books in each Tome meets the character, each of which breaks his life. The second and third books are called "Melancholy" and "Tanatos".

In 2005, the author received the Noma Prize for the novel "Forward from the Peninsula". In fact, thanks to this nomination, Ryu was among the classical authors of modern Japanese literature.

Personal life

In an interview, which gives Murakami, it is mainly about works. Information about the family of Ryu consciously does not distribute.

Ryu Murakov

Therefore, a little about the personal life of the Japanese writer is known: in September 1976 he married Tazukohashi Kzuko Keychochi and still live in marriage. In 1980, the Son appeared at the pair. In addition to literary activities, Ryu is a political observer and is fond of football.

Ryu Murakami now

The popularity of the works of Ryu Murakov stepped far beyond the country of the rising sun. Quotes from the author's novels flashed on the pages of social networks of users of the whole world. Currently, Murakami continues to engage in directory, removing films only on their own works.

Ryu Murakami in 2018

On April 19, 2018, the film "Piercing", filmed by the same name appeared on Russian screens. The main character, which was performed by Christopher Abbott, seems to be an exemplary family man. In fact, the man oppresses the memories that he stabbed the mother-stripper. Voices in the head are trying to push the daughter's murder.

In an attempt to remove stress, the hero leaves from the city and decides to remove the prostitute to relax, and then deal with it. But the charm of the girl of easy behavior turns the situation, turning the plot into a fascinating psychological game.


  • 1976 - "All shades of blue"
  • 1977 - "War begins for the sea"
  • 1980 - "Children from Storage Camera"
  • 1987 - "69"
  • 1989 - "Hotel" Raffles "
  • 1994 - Piercing
  • 1995 - "Kioko"
  • 1997 - "Misho-soup"
  • 1997 - "Strange Days"
  • 1998 - "Lines"
  • 2000 - "parasites"
  • 2005 - "Forward from the peninsula!"

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