Mikhail Ugarov - biography, photo, personal life director, death



Mikhail Ugarov - director, playwright, artistic director of the TEATER.DOC and the school of the documentary theater and the cinema, which gave the name of Marina spread and his own. For such a dry definition, a person hides, who taught students with unknown art to tune the look, to outward the most shameful and bad and fearlessly destroying classical ideas.

Childhood and youth

Most of the biography of people born in artistic families, assume that their lives will be somehow connected with the world and theater. I did not exception and Mikhail, the son of the actor and director of the Arkhangelsk Theater of the Drama, the Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Yuri Ugarova.

Mikhail Ugar's playwright

One of the largest discoverers of the newest play was born in Arkhangelsk in January 1956. He studied in the literary institute, but did not receive a diploma about the end. Alexey's elder brother worked as a director on regional television.

Immediately after school, Mikhail Ugarov entered the actor in the Kirov Theater of the Young Spectator, who gave 16 years of life. At the same time, he deceived the main director and director, the fracture that there is no special education. However, the management risked to take a passionate guy.

Mikhail Ugarov

As the parents warned, after eight years later, Mikhail began to make an acting profession and engaged in writing. In addition, he played on the stage, began to establish a literary part.


In the early 90s, Mikhail Ugarov moved to Moscow and, as the press wrote, got up at the head of the modern play. For the first time debuted as the theater director in the Center for Dramaturgia and Directors, established by Alexey Kazantsev and Mikhail Roshchin.

Marina Spaszhekina and Mikhail Ugarov

In 2002, together with his wife, Elena Gremina, he founded the favorite brainchild of the TEAT.DOC, on the stage of which documentary performances were made, frankly witness and political. The troupe junteled through the codings, cleared them, and then left, remembered Mikhail.

Later, the theater was a premises in a threeproof lane, but the Moscow authorities in 2014 were forced to leave him. On the Internet and print media, the wave of indignation was raised. The mayor was accused of persecuting the teetra .Do for three "not", since the theater was positioned as an independent, non-state, non-commercial.

Mikhail Ugarov at rehearsals

Fans wrote that the theater, even being in the basement, where only a hundred people fit can be influenced, alleviate the entire theatrical process in the country. The audiences bought tickets for the sensational "Hour 18", dedicated to Sergey Magnitsky, "New Antigonus" about mothers who have lost their children in Beslan.

The formulation of the "marsh cause" was trying to disrupt: Exactly to the premiere in the TEATR.DOC, the prosecutor's office, Ministry of Emergency Situations, police declared. Later, Mikhail Ugarova was not released from Moscow on tour to Berlin from Moscow. No less excitement caused a statement in the genre of the testation theater about the girls from Pussy Riot, although Mikhail Yuryevich was not going to put it as

"The life itself was such a performance that, if you put it on the stage, a cartoon will get."

Ugarov believed that it was necessary to show the truth that he saw in his own eyes in court and generally give the tribune witnessing events. About himself the director said as a significant troll, whose task is not to deprive the power of authority, but to show what it works nonsense.

Mikhail Ugarov - biography, photo, personal life director, death 15285_5

An independent director's debut of Ugarov on the big screen was the film "Brothers H", the film is played by Elena Gremina. The plot of the paintings covered only one day from the life of the writer's family and was based on the memoirs of Anton, Mikhail and Alexander Chekhov.

Mikhail participated in the organization of the festival of young dramatics "Lyubimovka", whose goal was to update theater through new authors. In the mid-1990s, Ugarov was one of the founders of the Debut Center Theater at the Central House of Aktera named Apple, in which unknown authors received a chance to put performances in their works.

Mikhail Ugarov with students

The new director Mikhail Yuryevich left the play "Cuisine witches", "The spelling on the grotto", the "Russian disabled" newspaper for July 18, "" Trouble "," April Green Cheeks "and others.

Personal life

A little known about the family and children of playwright. The first wife Mikhail Yurevich became the actress, but the name is not called it anywhere. The couple got married in a very young age, on the wave of passionateness of the general profession. And then, as Ugar said, he had a sharply changed to the theater, the marriage began to decay, because the levels changed.

Ivan Ugarov, son Mikhail Ugarova

Son Ivan chose playwrith as a profession. Ugarov-Jr. - co-author of scenarios for films "Do not be born beautiful", "Love around the area", "Mother's daughter", "Dr. Richter".

Later, the author of the "Oblon Off" at the seminar of young playwrights met Elena Gremina, the sister of director Alexander Mindadze. Mikhail liked her play "Wheel Fortune," and the woman was struck by the Ugarovsky "Pigeons". The novel of the texts began.

Elena Gremina, wife Mikhail Ugarova

According to his own recognition of the director, the spouses changed roles: one performed as a writer, and the other was the wives of playwright or husband of playwright. They got married to discuss the play of each other, but did not interfere in creativity. Mikhail was always interested in the opinion of his wife, decisions were taken together.

Although in an interview with Ugarov recognized that he began to write, as he considered himself a stupid man, falling into one or another situation, did not immediately find what to answer. And a day or two, thoughts came to mind, formulations. Perhaps, therefore, Mikhail Yurevich's works are distinguished by strong monologues of heroes.

Mikhail Ugarov with granddaughters

Son Elena, Alexander Rodionov, went in the footsteps footsteps - finished the literary institute in 1999 and during that time became the largest modern screenwriter, the author of dozens of plays, who received an incarnation on theatrical stage and on the movie screen.

Mikhail Yurevich had three grandchildren.

Ugarov did not like when he was magnified by patronymic. On the page in Facebook, he wondered about this, because he himself appeared everywhere by name.


The last months, Mikhail Ugarov worked on the play of Ukrainian playwright Natalia to exorbit the "bad roads". The author at home was already accused of separation of reality and nonpatami. In Russia, Natalia trusted to put his play only Ugar. The director was concerned about the search for actors who could pull such a difficult material.

Mikhail Ugarov in recent years

Day before leaving, Mikhail Yuryevich spent on the anniversary of the New Gazeta. Communicating with the mass of people, and nothing foreshadowed trouble. With the publishing house at theater.doc implemented 4 projects, and the Ugarov dreamed of six more. In the evening at home, Khudukka became bad. When the ambulance arrived, it was too late. The cause of death was called a sudden heart attack.

The funeral of the famous director accompanied the scandal. Ugarov's burial planned to spend on the Troecorsk cemetery, but his leadership considered that Mikhail Yuryevich did not earn such honors, and requested 740 thousand rubles.

Mikhail Ugarov

Moscow City Hall, as Gazeta.ru reported, which caused help, did not fulfill the promises. According to the director of the theater of Zarema Zaudinova,

"There should be a special will of the city administration. It is unlikely that it will come, if we consider that we were always disliked for sharpness, criticism and honesty. Merit to the state of Mikhail Yurevich is not - and this is fortunately, but there are merits to the country and the whole modern theater. "

Theater.doc appealed to help to not indifferent people and a day collected the required amount.


  • Documentary Piece Theater Theater.doc
  • Festival of young playwrights "Loved"
  • Festival "New Drama" (now - "New Piece")
  • "Debut Center" under the central House of Aktera named Apple
  • Scenario of television series "Petersburg Secrets" (co-author)
  • Scenario of the series "Diary of the Killer" (co-author)
  • Talk Show "My Family"

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