Mikhail Labkovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Psychologist, Readings 2021



Popular psychology becomes a fashionable trend of modern society. Mikhail Labkovsky works in the field of family and individual psychology dozens of years. At seminars and lectures, he speaks with listeners on their understandable language. That is why now the advice of the psychologist enjoy significant authority from customers.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Alexandrovich was born in the capital of Russia on June 17, 1961. The parents of the boy treated the Jewish diaspora, which created some difficulties in the biography of Mikhail. Labkovsky recognized that in childhood suffered by the syndrome of attention and hyperactivity deficit.

The disease has made a teenager uncontrollable and practically impended that it could not not bring problems to parents. Yes, and the boy himself suffered from irrepressible nature. Impossibility to stream in place and focus prevented from achieving goals and achieve results in life.

Own psychological problems caused the decision to start learning psychology. True, before entering the university, the teenager tried itself in many specialties. The first workplace in the biography was the zoo. At first, a 14-year-old schoolboy tried to get a plant, manufacturing beer barrels.

However, the teenager did not take the production, but in the zoo met with joy. The duties of the boy included a leaving for a kangaroo and small animals. A little later, already in his student years, worked as a janitor in a departmental kindergarten. It was there that received the first observations of the relationship between children and parents.

After graduation, at a young age, the young man received a diploma in the specialty "General, family and age psychology". In addition to psychological education, practiced in solving issues of family law. In the youth, training at the university was born in interest in a detailed study of psychology as science.

Personal life

Mikhail Alexandrovich prefers about the details of the personal life of the personal life. As a psychologist comments, it is not related to medical activities, therefore it is not worth a conversation about it.

Meanwhile, it is known that the man was married, the marriage ended with the divorce of the spouses, but they retained a friendly relations. Consultant for family issues told that the former wife requested the Council in choosing a new satellite of life.

From marriage from a psychologist there is an adult daughter of Daria. Mikhail Alexandrovich shares that he could not call himself an exemplary father, but heard herself, although he initially belonged to the child too critical and demanding. When the daughter turned 18, the Father believed that Dasha was too idle to life. Putting a girl before the choice of study or work, the man did not expect that Daria would assist in his nose to the army's agenda.

After serving in Israeli military troops, the relationship with the Father has changed for the better, became friendly and trustees. A young woman is married, works by a journalist, and also helps his father with the creation of a clothing line. Sweets, T-shirts, bags and souvenirs with motivating inscriptions are sold in the online store on the official website of Labkovsky.


A psychologist's career began for a specialist from work at school. Having accustomed to the post of a regular teacher, soon the young man became a psychologist. Labkovsky recalled that during the device to school faced difficulties caused by origin. The young Jew did not want to see in the state everywhere. In the end, Mikhail Alexandrovich took into the team of the current Moscow Gymnasium No. 1543. The director of the educational institution himself was a Jew, therefore no extra questions about nationality did not arise.

At 28, a man, together with his family, went to Israel, where he received a second degree in psychology and continued his practice. In Jerusalem, he served as a consultant working with married couples at the divorce stage. A unique profession, the analogues of which in Russia does not exist, suggests, in addition to psychological consultations, also solving legal issues on the division of property and rights to children.

At the Moscow City Hall, he worked as a consultant for working with difficult teenagers. In addition, private counseling did not stop. Returning to Moscow, closely engaged in issues of family psychology, raising children and personal growth. Popularization of science, a conversation about psychology by simple, understandable language inhabitants - the main purpose of the specialist.

The first works and tips of Labkovsky were appreciated by women, because on them - wives, mothers and keepers of a homely hearth - first of all, consultations of the psychologist were calculated. In addition to private meetings with customers, a professional conducts seminars and lectures, which are equally different from boring theory quotations. Most often, the problematic situations of the psychologist considers examples from life and practice.

Seminars pass in communication mode with the audience, the lecturer answers the questions of the listeners and gives advice. Labkovsky has developed a list of universal rules, allowing to achieve comfort and dispose of personal problems. Among other applications, this list can be called 6 of the rules of a confident woman who say that you need:

  • Do just what you want.
  • Do not do what you do not want.
  • Immediately talk about what I do not like.
  • Do not respond when not asked.
  • Answer only to the question.
  • Finding out the relationship, talk only about yourself.

Investigating these rules and on the introduction of their patient and the Labkovsky method was built. Since 2004, a doctor's career is beyond the framework of a private psychologist. The specialist begins to lead a broadcast at the station "Echo of Moscow". The program is called "adults about adults" and is focused on the decision of gender and family problems. In particular, the specialist told how to get rid of the feeling of guilt and shame. Later, the project was transferred to the "Silver Rain" channel.

The guests of this transfer, which the psychologist led with the editor of Natalia Kuzmin, became famous doctors. So, on the air, a cardiologist, head of the department of cardiorevitization of the Academy named after I. M. Sechenov, Alexey Light was participating. The issue discussed the issues of the connection of stress with heart and nervous diseases.

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a frequent guest of the Culture Channel, the transfer of "Rules of Life". There, as at lectures and seminars, a psychologist answers questions about children, family, self-esteem, relations with parents, close and society. In addition, the psychologist leads a constant author's column on the "Snob" portal. Tips readers and articles are published on the official Labkovsky website.

Mikhail is a user of an Internet environment and social networks. In addition to the official site, leads pages in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. True, accounts are exclusively working, professional. Photos and publications about personal life found on the resources is difficult. The doctor receives a lot of invitations for interviews for women's magazines, acts as an expert and consultant in television and radio broadcasts.

The popularity of the psychologist is at the peak. Public seminars pass through Russia, CIS countries and collect hundreds of listeners. Hundreds of thousands of users signed on official pages in social networks.

In 2017, Alpina Publisher published a book "I want and I will", which immediately became a popular psychological leadership. The author is divided by secrets on how to find harmony, become happy and find love. In February, in the program "Something good", which overlooks the radio station "Silver rain", Labkovsky discussed the problems of relations in a couple with Alex Dubas and Marie Armaas. Also in other video, the psychologist told the public about the phenomenon of dislike for himself and gave advice, how to accept himself.

In 2018, Mikhail Alexandrovich acts as a TV host Show "Super Machines" on the CTC channel. As part of the show, the psychologist awards points to participants, and also gives advice on raising children who will be useful to television viewers and young mothers. In the same year, Labkovsky was repeatedly becoming a guest of the Marianna Minister "we need to talk" on the Yutiub-Channel "RTVI News".

During the esters, the psychologist, together with the TV host discussed issues that exciting an audience. So, among those issues - episodes on how to get the work of dreams, how to gain confidence, how not to become a victim of manipulation and others. Also in the network there were 15 tough advice on love, in which Labkovsky brought a number of regular life truths.

In 2019, the TV channel "Doctor" presented a new project in which the psychologist conducted several informative issues. Themes of the transmission became questions that most people were worried: family conflicts, alcoholism, children's injuries and insults and more. The doctor taught the audience to find the cause of stress, deal with her, develop love for himself.

Mikhail Labkovsky now

In 2020, the psychologist continued to work in the field of "treating human souls". In July, Labkovsky held a public online consultation called "about it." Together with him, the popular TV presenter Elena Khanga, known for the same name, who went to the screens in the 90s participated in the 9th. The public has received the opportunity to ask questions for intimate topics, learn more about what it is not customary to speak openly.

In November, Mikhail Alexandrovich became the guest of the Irina Shikhman program "And to talk?", Overlooking the Yutiub-Channel of the blogger. The transfer discussed aspects associated with the life and work of the doctor. The author of psychology books responded to questions about how to get married, what is the difference between the training of a psychologist and coach.

The psychologist did not remain aside and from the problem of coronavirus exciting world. In the new release of Forbes Digest, Labkovsky told, what losses suffered during the self-insulation, shared an opinion on the phenomenon COVID-19, gave listeners several anti-crisis tips. Interviews with Mariana Minker continued and loving fans. On the air, friends discussed ways to enhance self-esteem.

Also, the audience continued to follow the program "adults about adults". In the transferrs of 2020, Mikhail Alexandrovich again raised the problem of neurotic relationships and told how to go out right. Here he raised the question of dependencies, described their signs and reasons.


  • 2013 - Audioction "About love for yourself"
  • 2013 - Audioction "About the feeling of guilt and shame"
  • 2013 - Audioception "About work and money"
  • 2013 - Audioception "About Marry"
  • 2013 - Audioction "About Children"
  • 2015 - Audioction "About Dependence"
  • 2017 - "I WANT AND I WILL"

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