Castiel - biography, actor, name, image and character


Character History

The character of the American Mystical Show "Supernatural", an angel of the Lord, embodied in the body of mortal, one of the main characters.

History of creation

By developing the appearance of Castiel, the creators of the series took as a basis the image of John Constantine - the Okkultist Detective, the hero of the Hellblazer comic book, the role of which in 2005 played Keanu Rivz in the film "Konstantin: Lord of Darkness.

John Konstantin

An angel with the same name is not in the Bible, but the Angel named Castiel, who is called the strongest angel and the throne of the Lord, is mentioned in Kabbalah. Another mention of the angel, whose name sounds like, is found in the book on Kabbalah called "Sefer Ha-Mid", or "Tyne Book". This book defined the castia as an angel warrior, to which they appeal during the battle, and called him the place of residence eastern part of the sixth sky.


Castiel first appears in the series "Supernatural" for the time to help out and return to the world of people Dina Winchester, who is stuck in hell. Castiel claims to descend for Din to hell he commanded himself. And on the body of Dina, the burn was formed where the angel touched him. After that, Castiel remains to promote brothers Winchesters in the fight against demons and angels who flooded the human world.

Sam and Dean Winchester

Castiel has fantastic abilities that other angels possess. For example, destroy the demons with one touch only. The image of Castiel is little similar to the usual image of the "good" angel. The hero does not seek to help people, at first completely devoid of emotions and is badly focused in the world of people, can kill, including innocent. In the course of the case, the character gradually changes. In one of the episodes, you can see how Castiel expressively takes away to Dean's remark that without angelic forces hero "like a child in a sequence."

Angels in the series are disembodied enthusiasm, whose appearance is determined by the mortal body in which the angel was united. Mortals are not able to bring the pristine appearance and voice of angels, so the celestial creatures are looking for suitable "vessels" for incarnation. To settle in the human body, the angel needs to be consent. In addition, a person must be "suitable", otherwise the mortal shell will not stand and burn. The present name of the man in which Castiel instilled in and in whose appearance the audience observes an angel throughout the series, - Jimmy Novak.

Jimmy Novak

Novak is a simple guy with his wife and a child, a deeply believes Christian. When Novak begins to hear the voice of Castiel, the wife decides that he went crazy and demands that Jimmy addressed medical care, threatening otherwise to leave and pick up daughter. Novak agrees to become a providence from the angel with an angel, which will take care of the family, after which Castiel "captures the Office" over the body Novak. After a year, Jimmy Novak returns and reunited with his family, but it lasts long, because the heroes find the demons who put in Jimmy's wife. As a result, Jimmy again gives the body to the disposal of angel.

In some episodes, you can see Castiel with wings, which look like a transparent shadow of the appropriate form behind the hero. However, this is little similar to the familiar image of the pernate inhabitant of heaven.


Thanks to Castiel, the winchesters were hidden from the angels and archangels. For this, the hero inflicted Enochian characters right on the edges Sam and Dina. In the fifth season, Castiel is deprived of his angelic forces, but chases on the states together with Winchesters and Bobby, helping to solve their usual tasks.

The biography of Castiel is full of mysterious turns. The hero plays a crucial role in the finals of the fifth season, when Lucifer, united to Sam, is found in a cemetery with Mikhail in the body of Adam Winchester, John's younger son. Dean is trying not to give the archangels to commenced and the topics of a full-scale apocalypse, but to resist these two not in human forces.

Lucifer from the series

At the last moment, Michael neutralizes Castiel. The hero suddenly appears with a "shell" in the form of a bottle with a burning holy oil and throws the angel "Molotov cocktail" in the Archangel with a ridiculous cry: "Hey, Pop-ass!" Mikhail temporarily disappears, and the furious lucifer with a click "explodes" the human shell of Castiel.

Killed Castiel Returns God to Life. The hero receives the usual appearance of Jimmy Novaka, its own angelic forces and a service increase - now Castiel Seraphim. At the end of the season, Castiel goes to heaven. Since Lucifer and Mikhail were locked in hell, anarchy will begin in heaven and gnawing for power, and Castiel wants to "keep his hand on the pulse."

ART: Sam, Dean and Castiel

In the third series of the sixth season, the angel returns to help Winchesters fight against the Lemon Crowley and other monsters. In heaven, Castiel heads the party of pacifists angels who want to prevent the Apocalypse, against the angels led by Rafail, who want "the show continued."

In the sixth season, Castiel constantly leads a horseskiy game, comes into conspiracy with Crowley and collects human souls for the sake of gaining power. In the final at the disposal of the hero are all the souls of purgatory. Castiel becomes incredibly powerful, destroys Rafail with one click, and after declares himself with a new God.

Castiel in the series

In the seventh season it becomes obvious that Castiel bit off more than it can swallow. Together with the human souls inside it, the souls of monsters are settled. The human shell of Castiel begins to collapse, and the hero himself loses control over it, yielding the "steering wheel" of the Leviathan monsters, which now live inside him.

With the help of Winchesters, an angel manages to spew the "stuffing" from human shower and return those in purgatory, but Leviathans remain in the body of Castiel. Later, these monsters leave the dying shell and put in people. The rest of the seventh season is devoted to the war with Leviathans. And Castiel, whom Winchesters considered dead, did not die, but lost memory.

The hero appears later under the name of the healer of Emmanuel, which heals some kind of physical and mental illness. In the final, memory returns to Castiel, but not long. In an attempt to save Sam from madness and hallucinations, in which Lucifer is, Castiel "takes" is madness and goes crazy himself. At the end of the season, Winchester leaves Castiel in a psychiatric clinic.

In the eighth season, Castiel comes to himself, but it turns out to be controlled by a certain angel named Naomi, who uses the hero to watch the hard drives and receive reports about everything than those busy. Castiel himself does not remember anything about these "denuncations." At the end of the season, Castiel is deprived of angelic grace and becomes a man, and the angels fall from heaven to Earth. In the ninth season, these fallen angels open a hunt for Castiel.

Usually, the angels hear what happens in heaven, connecting to the Angelic Radio, but in the ninth season you can see how Castiel prays, trying to attract the attention of "their own."

Castiel and Lucifer

In the eleventh season, Lucifer is instilled in the body of Castiel and is accepted to arrange his own business, hiding behind with a castiel name. At the end of the twelfth season of Castiel, Lucifer again kills, and the winchesters betray the body of the angel.

However, at the beginning of the thirteenth season, Jack, the son of Lucifer, calls to the dead Castiel, and he comes into consciousness in an emptiness that looks like an infinite black space. Castiel is chosen from there and returns to Earth again. In the thirteenth season, Castiel and Lucifer turn out to be together involved in the situation around Jack - Son Lucifer.


In the series "Supernatural" Castiel appears, starting from the fourth season, which came out in 2008. The first phenomenon of Castiel occurs in the first series of this season. Together with Castiel in the world of "supernatural", the scenarios introduced Christian mythology and conjugate with her themes and images. Before that, the universe of the series was built on the American urban folklore.

Full Misha Collins

Initially it was assumed that Castiel will remain in the series only six episodes. However, the character performed by the actor Misha Collins was so good and caused so much enthusiastic responses from the fans of the show and the press, which in the fifth and sixth season was among the main characters. In the thirteenth season, the Hero Misha Collins still remains in the show.

When they started showing the web series "Sphericelters of Spirit" - Spin-off project "Supernatural" - Castiel appeared there. "Sphericelters of perfumes" are ten-minute videos depicting documentary videos "lovers hunters." The series with Castiel came out on October 23, 2011.


Many phrases of Castiel remembered the fans of the show.

"I am no longer fighting. I am watching bees. " "- Hey, Pop-ass! - Castiel. Have you just threw in my brother "Molotov Cocktail" with holy fire? - Uh, no. " "- Things are good. "You say good, but you look not very." - This is a human manner. They say that in order. And let it be untrue, you have to agree with me to avoid talking about what we cannot change. "

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