Group "Pussy Riot" - Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Clips 2021



The feminist punk rock team Pussy Riot has become the famous public in 2011. The creative activity of the Group lies in unauthorized promotions in places that are not intended for such events, during which participants close faces with colored balaclava. The name can be interpreted in different ways: ranging from "catpuckle" to vulgar and non-printing phrases.


Initially, the project does not imply a constant composition. It is known that creative girls are anonymously involved in it: artists, journalists, actresses, volunteers, poetess. The personality of most participants are classified, girls act and communicate with the media using the pseudonyms "Balaclava", "Cat", "Manko", "Serafima", "Schumacher", "Hat" and others.

Punk Rock Group Pussy Riot

According to representatives of the group, they are often exchanged by creative names. One of the ideas of the team is that other participants who support the views of the movement can act with them. The names of three girls from Pussy Riot became known after the promotion of the "Virgin, Putin drive!". They were Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Maria Alekhina.


The team considers himself representatives of the "third wave of feminism." The texts criticize the dictatorship, advocate the resignation of the current president and are struggling for the rights of women. Words and music for songs they compose themselves. After each released composition, the composition is carried out, where the song is live and removed on the camera. The received video is used when installing the clip.

One of the first songs of the group has become "liberated a barbecue", which was written on the eve of the election in the State Duma in 2011. Girls performed a composition in the capital public transport, capturing the roofs of trolley buses and the metro station.

Next year, 8 participants of the Pussy Riot team presented the song "Riot in Russia - Putin Zass * L" on the frontal place of Red Square. To attract the attention of the girl used colored smoke checkers. The performers of the song were detained, two fined.

Pussy Riot on Red Square

After the scandalous punk prayer, the group participants released several more songs. During the announcement of the sentence from the balcony of the house, located opposite the Hamovnic Court, where the case was heard, one of the participants of the team in support of Samutsevich, Tolokonnikova and Alekhina presented the song "Putin lights fires of the revolution." On the same day, the composition was published on The Guardian website.

Pussy Riot in the Church

In 2014, Pussy Riot held a promotion in Sochi during the Olympiad, which "Putin will teach you to love your homeland." The IOC called the speech by "shameful and inappropriate" and recalled that the Olympic Games are not a place for political actions.

One of the last songs of the collective is "Seagull", the video on which was released in 2016. Satyric video devoted to the "Russian State Mafia": Tolokonnikova depicts the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Yakovlevich Seak.


Even before the creation of a group, one of the future leaders of Pussy Riot took part in the Perfomance of the Art Group "War". The event took place on February 29, 2008: in the museum, several young families simultaneously have sex and removed the process to video. Tolokonnikova participated with Verry's husband, both at that time are students of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University. The girl was on the 9 month month of pregnancy, a few days later her daughter was her daughter.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova from Pussy Riot participates in orgies in the museum

Orgy was dedicated to the Martov election of the president in the country. Participants wanted sex performed that many citizens of the country against the new President of Dmitry Medvedev, practically appointed by Vladimir Putin.

"Pictured as they could and how were able to", "the hope will later say.

In 2010, one of the members of the Art Group "War", in the future participant of Pussy Riot, in the supermarket of St. Petersburg conducted an action, the attribute of which became frozen chicken. The girl in front of the buyers took off the underwear, placed the tray under the dress, and on the street arranged improvised childbirth.

Participant of the group Pussy Riot with chicken

The main scandal associated with the team occurred after the promotion of the "Virgin Mary, Putin Round!". In February 2012, Pussy Riot took off two short episodes: the courts of Christ the Savior and the Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov became sites. Based on the records, the montage of the clip was made - it became the material for the criminal case.

For the speech in the church, as well as for other porn rollers, Pussy Riot was recognized as involved in extremism and sentenced leaders to the conclusion. Tolokonnikova and Alekhina spent about a year in colony, Samutsevich was separated by conditional punishment.

Pussy Riot now

Back in 2013, after liberation from prison, Alekhina and Tolokonnikov at a press conference in Moscow stated:

"We are not Pussy Riot at the moment."

Once upon a freedom, the girls created a movement in defense of the rights of prisoners "the right zone". But Maria and Hope are both strong personalities who could not work together for a long time. There was a conflict between the girls, and they do not cooperate. The source reports that the project itself is alive, but is no longer active. The biography of the main participants of the collective was in different ways.

Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova

Alekhina lives in Russia, sometimes performs the country with punk concerts, conducts shares. In 2017, the girl presented his book "Riot Days", which described the scandalous rock prayer, and also told about the severe prison proportion of women. In March 2018, Maria Alekhina and Olga Borisov, one more of the participants of the collective, were detained for the intersection of the border with Ukraine when visiting the Crimea.

On April 16, 2018, Mary again detained, this time - on the Lubyanskaya Square for violations of public order. The girl organized a promotion against the blocking "Telegraph". TV channel "Rain" in Twitter published a video from the promotion, where the participants launched paper multicolored airplanes.

Pussy Riot in 2018

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, together with her husband, Peter Verry, performed first in the West, now in America. In October 2016, a Pussy Riot team is officially created on the page in Instargam, on the first photo shows allegedly Tolokonnikova in the yellow balaclava. The signature to the post reads - "Pussy is returned."

Judging by the bills and information from "Instagram", in May 2018, Pussy Riot Group will give a solo concert in Brooklyn, tickets starts from $ 60. It will also take part in the three-day Music Festival Bostong Calling, which will be the guests of Eminem and The Killers.


  • 2013 - "Virgin Mary, Putin Round!"
  • 2013 - "How in a Red Prison"
  • 2014 - "Putin will teach you to love the Motherland"
  • 2016 - "Make America Great Again"
  • 2016 - Organs
  • 2016 - "Seagull"


  • 2012 - "Kill Sexyist"
  • 2017 - "IN RIOT WE TRUST"

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