Group "Nerves" - biography, history of creation, composition, photo, soloist, Zhenya Milkovsky, participants, concerts, albums 2021



In the group "Nerves", according to Solist Zhenya Milkovsky, since the creation in 2010 did not change anything, if not talking about the composition. The songs are still autobiographical, "Delicious Music Cocktail" is obtained due to the fact that each member of the team contributes to his own experiences. Collect emotions together - difficult work. Will the end result of mainstream - not an end in itself. "Nervam" is important to remain interesting to themselves.

The history of creation and composition

In the history of the creation of "nerves", the main role is assigned to a trellied every participant since childhood love for music. Vladislav Zhenchenko and Anton Tosha Nizheko played in the same group still at school. With Dmitry Maus, his friends got acquainted on the birthday of the vocalist of his team. All three rehearsed on the same base, which finally brought the artists. And then Tosha proposed to meet with Milkovsky.

Eugene was born in 1991 in the city of Krasnoarmeysk (Donetsk region) in the family of a teacher in the class of piano of the music school. By 10 years wrote the first songs. On the 14th anniversary, Uncle presented the young man as a guitar. The fascinated new tool, Milkovsky began to more actively create new compositions, hit the albums.

In 2007, the 1st Ukrainian "Star Factory" came to the biography of Zhenya, where the vocalist spent a couple of weeks, acquired the experience of speeches on stage and useful ties. At the end of the competition, a talented guy entered the Institute of Culture in Kiev, lived in a hostel, engaged in creativity.

In 2010, a solo album of the artist was released. After the game at warming up, Milkovsky decided that it was time to collect his own, and announced Casting in Vkontakte. Nizhenko, who threw a music school, who worked in a bookstore, came to audition. The final set was produced by producer Yuri Bardas, with whom Evgeny collaborated.

The "Nerves" group began to be widely known in March 2011, when he posted on the Internet clip on the Battery Song. In the same year, the guys presented another 5 videos.

At first, the artists even lived in the same apartment. Slowly triggered steel when they began to arrange a personal life. In 2014, the team left the bass guitarist Dmitry Dudka left for his own accord. Soon Evgeny announced a break with the producer center of Bardas Kruzheva Music. Clips of "nerves" and solo works of the magnificent Milkovsky removed from Yutiuba.

However, it was not necessary to say that the "nerves" project was closed, misfortunely explained the soloist later in an interview. Just a question arose with the rights to the name, which was taken, but then returned.

From 2015 to the 2017 rollers, the "nerves" were published under the logo of the combination of Gazgolder. The fact that the owner of the Basta brand works in another genre, no one embarrassed. The team concluded a contract with a fashionable rapper not from the desire to catch the Haip. Musicians needed support, and Vasily Vaculenko's proposal was the best, and Milkovsky and the company moved to Moscow.

In the capital of Russia, the guys bored. The ideas offered by the "nerves" were considered long, it became less tour. Artists tired of artists, celebrities understood that they could figure out the simplicity of management themselves, and gathered a separate team.

In 2016, "Nerves" lost two participants at once - Zhenachenko and Nizhenko. Anton was tired of the "suggestion of the team," and the drummer went to a more brutal scriptonite, and Vlad, after him, for the company. Evgeny remained Roman Bulakhov. On the eve of the last concert in the previous part of the group introduced the clip "Too in love".

Friends went on a fated path and threw the cry on the Internet. From the mass of the responses, the guitarist Eugene Trukhin and the drummer Alexei Bochkarev was chosen. In December 2017, Trukhin also moved to scriptonitis. And after 2 years, the bassist Dmitry Klobkov joined the team.

"The boys are good. But over the years I came to the awareness that I can not be sure of something 100%, as it seemed before. Life like sand in Sahara: At one point you can fall and fall. And it is important to have people who will help from there to get out. I seem to them, "said Milkovsky's team.


One of the first hits of the rock band "Nerves" was the song "My friend", released in 2011. Sticky text and simple chords The musicians turned into a romantic ballad, which is now loved by fans.

Since the beginning of 2012, the team began to give major concerts in Russia. In the same year, "nerves" received nominations for 2 prestigious premiums - "MUZ-TV" in the category "Breakthrough of the Year" and MTV Europe Music Awards as the best Russian performer. In the first case, Rockers walked around Max Barsky, in the second - Dima Bilan.

In November 2012, the team introduced the clip to the Cronne composition, one of the most popular in the repertoire. Participants in an interview said that the main tasks of sound and video was to display the internal state of the person at the time of making life solutions and motivate fans to action. The song has gained fame not only in young people, but also at the listeners of the middle age category.

At the beginning of 2019 in iTunes, Google Plat and other online platforms, a "lay and depression" studio appeared, which includes new and already familiar compositions in processing. A live concert presentation gathered a Sold-Out in the Moscow club "Adrenaline Stadium". Zhenya performed the track "overcoiled", which happens very rarely, and hits belonging to its solo projects.

Before the speech, "Nerves" visited television, which shortly before it criticized. The musicians argued that the ratings were reached on TV to the fore, the producers came with the principles, and there is no place for the oculting of the viewer. Talking about the sore, in the Studio "Evening Urgant", the group sang the song "The most expensive person."

In addition to discography, in 2019, a group of clips of the team was replenished for a couple of positions. Milkovsky himself reached the video. In the roller on the composition "Lighters", Milkovsky himself, and as the main character, the leader of the "Vulgar Molly" Cyril Pale was appeared.

In 2020, the rock band "Nerves" celebrated the 10th anniversary. A significant event, the musicians celebrated a concert tour. The first performance on this occasion took place on December 31, 2019 in the Moscow Izvestia club in the company of friends, among whom Favlav, RSAC and "7Ras" were.

In December 2020, "Nerves" posted a video clip on the song "Everything will be fine" - Caper of the Cerpets of Serdyuchka. The track was created for a New Year's show on federal television, but did not fit the format. In the roller, the soloist appeared both in the usual form and with an unusual silver hat on the head, resembling the stage accessory Andrei Danilko.

Fans loved to argue to what style the music of the "nerves" belongs. Some adhere to the versions that the main part of the songs is executed in an alternative sound, others prefer to consider it a pop pan or grunge, the third caught the direction of pop rock, in which the "Beatles" performed at the dawn.

The tracks of the "nerves" sounded in the youth series, the most popular of which are "Fizruk" and "University", where the song "Stupid" played. For years, last Sitkom kept high ratings among projects broadcast in the post-Soviet space.

In addition to the account in Vkontakte, the team has an Youtyub-channel and the official page in "Instagram", where photos and video from performances are published. Especially for fans, a site is created on which the course of the tour is highlighted, the list of cities is located here, where the "nerves" planned to come down, and links for buying tickets.

Group "Nerves" now

After the removal of a number of restrictive measures, the team resumed concerts in Russia and Ukraine. In February 2021, the musicians presented in the clip clip "Suicide of My Faith." Video containing scenes of disperses of demonstrations, fans met heat.

Soon the rock band released the disk "Non-Indeed 2010-2012" and submitted to the Court of Melomanians the Studio Album "7" containing 21 new compositions. Among the tracks were attended by the motives unusual for "nerves". So, the song "Red Card" Artists performed in the Ripcore genre.


  • 2012 - "All around"
  • 2012 - "So that we can hear each other"
  • 2013 - "I am alive"
  • 2016 - "Bonfire"
  • 2017 - "The most expensive" (1 and 2 part)
  • 2019 - "lay and depression"
  • 2021 - "7"


  • 2011 - "Batteries"
  • 2011 - "Nerves"
  • 2011 - "Kurim"
  • 2012 - "Crows"
  • 2013 - "overcoiled"
  • 2015 - "Friends"
  • 2016 - "Lamps"
  • 2019 - "Lighters"
  • 2020 - "lay and depression"
  • 2021 - "Suicide of My Faith"
  • 2021 - "Since it is necessary"

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