Serzh Sargsyan - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Serzh Sargsyan - Armenian political, military and statesman, the third President of the Republic of Armenia from 2008 to 2018. The Prime Minister of the country from 2007 to 2008, the second time of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers on April 17, 2018 and resigned due to breaking mass protests after 6 days, April 23, 2018.

Childhood and youth

The future politician was born in Stepanakert in the summer of 1954. The head of the family - Azat Sargsyan - a leaving from the village of those in the east of Armenia. Sargsyan-Sr. in 1937 came to the millstone Stalinist repressive car. After dramatic events with arrest of Azat, the family changed the place of residence and moved to Stepanakert.

Serzh Sargsyan in youth

Serzh Sargsyan after the certificate of maturity of the Stepanakert School of Education School became an student of Yerevan University, choosing the Humanitarian Faculty. Graduate in higher education received in 1979. Studying at the university for 2 years was interrupted by the service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union.

Sargsyan studied at the university and not to be in parents, worked with a turner on an electrical plant.


Serzh Sargsyan's political biography began after graduation at the university. In 1979, the young activist and the Komsomol Center chose the head of the Urban Committee of the LKSM in Stepanakert. Soon Sargsyan became the second secretary of the city, and then headed the Committee.

Politician Serzh Sargsyan

Career Serzh Sargsyan has developed rapidly. After the Komsomolskaya work, he headed the propaganda and agitation department of the Azerbaijani Commander of the Communist Party, and aide aide the head of the head of the Nagorno-Karabakh commander of the CPSU Herrich Pogosyan in the history of the country of the head of the country's head of the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

In 1988, Serzh Sargsyan joined the Karabakh movement for 10 years, becoming one of his leaders. The social movement proclaimed the goal to attach Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. In 1989, a young politician entered into the party ranks of the Armenian nationwide movement and, as a lead member of the party, became a delegate from autonomy.

Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir Putin

In 1990, Sargsyan was elected by a deputy of the Republican Supreme Council. In 1992-93, Serge Azatovich Sargsyan performed the responsibility of the Minister of Defense of the Karabakh Republic. Under his leadership, the army held successful military operations, taking during the Karabakh war under control of 4 autonomy cities and a 6-kilometer Lachini corridor, who connected Karabakh with Armenia.

In 1993, the President of the country Levon Ter-Petrosyan put Sargsyan under the head of the Ministry of Defense. Serge Azatovich worked for posts for 2 years.

In 1995-96, the politician was led by the National Security Committee of Armenia, and in November 1996, after the unification of the Committee with the Ministry of the Interior, headed MVDNB and held the ministerial post until the summer of 1999.

Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev

After the departure of Ter-Petrosyan, Sargsyan's resignation, which the country's political forces were read by the head of state, refused to offer, expressing support to Robert Kocharian.

In November 1999, Serzh Sargsyan was headed by the Presidential Administration, and at the end of the year he became secretary of the National Security Service of Armenia. In this position, in May 2000, when the government headed Andranik Margaryan. He additionally laid the responsibilities of the Minister of Defense on Sargsyan.

In the elections of deputies of the National Assembly in 2003, Sargsyan stood at the head of the party's list. According to the results of elections, the RPA received 33 places in the Armenian parliament. After the death of Margaryan, Serzh Sargsyan year - until April 2008 - headed the Council of Ministers of the Republic.

President Serzh Sargsyan

In February of the same year, presidential elections were held, based on the results of which politician took the main chair in the country, typing 52.82% of the votes. Sargsyan Ter-Petrosyan was headed by the ranks of Protestants demanding the revision of the election results. The outgoing president of Kocharyan introduced a state of emergency in Yerevan. In April 2008, the inauguration of Serzh Sargsyan took place.

In the summer of 2008, Armenian President did not support the independence of South Ossetia from Abkhazia, but at the CSTO summit in September staged a signature under the declaration, expressing concern to the actions of Georgia and the expansion of NATO to the East. In November 2009, Serzh Sargsyan was re-elected by the Chairman of the Righting Party.

Serzh Sargsyan and Dmitry Medvedev

In the summer of 2011, Armenia visited Dmitry Medvedev. The presidents signed a document on the extension of the Distribution Distribution of Russia's Military Base in the city of Gyumri, denoting the final date of 2044.

In May of next year, the political force led by the President of the Republic defeated the elections to parliament, receiving 69 seats in the legislative authority.

Armen Sargsyan and Serge Sargsyan

In February 2013, Armenian voters were responsible for the second time the Republic of Serzh Sargsyan. In 2015, the Armenia referendum was transformed from the semi-represented to the parliamentary republic.

In the spring of 2018, the successor of Serzh Sargsyan's presidential period was the successor, Armen Sargsyan became the successor, whose candidacy was offered by the leaving post Sargsyan. Sargsyan elected deputies of parliament.

Personal life

With his wife Rita Dadyan, music teacher, the future president of the republic met in the early 1980s. Rita - Military daughter, in the specialty teacher of music. Like Sargsyan, she was born in Stepanakert. In 1983, Serge and Rita played a wedding. In marriage they had two daughters, who were called Anush and Satnyak.

Serzh Sargsyan and his wife

Family Politics is two brothers: Alexander (Sasha) and Levon. Sashik Sargsyan is a former deputy of the Armenian parliament, co-owner of the company "Multilion". According to some information, Alexander purchased a $ 2.8 million in America in America.

The son-in-law of the former head of the Republic of Mikael Minasyan owns the media resources of the country, but they say that Armenian media is only a small part of the oligarch business.

Serzh Sargsyan with family

In the spring of 2016, Serge Azatovich became a grandfather for the fifth time. The third child appeared in the family of the youngest daughter.

According to some reports, the growth of Serzh Sargsyan is 1.65 m.

Serzh Sargsyan now

The referendum of 2015 turned the figure of the prime minister to the key according to the authority: the head of government became the main carrier of power in Armenia. In the spring of 2018, the deputies of the National Assembly, a majority of votes chose Serzh Sargsyan Prime Minister. 77 out of 97 deputies voted for his candidacy.

Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan

Opponents of Sargsyan saw in appointment the desire to overcome the constitutional restriction, which prohibits elected more than two times as president. And even at least Serge Sargsyan took the post of prime minister, but after the changes made by the referendum, the position is equal to the first in the state.

In the republic, protests broke out, which was headed by Nikol Pashinyan. The protests stated that their protest incorrectly compare with Maidan in Ukraine, and Sargsyan - with Viktor Yanukovych. Armenians have other motives of struggle, and Russia Vladimir Putin is a friendly state.

Serzh Sargsyan in 2018

Critics Serzh Sargsyan remembered the interview with the President of the Publication of 2014, in which he promised not to claim the key post of Armenia. This Serge Azatovich replied that after the transition to the parliamentary system, the country would not lead the chairman of the government, but a collective manual.

On April 23, Serzh Sargsyan, wishing the world of Armenia, filed a statement and resigned.


  • Order of the Martial Cross I degree
  • Order of Tigran Great
  • Hero Artsakh
  • 2011 - Cavalier of the Big Cross Order of the Honorary Legion (France)
  • 2014 - Cavalier of the Great Cross Order For Merit (France)
  • 2009 - Order of the Golden Rune (Georgia)
  • 2008 - Order of Honor (Georgia)
  • 2011 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise I degree (Ukraine)
  • 2016 - Chain Order Merit Pro Merito Melitensi (Maltese Order)
  • Medal "10 years Astana" (Kazakhstan)
  • 2009 - Order "For merits to the Kaliningrad Region"
  • 2011 - Honorary Medal of the Island of Ellis from the National Ethnic Coalition of the United States
  • Honorary Professor of Beijing University

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