Nicol Pashinyan - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Prime Minister of Armenia, Daughter, Son 2021



Nikol Pashinyan is a journalist, the oppositionist, who passed the path from the parliament deputy to the Prime Minister of the country, one of the authors of the velvet revolution in Armenia, held under the slogan "Make a step, reject Serzh". Now the biography policy is saturated with bright events, scandals, because world-class problems required huge labor costs.

Childhood and youth

Nicol was born in Ijevan, a small town in northeastern Armenia. The city stands at the intersection of the ancient trading paths and a couple of centuries ago was considered the eastern gate of the republic, and the Kurpetotki Combine worked here was famous for the products to the entire Soviet Union. Father Vova Pashinyan, Armenian by nationality, worked as a physical education teacher and trained young football players. Mother, Svetlana Pashinyan, did not become when her son turned 12 years old.

About how the children's years passed, the future deputy of Parliament was fond of at the younger age, until the general public is known. In 1991, at the end of Izhevian school No. 1, Nikol entered the department of journalism of the Philological Faculty of Yerevan State University. In parallel with studying in his youth, he worked as a correspondent in the editorial office of the newspaper DPruutyun and Lragir, editor in the publication "Moram". According to the portal "Caucasian Knot", the diploma of the Higher Education of Pashinyan did not receive, since it was excluded from the university for political disagreements.


In 1998, Nicol established the Oragir newspaper and took the post of chief editor. The fresh numbers of the edition went out 5 times a week, up to the closure of the newspaper in 1999 for opposition glances. During this year, criminal proceedings were repeatedly started at Pashinian on various articles, ranging from insults and ending with slander. Nicol received a year of imprisonment, but it was not said, whether the journalist served the punishment.

A year later, Pashinyan moved to the chair of the editor-in-chief of the Aikakan Zhamanak authoritative newspaper ("Armenian time"), which criticized the power of President Robert Kocharian in all directions of work. In 2007, a new page was opened in the biography of Nikola - active political activities that are not limited to the pages of the press. Then Pashinyan first participated in the parliamentary elections, heading the list from the Impicment block.

However, the Alliance of the Conservative Party, the socio-political movement "Alternative" and "Democratic Fatherland", who defeated Robert Kocharian, did not pass a percentage barrier. The journalist announced a sedentary strike on the Yerevan Square of Freedom in protest against falsification of election results.

In 2008, Nikol entered the election headquarters of the first nationwide elected President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan, which was gathered to participate in the presidential race. Elections then won Serge Sargsyan. Then the mass riots followed, accompanied by the death of people and the arrests of opposition.

Pashinyan managed to escape, but after a year and a half the journalist voluntarily surrendered to the authorities. On the pages of own edition, Nicola published a cycle of articles called the "prison diary" written in the insulator.

At this time, the Impiciment block entered the Opposition Armenian National Congress. In 2009, ANC decided to nominate Pashinyan as a candidate in additional elections to the National Assembly. Being in conclusion, Nicol, of course, could not lead a full-fledged election campaign.

Moreover, for violations of the regime and conflicts with neighbors around the chamber, the opposition came first to the Cake, and from there - to the institution of a closed type. In the summer of 2011, Pashinyan was released on amnesty and joined the political life of the country.

In 2012, the Armenian National Congress received his representative in the National Assembly in the face of Nikola Pashinyan. A year later, an ambitious journalist rose at the helm of the new political association "Crydan Treaty". Later, united by another two parties, formed the "Exodus" block ("ELK").

At the parliamentary elections of 2017, the "church" turned out to be the only opposition force presented in the Police. In Armenia, the party was considered the most pro-european, negatively related to the country's accession to the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Support Center for Russian-Armenian Strategic and Public Initiatives brought two points of view regarding the figure of Nikola Pashinyan. According to the first, the bet on Pashinyan as a young and promising policy did the United States. Hence, according to observers, it was necessary to expect an appropriate attitude towards Russia and to those who were on her side.

The second version adherents believed that Pashinyan and the new party "Civil Agreement" headed by him is simply a political project of Mikael Minasyan's media million, her husband of the daughter of Ex-President Serzh Sargsyan.

In April 2018, the mass movement of the displeased election of the former President Serzh Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister began in Armenia. The network contained the words of residents of the republic, arguing that they supported the transition to the parliamentary republic in order not to see Sargsyan on the political arena. In the same period, Nicol was hospitalized for a short time after the injury obtained during a breakdown of a barbed wire during the collision of the police with people, the dissatisfied board of Serge.

Pashinyan became the organizer of protests and at a meeting with President Armen Sargsyan stated that only the resignation of the latter could be the subject of discussions on possible negotiations. This is the same leader of the protesters stated live on a page in Facebook, at the same time encourage supporters to strengthen pressure on power.

But the dialogue between the prime minister did not work. Sargsyan accused the oppositionist in the exit from the legal field, shifted all responsibility for him and left the meeting place. Nicol, in turn, reproached the head of the government in the ignorance of the situation. After that, the police began to accelerate the demonstrators, Pashinyan entered into custody.

Website ARMENIASPUTNIK.AM Cited the story of Nikola about how the power tried to bargain about the terms of the resignation of Sargsyan: first they were offered to wait for October, then they asked for a month and, finally, April 25. The journalist put forward an ultimatum - 2 hours.

A little later, Serzh Sargsyan made a statement about retirement from the post of Prime Minister, and on April 23, 2018, the government was sent to resign. On May 8, 2018, Nikol Pashinyan was elected and. O. Armenian Prime Minister, and Armen Sargsyan became president of Armenia. The decision was made in the second voting, where 59 deputies voted for the candidacy of the oppositionist, against 42. On 24 October 2018, the National Assembly of Armenia did not choose Pashinian Prime Minister of the country. The opposition himself called for earlier not to vote for him.

Personal life

Nikol Vovaevich is not a well-known personality on the political arena of Armenia, but his personal life is being judged only for the information that he seeps into the media. The wife of the leader of the protest movement "My step" is called Anna Hakobyan. The spouse, like the eldest son Ashot Pashinyan, is actively involved in the rallies that Nicol organizes. In addition, three more children are brought up in the family: the daughters of Mariam, Arpine and Shushanna Pashinyan. Parents prefer not to upload photos of heirs to open access.

During the April 2018 events in Yerevan Ashot, police arrested. According to Anna, which leads, a young man was detained for blocking streets. Later, reported that the police did not confirm the arrest of the son of Pashinyan, and referred to the statement of Ashot himself, according to which he spent three hours in the police station.

On the news portal of Armenia published an article from which it follows that, being the owner of Aikakan Zhamanak, Nicol exaggerates the plight of the opposition, from whose face and acts.

The monthly income from the sale of the newspaper of the newspaper, the portal estimated at $ 30 thousand, not counting the publications of individual custom materials, which have a completely different cost. In society, it became fashionable to criticize, opposition information is in demand and automatically increases not only ratings, but also sales.

The statement of Pashinyan that the wife is headed by the wife, according to, is blessing, because in the Nastrigation he fiercely criticizes colleagues who have made a similar step, requires that the parliament does not have businessmen, however "himself is an entrepreneur and, launching dust in the eyes of people, Trying to play an oppositionist. "

Nikol Pashinyan now

In the summer of 2020, a fierce military conflict broke out between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which called the second Karabakh war. Shortly before these events, Pashinyan gave a detailed interview - the answer to the post of Russian journalist Margarita Simonyan. The press of Nicol recalled the cooling of the relationship between Armenia with Russia after the collapse of the USSR.

The information about the fact that Pashinian in the sidelines is called the famine George Soros, about the fact that Armenian leads anti-Russian politics.

Within a few months of the Government of the two countries, could not agree on a peaceful settlement of events, including military and civilians died during a shootout. The attention of the whole world was chained to the situation - Russia was also unable to stay aside. Several times was declared a truce so that the military could pick up the bodies of the martial areas and bury the bodies, but after everything went on.

In early November of the same year, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Vladimir Putin signed a statement on the complete cessation of hostilities in the conflict zone. According to the Treaty, Armenian Armed Forces were displayed from the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, and part of the land, including the city of Shusha, remained belonging to Azerbaijan.

In November, it also became known that Arthur Vanetyan was released from the court by the court decision. Previously, the ex-chapter of the National Security Service of Armenia was suspected of attempted to kill Pashinian. At the beginning of 2021, politicians moved to self-insulation regime due to the distribution of a coronavirus infection pandemic. In the last month of winter, the Armenian Prime Minister and the President of the Republic of Artsakh Araik Harutyunyan held a number of meetings on the formation of large infrastructure projects in Artsakh.

Losses in the war exacerbated the mood between residents of Armenia. They were divided into 2 camps: supporting Pashinian policies and denying the actions of the ruler, calling his methods by betrayal, and Ilham Aliyev - hero of Azerbaijan. The discontent aroused the operation of the deceased Hero of Monte Malkonian to enhance his own popularity.

In February 2021, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the country demanded the resignation of Nikola Vovaevich. This led to the beginning of the rally, in which supporters of the Prime Minister participated.

Pashinyan turned to the nation, said a speech in which he recognized the government's mistakes committed in recent years. Also, politician asked for the citizens of forgiveness for incorrect actions in the management of the country. In addition, Nicol stressed that he will continue to seek the firing of the chief of the General Staff of Onik Gasparyan.

The conflict between the heads of the two departments began on February 24 after the prime minister stated that the Russian missile complexes "Iskander" "worked only by 10% in service with the Armenian Army.

After that, Yerevan made an official statement: Pashinian disinforced, and the Kremlin represented by the Kremlin Press Secretary of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov later replied that "the truth in this matter is restored." In connection with the intense situation in the country, the prime minister made it possible to conduct extraordinary parliamentary elections.

On April 25, 2021, Pashinyan resigned. On June 20, extraordinary parliamentary elections were held in Armenia, in which the Party Nikola Vovaevich "Civil Agreement" scored 53.92% of the votes. This was not enough for the sole formation of the government. In second place was the faction of "Armenia", and the third took the "Honor" block. Oppositions stated that they would challenge the results.

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