Alice Group - Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Music 2021



According to readers of the Komsomolskaya Pravda, Alice Group is the most influential in Russian rock. The team celebrated the 35th birthday, continues to actively act and work on the creation of new compositions.

History of creation

The team of Alice Group was formed in April 1983 in Leningrad. The leader of the first composition was the musician Svyatoslav Cadery. In addition to him, there was a keyboard player Pavel Kondratenko, guitarist Andrei Shatalin, Drummer Mikhail Nemes, Saxophonist Boris Borisov and Vocalist Peter Samoilov. The latter left the group quickly, and perform Borisov songs to part-time.

Svyatoslav Countiers in the Alice group

Konstantin Kinchev for the first time heard "Alice" at the second festival of the Leningrad Rock Club. In 1984, Svyatoslav invites Konstantin as a soloist to the group, and from the first rehearsal team realizes that the work will go productively. At the third festival of the Leningrad Rock Club in 1985, the Group appeals with Kinchev.

As Constantine admits, he did not plan to continuously work in the team, but I just wanted to help write the first album. But fate develops in such a way that in June 1986, Svyatoslav leaves the group, and Konstantin becomes its leader. After care, after care, organized the group "NATE!", With which he achieved success.

Konstantin Kinchev in youth

Next year, the group began to gain popularity and sent to the first tour. At that time, the soloist was distinguished by a violent temper: during a concert in Leningrad, Kinchev got into a fight with policemen who did not miss his pregnant spouse for the scenes. For this, the leader was brought to the propaganda of unrest and Nazism. In 1988 it was closed.

In the same year, the team was invited to participate in the rock concert in Kiev, where, in addition to Alice, Nautilus Pompilius, Olga Kormukhin, DDT, Black Coffee and Many others popular at that time of the group.

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The following year Alice goes to a large tour of America with the program "Red Wave". The Split eponymous was released in the USA and Canada: 2 vinyl records, the compositions of 4 Soviet rock groups are recorded on each side: "Strange Games", "Aquarium", "Alice" and "Cinema".

In 1991, Konstantin received the "Ovation" premium as the "Best Rock Singer of the Year." In 1992, the leader of the team adopted Orthodoxy, since then the religious theme has taken a strong place in the work of Alice. Since 2001, the team team has not plays concerts during the Great and Assumption posts.

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In 1996, the official website of the team appeared on the Internet network. There you can find the history of the creation of the team and the fan club, see photos of various years, exchange impressions on the forum. For concert organizers, contacts, household and technical riders are available. Also on the site there are links to all the official social networks of the collective: page in Vkontakte, in "Instagram", Facebook and Twitter.

After the release of the album "Shabash", Konstantin Kinchev decided to create a Fan Club "Army Alice" team. Today, the members of the club are different in the age and social situation, people who unite the love of the team's creativity. Many "Aliceamans" consider the achievement of a large number of concerts.

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In the 2000s, the team retracts Orthodox themes into the background, the albums produced are filled with reflections on the world around. In 2011, Kinchev again shocks the public and journalists, leaving the musicians to the scene in T-shirts with the inscription "Orthodoxy or Death!". Kinchev in an interview explained that only the words revered by the Faofan reinforcement:

"I don't know how to whom, and I do not escape without Orthodoxy."

In 2012, Alice released the 18th Sabotage Album, the song of the same name was kept in the charts of the "Damn Dozin" 13 weeks and reached the first place. When recording the 20th Album "Excess" the team first used crowdfunding, attracting voluntary contributions to pay studio.

During the events of 2013-2014 in Ukraine, the Alice team supported the actions of the Russian authorities and the entry of the Crimea to the Russian Federation. The concerts planned by the team on the territory of Ukraine were canceled.


Konstantin Kinchev since 1984 is a permanent team leader. The group of group changed infrequently, the main part of the musicians for 10-15 years occupied their positions.

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Nowadays, the Alice group looks like this: for vocals, guitar, lyter of songs and music answers the leader Konstantin Kinchev. Peter Samoilov plays on the bass guitar, is a back-vocalist, writes a part of lyrics for songs and helps create music.

Evgeny Lövin is responsible for the guitar, Andrei Vdovichenko - for drums. Dmitry Parfenov - keyboard player, back-vocalist, also in its area of ​​responsibility Computer processing. The latter in the team came guitarist Pavel Zelitsky, replaced by the departed Igor Romanov.


During the existence, the team released 20 albums, recorded joint compositions with the King and Jester groups, "Kalinov Bridge", "Earring". Musicians adhere to the styles of hard rock and punk rock, but there are acoustic compositions.

One of the first hits of the collective after the collapse of the USSR became the song "Mom", which Kinchev wrote in 1992. For ten years, the ballad was performed almost at each concert of the team. For the first time, the audience was represented in 1993 on a speech on the anniversary of the conclusion of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

The most famous song of the team according to the listeners "Trams E-95" was written by Kinchev in October 1996, while he drove on the bus route "Ryazan-Ivanovo". The route with such a name in those days joined Moscow and St. Petersburg, currently wearing the name M10. Thus, Konstantin Kinchev was right when he wrote in one of the verses "I treat my dear, which is not there."

A year after the premiere, the clip was released on the E-95 track, the daughter of Kincheva Faith starred. The shooting of the video was held on the very road: Employees of the traffic police, who accidentally saw the work of the group over the last personnel, offered to block the track. But the director Andrei Lukashevich refused to help, as the personnel would turn out to be unreliable.

Another favorite public song "Veretny" Kinchev wrote in 2000. This is the only composition from the album to "dance", which the group performs at concerts. The clip to the philosophical song was filmed in Rouze - the autumn nature of the Moscow region has strengthened the sad mood of the track.

Alice Group now

In 2018, the Group celebrates the 35th anniversary. The team's jubilee tour has already begun, a complete list of cities that Kinchev and the company will visit within its framework, is posted on the official website of the group. Specifications schedule is constantly updated with new concerts.

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In 2018, the team was announced as a chadliner to famous festivals: "Motorostolic" and "film processing". Traditionally, Alice will perform in s. Big envy on the legendary "invasions", which will begin on August 4th.


  • 1985 - "Energy"
  • 1987 - "Ad Hell"
  • 1989 - "Art. 206 h. 2 "
  • 1991 - "Shabash"
  • 1993 - "For those who fell from the moon"
  • 1996 - "Jazz"
  • 1997 - "Furue"
  • 2000 - "Solvice"
  • 2001 - "Dance"
  • 2005 - "Izgoy"
  • 2007 - "Become the North"
  • 2010 - "Kommersant
  • 2012 - "Sabotage"
  • 2014 - "Circus"
  • 2016 - "Excess"


  • 1987 - "We are together"
  • 1987 - "Experimentator"
  • 1989 - "Aerobics"
  • 1994 - "Atheist"
  • 1996 - "Rain"
  • 1997 - "Track E-95"
  • 2001 - "spindle"
  • 2003 - "Sky Slavs"
  • 2003 - "Motherland"
  • 2005 - "Rock and Roll Cross"
  • 2008 - "Power"
  • 2010 - "Life strings"
  • 2017 - "Children of the last days"

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