Tatyana Moskalkova - biography, personal life, photo, news authorized by human rights, official website 2021



Tatyana Moskalkova's watchlist is impressive. Education lawyer managed to pass the career path from the accountant in the law firm and the referent secretary in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Deputy of the Russian State Duma. In 2016, it was almost unanimously elected to the post of the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Childhood and youth

Tatiana Nikolaevna was born in Vitebsk in the family of an officer and housewives. Parents (Russians by nationality) on the debt of the father's service often moved from place to place. According to the future of the Ombudsman, the strong features of personality developed under the influence of the elder brother of Vladimir. In Belarus, Tanya lived up to 10 years. In 1965, Mount had happened - the head of the family, and by decision of the mother, the family returned to Moscow, where relatives were left.

Behind the shoulders of Tatiana Legal Institute, and in the piggy bank of the achievements of the candidate dissertation on jurisprudence. Later, in 1997, he received a degree of Doctor of Law, in 2001 she also defended the doctoral philosophy.

Career and politics

The labor biography of the girl began in 1972, Tatyana Moskalkova was engaged in accounting affairs in "Inyurcleshells".

In this lawyer, it was managed to make a good climbing on the career staircase: supplemented the labor book by the post of clerk and senior legal adviser.

The decade dedicated to work at the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, where the image of the consultant of the pardon department was tried.

1984 was marked for a woman with the transition to the legal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Here Tatiana again showed the brilliant abilities for the construction of a career. The woman passed into the agency on the rights of the referenta, and quit the deputy head of legal administration. By the end of the 90s, the title of Major General Militia.

Tatiana Nikolayevna left the MVD series at the end of 2007 - her from the Fair Russia faction was elected by a deputy to the State Duma. However, dismissal, in fact, was not - Tatyana Nikolaevna simply suspended the service and could return at any time. In the deputy status, I replaced the chapter of the CIS Committee and on Communications with Russians.

Elections 2011 have become successful again. Tatyana Moskalkova retained the deputy chair, and at the same time he became a member of the Commission for Checking the accuracy of information about income, which provide Duma servants of the people.

For 9 years, in the State Duma, Tatyana Nikolaevna managed to participate in the formation of almost 120 bills. Fame acquired thanks to the development of the law, the name "day for two days for one and a half" and approved in the winter of 2016. The document indicates to equate one day of staying in the SIZO to 1.5 days of content in the colony of the general regime or to two days in the settlement.

Tatyana Moskalkova approved the legislative initiative to ban the adoption of Russian children by the Americans, the act caused an ambiguous reaction from human rights defenders. And also supported the controversial law on non-commercial organizations, which complicated the work of charitable foundations.

A wave of criticism on the deputy fell in connection with two "personal" initiatives. After the scandalous stock, built in 2012 by the Pussy Riot groups near the altar of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the politician proposed to supplement the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with articles about the attempted morality and morality and the "gross crime of the hostel rules".


In the spring of 2016, Tatiana Markalkova replaced Ella Pamfilov as an authorized person by the Human Rights, bypassing applicants for this post: Oleg Smolina from the Communist Party faction and Sergey Kalashnikov, which represents the interests of the LDPR. Such a layout remained unhappy with human rights defenders. They tried to recall that Moskalkova had no experience in this area, and the deputy was distinguished by supporting the rights of laws. Nevertheless, Tatiana Nikolaevna began the duties of the Ombudsman.

The debut speech in the new position of Moskalkova stated that it intends to emphasize attention primarily on the areas of health care, labor rights, promised to tightly engage in migration, education and housing and communal services.

The press and the Russians remembered several incidents related to the activities of Moskalkova. In the summer of 2016, there was information that Tatiana Nikolaevna filed a cassation in favor of the Oppositionist Ildar Dadin - the first in the history of the country of the organizer of illegal rallies and pickets, which was sentenced to imprisonment.

The court rejected the complaint, and the media, without calling the sources, stated that there was no document from the ombudsman. After 4 months, at the beginning of 2017, Moskalkova appealed to the Constitutional Court to preserve the article on criminal liability for a multiple violation of the procedure for conducting rallies. The document survived, but underwent a change. As a result, Dadin left the prison.

Human rights activist Zoya Lightova in early June 2016 told the public about the visit of the Commissioner for Human Rights to the Moscow SIZO No. 6. Tatyana Moskalkova reduced the time of the trip to a minimum, so the detainees did not even have time to communicate with the Ombudsman, to talk about their problems without intermediaries.

On the latest news on the work of the Ombudsman, Tatiana Nikolaevna's page is told in "Instagram" and the official website of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia. In 2018, politician appeared with the treatment of the Turkish government to expect from the study of Islam of baptized children living in the Muslim country.

One of the bright complaints of the Commissioner for Human Rights concerns the list of professions, the path to which for women is ordered. Moskalkova, for example, considers discrimination against Russian ladies becomes military pilots.

Tatiana Nikolaevna signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Askar Shakirov, responsible for human rights in Kazakhstan. According to the document, the Ombudsmen began to test the assistance system to citizens who fell into a difficult life situation in the territory of the two countries, as well as to work on improving the mechanisms for restoring people's rights.

Personal life

With the future spouse, Tatiana met at the age of 19. Anatoly turned 23. According to politics, it was the first love, and the chosen one took her care: a young man, at that time - an employee of the Institute of Rare Metals, Warm Pies Warm Patties.

After the wedding, they just lived. In his youth, married couple loved to get out into the forest. In nature, bonfires were fried, roasted kebabs. Begging happening: the spouses tried to live separately, but ultimately stayed together.

Tatyana Moskalkova is positive for several years. Privacy after the death of the spouse she did not build. Her husband is an education engineer, he served before the Deputy Head of the Transport Department of the Financial Company. Now the ombudsman family consists of a daughter who went to the legs of the mother in jurisprudence, and two grandchildren.

Tatyana Nikolaevna - Static woman (growth is 170 cm), as evidenced by her photo. Often the media emphasizes beauty, flawless manners and style in clothing. At one time, journalists even dubbed her sex symbol of militia.

Politician categorically not accepting rudeness and believes in God. The faith came when he worked on the candidate. The magazine "Thomas" Moskalkov said:

"I realized that I was impossible to comprehend the fundamentals of law without the knowledge of moral and moral values."

Tatyana Moskalkova now

Today, the Ombudsman not only participates in high-profile projects, but also gives feedback to the deputy corpus. In particular, Moskalkov emphasized the importance of working on the draft law on confrontation with domestic violence.

Every year, the statesman acts on the Federation Council with a report. In April 2021, Tatiana Nikolaevna reported that 44 thousand appeals were received in the year, mainly due to restrictive measures related to the pandemic. According to Moskalkova, the practice of receiving the video conferencing was established, through a hot line. At the same time, the ability to write a letter and send it through the official website.

At the suggestion of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin Tatyana Markalkov in 2021 was reassigned to the post of the Commissioner for Human Rights for another 5 years. The decision of the head of state was supported by the former chairman of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Professor HSE Mikhail Fedotov.

After the arrest of Alexei Navalny Tatyana Moskalkova took this case on special control. The Ombudsman made a report on the daily visit of the opposition to doctors from the beginning of his hunger strike.

In July 2021, Tatiana Nikolaevna, according to RIA Novosti, was hospitalized with coronavirus infection.


  • Order of Honor
  • Namalized firearm (Pistol Makarova)
  • Honorary Diplomas of the State Duma and Federation Council
  • Order of Holy Princess Olga (ROC)
  • Medals of the USSR
  • Medal of the Russian Federation

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