Sergey Zeadovach - biography, personal life, photos, news, performances, director, artistic director, theater, MHT 2021



Sergey Zelebovach always differed in theatrical work from colleagues in the creative workshop. This Russian director was not afraid to put experiments, update the classics, while not crossing the borders, as popular producers are doing now. Each new creation Master becomes a bright event in the world of the theater.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Vasilyevich's biography does not replete data: it is known that he was born on May 15, 1957 in the city of Potsdame, who at that time was part of the GDR. He served his father, Soviet military. Early childhood, the boy spent in Germany, then the family moved to Krasnodar.

The nationality of the director is unknown, but, judging by suffix, in the surname, Sergey's ancestors came from Russian provinces, perhaps with Belarusian or Polish lands. The surname of the woman is often found among the residents of Karpat and Gutsulov. After graduating from school, the young man entered the directorial faculty of the Krasnodar Institute of Culture. After that, for four years, led the local youth amateur theater.

In 1983, Sergey moved to Moscow, decided to continue his studies at the Director of the Faculty of Gitis. The female fell on the course to the People's Artist of the USSR, ingenious theater and film director Peter Naumovich Fomenko. In 1988, immediately after graduation, the young man passed an internship assistant and began to teach in Gitis.

Carier start

In parallel with the teaching of the feminine since 1988, he became the director of the "Man" theater studio, where he worked until 1991. For three years of leadership, he managed to get a building for the theater in the center of the capital. Sergey managed the main thing: to collect and rally the team, motivate actors with a common idea. The team consisted of a dozen young talents.

In 1991, the feminine was forced to leave the studio, and the main part of the troupe was gone. The director was in the theater on the Small Bronnaya, which was considered one of the most difficult to work in Moscow. At first, she worked as a director, after 5 years she took the post of chief director. There, Sergey Vasilyevich put the classics, the performances became noticeable events in the cultural life of the capital.

In small armored, his "small tragedies" A. S. Pushkin, "King Lire" W. Shakespeare, "Night before Christmas" N. V. Gogol and others. One of the bright projects of this time was the trilogy of "Idiot" on Fedor Dostoevsky, which included three performances: "Shameless", "Knight Poor" and "Russian Light".

The leadership of the theater considered that the genusal puts too elite performances that were not designed for the mass auditor. In addition, many did not like that the bones of his troupes constituted the seed actors, from the "man." Sergey left with a small armor with thoughts about the organization of his own theater.

He continued to teach Fomenko courses. In 2001, first scored his own course in Gitis. In the first half of zero, collaborated with the State Academic Small Theater of Russia, on the stage of which he put an "imaginary patient" J. B. Moliere and "Mount from Wit" according to A. S. Griboedov.

"Studio of theatrical Art"

In the spring of 2005, Sergey organized a festival of theses together with graduate students, after which he announced the creation of the theater "Studio of theatrical Art", where he to this day works by the artistic director. With actors, the troupe Sergey put more than a dozen of successful performances, among which the "reserve" on S. Dovlatovoy, "Players" N. V. Gogol and others.

The theater studio has a page in "Instagram", there are photos from performances and rehearsals, there is a schedule of the nearest performances, the favorite troupe quotes from the classics are laid out. In 2006, Sergey was honored by the title of the Honored Worker of the Arts of the Russian Federation, among his awards - the "Golden Mask" for the production of "Surprise" and three "Crystal Turandot".

In subsequent years, at the base of the studio, the woman put several bright work. Among the projects of the end of the tenths - the performances "Three sisters" in the eponymous play of Anton Chekhov and the "old woman" on the work of Daniel Harms. If the first statement turned out to be imbued with drama - after all, the composition of Anton Pavlovich Sergey Vasilyevich called "the most cruel and tragic history told by Chekhov", then the second gave the director and theatrical troupe the opportunity from the soul to pry.

MHT them. A. P. Chekhov

A friendly relationship has long been associated with MHT. Back in 2004, the director put the play "White Guard" on the stage of the theater. In working on projects on the work of the same name Mikhail Bulgakov - a writer, before the gift of which Sergey Vasilyevich knew, talented actors were involved: Konstantin Khabensky, Alexander Sechhev, Mikhail Porechenkov. With the last director related long creative cooperation.

So, Mikhail appeared later in the play of the genus "Run" (also endowed with the memory of the great classic). The production saw the light when Sergey Vasilyevich had already taken the post of artistic director of the MHT. This happened in 2018, when Oleg Tabakov, who served in the theater since 2000, left the world.

The art council was held at the Ministry of Culture, which was attended by the leaders of federal theaters: Rimas Tinas, Evgeny Pisarev, Lev Dodin, and others. The candidates were laid out several, but everyone refused to make a responsible position in favor of the feminine.

The "Run" released in 2019 has gained high evaluations of critics. In the interview, the director himself noted that he did not try to create something similar to the already existing versions of the Bulgakov play, film simplicity on the scene. If Mikhail Afanasyevich conceived creation as a series of dreams, then the feminine decided to make a single "sleepy" space, through which the theme of the Civil War in Russia is revealed.

Personal life

Sergey Vasilyevich managed to hide a personal life for severe theatrical screen. Genovage leaves for answering questions, whether he has a family and children. In secular events, he appears one.

Such behavior gave rise to rumors in theatrical sidelines that the orientation of the director differs from the traditional. However, the director himself officially did not refute and did not comment on this information.

Sergey Zamovachch now

In 2021, the director continued to create. In the spring, the premiere of the play "In the trenches of Stalingrad" was held on the stage of the MHT on the work of Viktor Nekrasov. Before the director stood a difficult task - to make a static picture with several semantic paragraphs from an epic essay with a developing narration. In the center of the project - the philosophical question "Why?", Whom the hero is the narrator. According to critics, the production did not appear about the war, but about people who become heroes in the hell of military events.

An equally bright project of the year was the play "Conspiracy of Sensities". The basis of the layout of the play of Yuri Oleshi, as well as fragments from his novel "envy". Events transfer viewers in the 20s of the last century, in a communal apartment - a model of the world where good and evil gets along. Her inhabitants live hope for a bright future - it is no coincidence that the brix marches of enthusiasts, aviators sound.

The work in which Mikhail Porechenkov was busy, Avangard Leontiev and other bright artists, conquered the audience. For this project in June 2021 Sergey Vasilyevich received the "Crystal Turandot" award.

Awards and titles

  • National Theater Prize "Golden Mask"
  • K. S. Stanislavsky Prize
  • Moscow Prize of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia "Nail Season"
  • Prize named after Tovstonogov "For an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art"
  • Prize "Crystal Turandot"
  • Professor Gitis, Head of the Department of Drama Directors

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