Batcherl - character biography, appearance and character, love with Batman


Character History

Batcherl - character of the fictional universe "DC Comics". The heroine is directly related to the popular Batman living in a gloomy ready. Batcherl as an independent hero became the acting face of films, animated projects, and also has a personal series of comics. It is curious that in different variations the character appears in different images. The authors put on the mask of Batcherl on the heroine with unrestricted biographies and complement the image characteristics in accordance with the legend being presented.

History of creation

In 2000, the world saw the first comic, whose main acting face was Bathelel. The publication has become a continuation of the "Oracle: The Cure" cycle. In this release, Cassandra Kane hid under a mysterious costume. The literary founder had inconsistency, since the readers found in the final that Stephanie Brown appears in the form of Batheörl.

Appearance Batheurl

The first volume of the series was produced for six years, from 2000 to 2006. He had 73 major editions and one extra. They described the activities of Kassandra Kane. Under the cover of the image of the Battle, the girl existed in the plot line of the Universe "DC" from 1999 to 2009. She appeared in the appearance of Asian born in the union of two killers. The outstanding talent of the killer, apparently, passed into her inheritance, and the heroine implemented their ambitions in this area. The character was used by the authors in four series of general and one personal.

In the period from 2008 to 2009, six editions were issued, which were the second volume of the cycle. They describe the search for Father Bathelel and Datstroke. The story says that at this moment Cassandra Kane appears in front of the reader. In the finals of the work, the hero breaks off from the roof of the building. Batman saves him and invites the girl to his estate. Datock organizes an educational institution for superheroes like her and conducts a training there.

Battle and Batman

The publication of the Third Tom started in 2009 and by 2018 remained unfinished. Readers managed to familiarize themselves with the three issues of Tom, in which the Bathelel appearance appears Stephanie Brown. Cassandra Kane, disappointed in what is happening, refused this role, and the owner of a superheroid costume became another girl. Stephanie keeps its activities in secret from a mother who does not approve of the heroic telers. Her personality does not remain secrete for Batman. The storyline of the comic is built around the villain of the Calculator, his crumpled daughter Wendy and Leslie Tompkins, having fascinated the girl.


In the appearance of Batheml, several girls appeared, so the character had several pseudonyms. Among them, Betty Kane, Barbara Gordon, Helena Bertelli, Cassandra Kane and Stephanie Brown. Each of the heroine has a detailed biography, personal characteristics and character other than predecessors. The appearance of the heroine was emphasized by sexual, border with aggressiveness. They preferred causing shades of red and classic black. Each has a cloak or comfortable mantia that allows you to hide in a gloomy ready.

Batcherl in comic books

Batty Kane became a bathelel to help out his aunt - Battheumen. She took on the role of an assistant actual for each superhero. For Batman, this role was performed by Robin. Duality appeared after rumors had rumored about homosexual communication between Batman and his assistant. The authors of the project decided to level the issues of this nature and presented Battheumen support in the face of Batheörl. The character existed for long and in 1964 comics no longer used. But Betty Kane did not disappear from hand drawn pages. Her image was modified in Flaimberd.

Barbara Gordon is an orphan, which remained in the family of Lieutenant James Gordon after a plane crash, in which her parents died. She was fond of everything that was connected with Batman, and specially sewed a similar female suit. On the ballet masquerade, the girl managed to save the idol in the guise of a man-moth. The identity of the hero remained a mystery to her.


The girl was saved by innocent, caught criminals, but her career was stopped by Joker bullet. The heroine paralyzed, and she could not walk. From now on, she was an oral assistant acting as an oracle. An analytical mindset and a big talent allowed her not to part with his favorite activities and lead her remotely from the place of events. The authors of the project decided to save the heroine from the ailment. In 2011, she was restored in the status of acting Bathelel.

Helena Bartinelly followed the image of superheroid as the hunter on marauders and criminals filled with Gotham after the earthquake. Batman did not give signs of life, and his role was adopted by Helena.


Cassandra Kane, one of the versions, was kidnapped by David Kane from the parents to become a first-class mercenar. Her killer talent was contrary to education. The first murder shocked the girl, she escaped and closed in himself. Once in Gotham, the heroine met Barbara Gordon, who abandoned the role of Bathelel. The girl received the work of the courier and once saved Commissioner Gordon from death. A man adopted her, and Barbara handed her the powers of Bathelel. The girl learned to read, restored the battle skills and became the defender of Boldheven. Neighboring Gotham The town had previously defended the superhero Nigving, but he disappeared, and the post demanded a new successor.

Stephanie Brown, the daughter of the villain Arthur Brown (Konterika), hated his father. After leaving the prison, the keysticker began at the old one, so the girl decided to promote the police in his search. She made a heroic suit and took a nickname spoiler. During the searches, becoming a member of the BET team, she realized that love had a love between her and Robin. They had to part, as Robin went to another city study. The girl discovered that she was pregnant, but gave a child for adoption. She ranked Robin. Once she brutally violated the rules, and Batman ordered to leave the post. The heroine again adopted the image of the spoiler. In the final Stephanie receives from Cassandra Kane Mantle Batcherl and changes the role in the "DC" universe.



After the character of Battle in the appearance of Barbara Gordon appeared in comics, its image was involved on large screens. The first yield of a girl for everyone to review as an animation hero occurred in the 1968 animated series "Batman with Robin The Boy Wonder". Then her image appeared in the Animation TV series 1977 "The New Adventures of Batman". From 1990 to 2000, Batgerl became the acting face of the films and TV series "Batman: Animated Series", "Batman and Mr. Friez", "New Adventures of Batman", "Batman of the Future: Return of Joker", as well as "The Batman".

She appeared in the "Batman of the Future", taking the place of the Commissioner Gotam. In the cartoon "Batman: a murderous joke" Barbara Gordon in the appearance of Bathelel became the main heroine. The animation series "Bathard vs SuperGurl" demonstrates the opposition of two girls and their relationship as the heroes of the fictional universe. Super home acts as a superman assistant.

Super Great and Batgr

The image of the Battle was used in cinema. The girl appeared in the tape "Batman and Robin" in the appearance of Barbara Wilson, who duplicated Barbara Gordon. The role was performed by Alicia Silverstone. In 2018, a personal film is being developed about Battle, which will become part of the film "DC".

Alicia Silverstone in the Battle

Barbara Gordon appeared in the TV series "Painting Birds". She independently invented the device, which allowed her to get rid of paralysis, and later acted as an oracle. The heroine appeared in the second season of the series "Young League of Justice".

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