Vyacheslav Mavrodi - biography, photos, personal life, news 2021



Vyacheslav Mavrodi is the brother of Sergei Mavrodi. It is not surprising that he was directly involved in creating the Financial Pyramid "MMM": he was the vice-president and chief accountant of the company.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav was born in Moscow in the usual, no remarkable working family. The father of Pantels Andreevich worked as an installer, and Valentina Fedorovna's mother is an economist. He was the younger brother Sergey for 7 years. We lived modestly, first in the house opposite the Novodevichy Monastery, later the family moved to Komsomolsky Prospect.

Vyacheslav Mavrodi in youth

About the childhood Vyacheslav little is known. No information and his education.

In 1980, the father died from lung cancer, and in 1986 he left life and mother - and also from oncology, however, she was defeated by the liver.


In 1988, Vyacheslav, together with Brother Sergey and his beloved Olga Melnikovoy, create their own cooperative "MMM". In that period of time, the organization of such entities was at the peak of popularity. The name of the firm receives the names of the founders according to the first letters. Although in later versions, the abbreviation transformed into "We can a lot."

Sergey Mavrodi.

Subsequently, Sergey Mavrodi has repeatedly said that Vyacheslav, and Olga was needed only to register an enterprise, but he managed to all. But despite this, Vyacheslav in the company took the post of vice president and chief accountant. True, unlike brother, he appeared in public extremely rarely. Occasionally flashed his photo in the media.

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Several times the organization has changed the type of activity: imported office equipment in Russia, the organization of beauty contests, exchange trades. In 1992, the brothers determined the final vector of the company's development - financial transactions. Sergey Mavrodi created the largest financial pyramid.

Shares on the market were enrolled in December 1993. From day to day, their cost increased, for half a year she grew 127 times. Trading went intensively. And when the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation limited the issue of the company's shares, Sergey Mavrodi began to produce "MMM tickets".

Tickets of OJSC MMM

They were like the Soviet Chervonets, only instead of the portrait of Lenin was depicted Mavrodi. Sergey personally determined their cost, then it became a real pyramid, since from this moment the company's yield was provided at the expense of investors.

Vyacheslav actively helped multiply capital. But, in addition to working in MMM, a man managed to embody their own commercial projects. When the financial pyramid began to be interested in the tax, and Sergey Mavrodi was charged with fraud and tax evasion, Vyacheslav was not confused.

Vyacheslav Mavrodi.

At sunset, "MMM" between Vyacheslav and Sergey had serious differences, therefore, after in 1997, Brother announced to the All-Russian wanted list, and in the year to international, Vyacheslav created his own financial pyramid - "The system of mutual voluntary donations." The principle of her work was very different from "MMM".

But I started Vyacheslav with the fact that I began to pay debts to deceived depositors "MMM", thus won the confidence of people. However, the "game" lasted for a short time. In his office, searches were conducted, under which money and values ​​were seized in the amount of 2 billion rubles. When repeated search, the operatives found gold bars.

Arrest Vyacheslav Mavrodi.

At the same time, a criminal case was initiated against Vyacheslav Panteleevich. He was accused of illegal banking. Later, the Prosecutor General's Office recognized the withdrawal of money illegal, but the suspect did not return so much.

In 1999, I changed the wording of the case of Vyacheslav Mavrodi to "illegal actions with precious metals in particularly large sizes." He was announced wanted. In January 2001, a man was detained.

Vyacheslav Mavrodi in prison

His lawyer argued that Mavrodi did not hide from the investigation, he simply did not receive the agenda from the GSU. Although added that recently he lived on removable apartments, maybe it was difficult to find it.

Vyacheslav Mavrody was incubated over 200 criminal episodes, the amount of damage to which exceeded 4.7 billion non-delinited rubles. He did not recognize the guives. Vyacheslav sentenced to imprisonment for 5 years and 3 months, as well as to confiscation of property. Despite the fact that there were no complaints about his behavior in prison, it was not released on par. He served the entire period.

Vyacheslav Mavrodi in prison

Some said that he decided for incomprehensible reasons not to file a petition for parole. But the lawyer of his brother Sergei Mavrodi claims that the execution of punishments constantly refused Vyacheslav in submitting documents for consideration of this issue under different fictional pretexts.

In 2006, Vyacheslav Panteleevich was released. Journalists were waiting for him, from communicating with whom he refused.

Personal life

Vyacheslav Mavrodi was married to Marina Muravyeva, now the wife of the popular singer Oleg Gazmanov. As it turned out later, the girl met with Gazmanov even before Mavrodi, but since he was officially married, the continuation of their novel did not receive.

Oleg Gazmanov and Marina Muravyova, the former wife of Vyacheslav Mavrodi

Coming out married Vyacheslav, she did not need anything. In 1997, Marina became pregnant. But it was then that a criminal case was brought to Mavrodi, and the man did no longer. As soon as he was put in prison, he filed for a divorce. The man explained it by the fact that the term he was given a considerable one, and he wants her to be happy.

Philipp Gazmanov

At that time, Gazmanov had already divorced her first wife. And it was Oleg who met Marina from the hospital with his son. The singer with infancy brought up Philip, they had a wonderful relationship, he calls his dad.

Vyacheslav Mavrodi now

After exemption from prison about the life of Vyacheslav, nothing is known. Even when in March 2018, information about the death of Sergei Mavrodi appeared in the media, he did not give himself felt. For the body in the morgue, no one came. Vyacheslav also said that Sergey was configured against himself all relatives and friends.

Grave of Sergey Mavrodi.

Later, the network has information that Mavrodi Jr. forbade BRAH near his parents. The burial place was not disclosed, in order to avoid the cluster of the people. So it is still not clear whether Vyacheslav famizes with his brother or ignored the funeral.

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