Margarita Levieva - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Margarita Levieva is a talented actress, which has proven his own biography: there are no closed doors for a purposeful person. The girl did not just fulfill his own dream and began to be filmed in films, but also achieved the status of one of the most sought-after screen stars. Starting with episodic characters, Margarita "Dorosla" to major roles and, apparently, is not going to stop there.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born on February 9, 1980 in Leningrad. It is known that both grandmothers Margarita survived the blockade of the city during the Great Patriotic War. The girl grew up with the twin brother Mikhail.

Margarita Levieva and her twin brother

From an early age, Margarita was distinguished by flexibility and plasticity, so parents, noticing this, gave daughter to the Sport Gymnastics section. The results were not forced to wait: For several months later, the coaches began to celebrate a talented girl, placing serious hopes on the pupil.

These classes, as Later recalled Margarita, helped her learn to abide by discipline, always strive forward and not to grasp the difficulties. However, to become a gymnast Margarita was not destined.

Actress Margarita Levieva

When the girl was 11 years old, her parents divorced. A year later, the mother, taking both children, moved to the United States. New Motherland for Margarita and her brother became Shizsyhed-Bay (Brooklyn district).

Levieva's life has changed completely, it was not even possible to return to the gymnastics: at that time Margarita had no necessary documents that would allow the athlete to speak at serious competitions.

Margarita Levieva

The girl liberated energy sent to study, as well as a new passion - amateur school theater. Already then in the head of Margarita began to emerge dreams of glory and popularity.

However, after graduating from school, Levieva at the insistence of the mother chose a profession, far from acting - the girl entered the Faculty of Economics to one of the universities of New York. And only becoming a certified economist, Margarita decided to meet the cherished dream and entered the school of acting skills.


Margarita Levieva was lucky - immediately after the end of the acting school, the girl began to invite to shoot. The first episodic works of the actress are not even noted in the credits, but Margarita understood that even the most insignificant role brings her to the cherished goal.

So it happened: already in 2007, Leviyev played in the dramatic picture of David Goyais "Invisible". This film, filmed by the work of the writer Mats Valya, did not leave any viewers or film critics indifferent. Here Margarita got the role of the girl, because of the cruelty of which the protagonist Nick Powell (actor Justin Chetwin) became invisible. The task of the unfortunate is to convince her to admit to the one to become a normal person.

Immediately after entering the rental of the "invisible" Margarita Leviev was invited to the shooting platform of the film "Fabdy". This picture is a comic and touching story about Alphonse (Actor Ashton Kutcher), who is accustomed to a carefree life at the expense of lovers in him.

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However, everything changes at the moment when the hero and himself falls in love without memory. The situation complicates only the fact that the beloved of the unlucky Alphonse is not rich. Here Margarita played the role of the girl in which the main character fell in love. Anne Hech, Sebastian Stan, Sarah Bakston, Rachel Blundhard played in the picture.

The next noticeable picture with the participation of Margarita Levieva became the comedy of Greg Mottole called "Park of Culture and Rest". Here the actress was lucky to work with Kristen Stewart, Kristen Wig, Jesse Aisenberg, Ryan Reynolds. Two years later, the audience saw Margarita Leviev in a serious criminal drama "Lincoln for a lawyer", filmed by the director Brad Furman.

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And in 2014, the filmography of Margarita Levieva first replenished the Russian picture. We are talking about the film "Sightor Moscow - Russia". In this story, filmed by Sergey Svetlakov and Igor Voloshin, the action takes place in the train car walking from the capital to Vladivostok.

As it often happens, the far road reduces a number of completely unpredictable travelers who have to be held side by side for a whole week. In the film, the Russian stars were played together with Margarita Levieva, Ivan Urgant, Olga Simonova, Maria Shalaeva, as well as Ingeborg Dapkin and Michael Madsen.

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In the same year, the actress played in the painting "Loft" of Belgian Erica Van Loy. This psychological detective keeps the audience at voltage until the last moment. The film was played by the actors of Karl Urban, Isabel Lucas, James Marsden, Valerie Cruz.

Margarita Levieweeva is not refused and from roles in television series. So, in 2016, the filming of a psychological thriller called "Black List" ended. And although the actress appeared only in several episodes, this project has become an indispensable experience in multi-sized films for it.

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No less memorable and the series "Revenge", which liked the audience for nontrivial characters and excellent humor. Here in the frame with Margarita Levieva, you can see Moelin Stowe, Henry Cherni, Joshua Bowman.

The next series with the participation of Margarita Levieva was the Double Drama. This multi-sealer picture transfers the audience in 1970 - then in New York, the "sexual revolution" entered into the right, which began with the legalization of pornographic films.

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Here by partners actresses on the shooting area were James Franco, Maggie Gillanhol, Emily Foreign Ministry, Chris Bauer. Also, 2017 Margarita played in a comedy picture, filmed by Michel Morgan directed by "It happened in Los Angeles."

Personal life

About the personal life of Margarita Levieva is known much less than about the creative success of the girl. In 2006, the press was discussed by the Roman actress with Justin Chetwin. Young people met on the shooting platform of the film "Invisible". However, these relationships did not last long, and immediately after the end of the film, the beloved broke up.

Margarita Levieva and Sebastian Stan

In 2014, Margarita Levieva again began to appear on the pages of secular chronicles. This time the romance of the girl with actor Sebastian Stan, with whom Margarita also met during filming was becoming a reason for the attention of journalists. Details of relationships lovers are trying to hold behind closed doors.

Margarita Levieva now

Now the girl is not only filmed in the cinema, but also plays the theater, improving his own skills of reincarnation.

Margarita Levieva in 2018

About the pictures, the shooting of which are scheduled for 2018, Margarita Levieva does not yet tell, but fans can follow the news about life and the plans of the actress on its page in the social network "Instagram".


  • 2007 - "Apartment David"
  • 2007 - "Invisible"
  • 2009 - "womanizer"
  • 2009 - "Park of Culture and Rest"
  • 2011 - "Lincoln for a lawyer"
  • 2013-2016 - "Black List"
  • 2014 - "Smell: Moscow - Russia"
  • 2014 - Loft
  • 2015 - "Teenage Girl Diary"
  • 2015 - "Love without obligation"
  • 2017 - "Two"

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