Tsarevna-Frog - character biography, main characters, image, character


Character History

Do you know a lot of fairy tales, the plot of which was known for many hundred years ago? Tsarevna-Frog - a character, popular among the peoples of the Black Sea and Azov. Archaeologists find mentioning it on the artifacts of 5-3 V to AD, mined in the Scythian cougars. The fairy-tale character, like mythological hero, messed up with an ancient population and captured by the masters of that era. How real is the legend about the princess-frog, you can only guess. The whole truth about it is known to the ancient tribes, admiring fantastic creation.

History of creation

The first publication of the legend of the fabulous heroine dates back to the 18th century. The legend passed from the mouth to the mouth was called the "Tale of the Frog and Bogatyr". The authorship is attributed to the ancient historian Herodot. Scythian myths recorded by him were abounded by fantastic plots.

Princess Frog

The story was talked about how wandering the missing horses the boys hit the cave and faced an unprecedented being. Semi-mite-half-seater had unprecedented beauty. The girl promised to give the horses if the hero takes her to his wife. Son Skiff, Anaphis and Gelon were born in their union. Father bequeathed to the passage of the test. Young people, having gone to his equipment and armed with a bow, had to task. The prize was the title of king. The ancient Scythian motives dominated in legend are directly related to the understanding of the Divine World an ancient population.

During the retelling of legends, the plot was modified. Divine images simplified. The creature with the body of a woman and snake turned into a princess-frog. She mastered the elements than the Ivan Tsarevich conquered, who came for an abandoned arrow. Slashai frog, where he was invited to the Bogatyr, instantly turned with an exquisite tent. The magic rite has given a princess frog without difficulty, as well as sewing a seamless shirt with the help of violent winds. The abilities of the girl are akin to the magic and the possibilities of cosmic aliens. Wear without seams was "technology", familiar gods and representatives of the highest mind. In this symbol there are details of the occultism and hints of power over space.

Ivan Tsarevich

The striking beauty, which had a legend character, was the cause of the envy of the Tsarevich brothers and served as a motivation for the burning of the magic skin of the frog. Before disappearing, she called her name and disappeared. Contrary to the usual interpretation, the hero had to search for the impossible not in the kingdom of the blasphemy of the immortal, but in a sunflower country. Ancient people called the solar system. Baba Yaga became assistant Ivan.

Only for the third time on the instructions of the sorcerer, he managed to catch a girl. The reverse way of young kept the riding on the carpet-plane donated by Baba-Yaga. The fact that the Russian folk fairy tale has deep historical roots, indicate not only the hidden subtext and symbolism. There were constellations called the "Field", "Luk", "Star" and "Snake" on the heavenly arch. The ancient stars distinguished the constellation called "Lugal", which means "king". Enlylar's stars perform in the role of winds who stitched the royal seamless shirt.

Koschey and Baba Yaga

With the development of astronomy, many constellations combined into larger combinations of stellar shining. So the designations from the familiar fairy tale were disappeared from the sky, and the origin of the usual fabulous images was available only to the most interested readers.

Each author, interpreted the plot, brought his details into it, and the divine images of Scythians changed to be unrecognizable. Mythology disappeared from the plot, the name has simplified, and today the fabulous characters are interested only in small children.

Tale "Tsarevna Frog"

The main characters of the fairy tale - the king, his three sons, among whom Ivan-Tsarevich, and the Tsarevna Frog. The story says that it's time to marry. To choose the bride, each of them went out in the field and released an arrow from Luke. Arrow of the first brother pleased to the boyars daughter, the second arrow - to the merchant, and the younger, Ivan, had to search for her in the swamp.

Ivan-Tsarevich and Tsarevna-Frog

Tsar father experienced daughter. The frog was the only one who managed to pass all the contests of the ruler. The brothers affected by this, who had been pregnant to Ivan to burn the skirt of the spouse. Therefore, the beauty was forced to escape. Tsarevich had to dismantle the beloved and challenged her from the kingdom of Koschey.

Similar plots are used in Italian and Greek culture. Such motives are present in the folk fairy tales of Buryat, Bashkirov and Tatars. In Russia, the fairy tale is published in the collection "People's Russian Fairy Tales". The author of the book A.N. Afanasyev was a folklorist and researcher of the national culture. In its variations in the image of the frog, Vasilisa dislude, witch, doomed to live in the image of the animal. In the visual art, the author, the image of the princess-sorcerer, became Vasnetsov. The "Tsarevna-Frog" canvas refers to the cycle of work inherent in the author for fantastic and fabulous stories.


Frame from cartoon

In 1954, the Soviet cartoon called "Tsarevna-Frog" was released on the screens. The main heroine voiced Margarita Kupriyanov. In the animation tape, the girl was depicted by a beauty, a noblegram, capable of doing wonders. At the same year, a feature film was removed, in which the cartoon heroes were embodied by talented actors.

In the cartoon "Tsarevna-Frog" of 1977, Anna Kamenkova presented the voice of heroine, the image of which was folklore and was more symbolic than in the first project of domestic multipliers.

Tsarevna-Frog - character biography, main characters, image, character 1512_6

In 2009, Disney issued its interpretation of the legend and offered the attention of the audience the cartoon "Princess and Frog". From the authentic plot in it, there is little preserved, but the high-quality image inherent in the cartoon of this brand made the project in demand.

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