Storm Daniels (Stephanie Clifford) - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Storm Daniels - famous porn actress and film director for adults. In her personal piggy bank, the placer awards in this field of the film industry. Popularity to the woman added a scandal that broke out in 2018 - the public learned about the sexual relationship with Storm with the President of America by Donald Trump.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born under the name of Stephanie Gregory Clifford, only at the dawn pornocarins took the scenic pseudonym Storm Daniels. The name borrowed from the daughter of the Basist of the Mötley Crüe group, whose fan is from early adolescence. And the surname appeared as a reference to the famous class of Bourbon Jack Daniel's, whose advertisement is said that he is "the most popular from the south."

Storm Daniels in youth

Mom grows with storms from four years alone, his father left the family. The girl is the only child, so the parent tried to give his daughter all the best. The future actress of intimate video studied in a prestigious Louisiana school. The active girl found time and study, and extracurricular occupations. Stephanie edited the school edition, headed the youth organization "4-H". And in 17 years I have already started earning decent money by setting up a stripper to the Baton Rouge club.

Films and creativity

In the late 90s, the girl fell into the world of the porn industry with gorgeous forms. At first, Storm Daniels worked exclusively in the paintings on the lesbian themes, which were filmed at Sin City and Wicked Pictures studios. However, she soon changed the "qualifications", while playing the main role in the Heat tape (2002), where the company was a man.

Porn actress Storm Daniels.

The debut turned out to be successful - after filming, Stori held an exclusive contract with Wicked company in his hands, and a dizzying career was waiting a bunch of awards and fame.

Already in 2004, the Pornstar was awarded the title "Best New Starlet Plan" - a reward in the field of adults for adults is comparable to the Hollywood "Oscar". It was a real success, because I managed to leave behind the recognized celebrity Jesse Jane, and Wicked Studio made Storm Daniels with his main actress.

Storm Daniels in underwear

In total, about 200 ribbons are involved in the list of films. At the peak of popularity, the girl began to attract glossy magazines with world names to cooperate. Photo Daniels decorated covers and pages of PLAYBOY, HUSTLER, PENTHOUSE, HIGH SOCIETY, GQ.

At the same time, I followed the role of Columnist - wrote for FHM. The artist lit up in a number of music groups. For example, it shines in the movie "Maroon 5" team - under the song "Wake Up Call" is dancing at the pole.

Storm Daniels in a swimsuit

In the filmography Storm Daniels there was a place and a large movie. The girl entrusted roles in the films "Sorokolenmic Virgin" (2005) and "A little pregnant" (2007). And in 2010, the fighter of the city of the city of Director David Defalko came to the screens. In this tape, the pornstar played with the actors Rob Van Dame and Dave Batistan in high roles.

In 2004, Stormy settled even on the other side of the camera, deciding on their own porn. So got involved in the five-year period, more than sixty films have served.

Personal life

Storm Daniels managed to be married twice. For the first time went under the crown in 2003 with a colleague on the workshop, PEET PEET Majan. Selected was older than the bride for 13 years. This marriage did not hold out two years.

Storm Daniels and Glendon Crane

Shortly after the divorce, the girl once again officially registered the relationship, this time with a journalist named Mike Moz. But it did not work with him to create a strong family, in 2009 a couple broke up.

And for a year and a half later, the fans received the news that the beauty was Mom's beauty. Pornstar gave birth to her daughter, the father of which is a drummer and colleague on films for adults Glendon Crane. In an interview with the actress, admitted that motherhood was not easy:

"It was necessary to work a lot, I was not ready for the emergence of a child, because it is not similar to a normal mother."

A little later, the girl was shared by family photos in social networks, who signed enthusiastic confessions that he was happy to raise such a smart and charming daughter.

Storm Daniels with daughter

Storm Daniels does not sit in place, a woman loves to travel, actively participates in the life of society - for example, conducts election campaigns. Even herself tried his strength on a political field: in 2009 he put his own candidate for the post in the US Senate from the Native State. True, it was refused to refuse, offended by the fact that voters and the press do not perceive it seriously.

Storm Daniels now

At the moment, Storm is sued with Donald Trump. The story that took place in the end in a loud scandal began in 2011. Then the pornstar in an interview with the publishing house "In Touch" told that he met with the future president of America. There was a sexual connection - in 2006 after a golf tournament, a man invited actress of films for adults to the hotel room. During the meeting, Donald allegedly admitted that with his wife melania sleep in different bedrooms. The article then never saw the light.

Storm Daniels and Donald Trump

However, the story still surfaced. Journalists made public about the fact that on the eve of the presidential election, the Trump's lawyers paid $ 130 thousand to a woman (according to other data $ 95 thousand) - this was the price of silence about communication. In January 2018, the White House denied information about any financial transactions with Clifford and published a letter, where Stormy denied sexual relations with the head of state.

However, already in March on the CBS channel, a woman opened the details of the love relationship with Trump. She also stated that one day the unknown person threatened her with violence if the information would ever pop up.

Storm Daniels in 2018

The lawyer of President Michael Cohen sent a lawsuit against Stephanie Clifford to the court, accusing a woman in non-compliance with the signed non-disclosure document with Donald. And the actress, in turn, filed a lawsuit in which the absence of a presidential signature on the document, so it can be considered invalid.

While the consideration of the case was postponed by the end of July, the investigation is underway. On April 30, Stormy again went to court, where accused the American leader in slander - in Twitter, a woman was caught by a woman in participation in fraud.


  • 2000 - "Mastery"
  • 2002 - "Heat"
  • 2005 - "Diematic Witches"
  • 2005 - "Sorokolen Virgin"
  • 2007 - "A little pregnant"
  • 2009 - "In search of bliss"
  • 2010 - "The Worn of the City"
  • 2015 - "Located ...
  • 2015 - "Particularly dangerous"
  • 2015 - "Beauty is a terrible force"
  • 2016 - "Unseed Acts"

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