Evgeny Levchenko - biography, photo, personal life, news, football 2021



Evgeny Levchenko is a purposeful athlete, owner of brutal appearance and outstanding talents. By 40 years old man managed to achieve a lot in both the profession and in personal relationships.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Viktorovich Levchenko was born on January 2, 1978 in the village of Konstantinovka Donetsk region in an ordinary family. Already in his childhood, the parents of the boy realized that sports for him was the ability to implement violent energy. In school, Zhenya constantly received the remarks from teachers for foulness into the diary.

Evgeny Levchenko in childhood

The boy visited various sections, but love arose to football. Perhaps due to the fact that the Father Eugene is the fan of this game. It was Dad that bought the first ball and led to a children's training. Football hobby at a young age led Levchenko to the Sports board of Donetsk. At the end of the 1993/1994 season, first appeared on the field as part of the Metallurg team from Konstantinovka.


In 1996 he was invited to Moscow, he spent the first half of the season in Double "CSKA", and in the summer he went to the Netherlands. There, he first stands for the team "Helmond", then goes into a more eminent "vitess". The latter was one of the leaders of Dutch football in those years.

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For some time the player was leased by the club "Cambar", where Levchenko had a permanent gaming practice. Frequent appearance on the field helped make his name recognizable. Eugene performed in the role of midfielder, an athlete's growth - 188 cm, weight - 85 kg.

The football career was not easy: in their native country, the talented Levchenko was not recognized. But thanks to the strong character and patience, Eugene still achieved sports growth. On November 20, 2002, he took it to its ranks of the Ukrainian team: the football player came out on the field in the match against the Slovak team.

Evgeny Levchenko in the national team of Ukraine

In 2005, Evgeny signed a contract with the Groningen Dutch Club, as part of which midfielder has demonstrated a brilliant game for several years. In 2009, the contract ended, and Levchenko on the rights of a free agent signed a new one with Saturn near Moscow. Eugene's transition to the team did not cost without a scandal.

The football player volunteered to help arrange the signing of the contract Brother President of the Russian Federation Andrei Prajdkin. OJSC "Saturn" translated for "Football Player's Search Services" and the signing of a $ 400 thousand agreement with Levchenko, he did not know about the payment, according to him, the salary in Saturn was less than this amount.

Evgeniy Levchenko

In December 2011, Eugene appealed to the Sports Arbitration Court in Lausanne with a request to consider the case of conflict of interest in the work of the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Pretkina. In January 2013, the RFU Committee on Ethics, which was entrusted to investigate the case, did not find in the activities of the president of signs of conflict of interest. The case was closed.

Levchenko still counted the results of the proceedings of his victory. According to him, Eugene helped make a soccer market more transparent, clubs stopped translating agency money to one-day company accounts.

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The last club for Levchenko became the Australian "Adelaide United", the contract with which lasted from 2011 to 2012. To date, Evgeny completed professional performances. For career, the athlete participated in 303 official matches, 8 of which spent the Ukrainian team, a total of 40 heads scored.

Personal life

Evgeny Levchenko is known not only as a football player. In 2013, he became the first hero of the Show "Bachelor" at TNT. He went to the project in search of a girl who will give him comfort, warmth and children. As a result, the famous athlete found his half: in the final chose the creative producer of Olesy Yermakov. Parents supported the selection of a son.

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The young man was planning to take away the elect in Holland, where he lived and worked. But the relationship lasted not long, 9 months after the end of the show Evgeny Levchenko, on a page on Facebook wrote that they broke up. The reason for the gap called distance and permanent employment. The girl refused to move from Russia.

Even before the project, Levchenko met five years old with the Netherlands TV presenter and actress with the Ukrainian roots of Victoria Koblenko. The couple lived together, information appeared in the media that Eugene offered his beloved sign, but she chose a marriage career in Hollywood. Relationships at the distance were the reason for parting and with it.

Evgeny Levchenko and Victoria Koblenko

After some time, after a break with Olesya Yermakova, it became known that Evgeny Levchenko and Victoria Koblenko again together. In the summer of 2016, the hero of the first season of the Show "Bachelor" was the Father. The joyful post of Eugene posted "Instagram" in his account on behalf of the newborn, which parents called Keeme. Fans suggest that the name of the boy was given in honor of the founder of Kiev - the capital of the native country for Mom and the dad of the child.

An important role in his personal life is played by Fashion: Eugene has a good taste, is interested in trends. In 2009, Esquire recognized Levchenko's most stylish footballer of Holland. The athlete loves to participate in photo shoots, with bare torso appeared on the Cover Men`s Health.

Evgeny Levchenko and son

Evgeny Levchenko is known for charitable shares in Ukraine and in Holland. In 2012, sponsored the book "Halleador", the author of which became a sports journalist Viktor Hochluk. Money reversed money transferred to the International Children's Foundation "Breath".

In 2015, Eugene released the biographical book "Lev" in Dutch, the author of the work is Iris Copp. The book is about the life path of a football player, about difficulties and fun moments. At the presentation, Levchenko spoke about the fact that the biography is proud of.

Evgeny Levchenko now

Today, Eugene, Victoria and Kiy live in Amsterdam. They travel a lot, lay out photos from different countries on social networks. In early 2018, Eugene celebrated the 40th birthday in Israel: a beach vacation was planned, but led the weather.

Evgeny Levchenko in 2018

Recently, Levchenko, in an interview, commented on the refusal of some Ukrainian journalists to watch the matches of the 2018 World Cup due to the venue of the competition. The athlete stated that he did not like hypocrites and the professional should be aware of all events, regardless of where they occur.

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