Andrei Rajigarev - biography, personal life, photos, news, hair transplant, presenter, "Instagram" 2021



Andrei Rajigreev is a talented TV presenter, producer, showman and program director of the MUZ-TV TV channel. Behind his shoulders dozens of gears, each of which collected and collects the screens a huge number of spectators. In addition to the "native" "MUZ-TV", the players worked on other channels. It is safe to argue that the last name Andrei Rajigarev, who appeared in the credits of a project, unequivocally guarantees fascinating and interesting content.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the screen was born on August 26, 1978 in Moscow. In childhood, Andrei had no thought about becoming a TV presenter and a popular person. As he admitted to play in one of the interviews, his dream was the work by the driver of the trolleybus, and later the boy decided to become a train conductor - so little Andrei dreamed of realizing the desire to travel. The dream of playing about trips around the world came true later, but completely different.

After school, Andrei entered the Russian Academy of Education by choosing the Faculty of Journalism, and immediately after her ending, he began to conquer the peaks of Russian television, and successfully.


Already in early 2000, the name of Andrei Rajigarev was known, perhaps, everyone who has a TV. Andrei worked as a TV presenter on the "MUZ-TV" channel. The program "Very important person", which Showman led, earned popularity, giving the opportunity to change its appearance to anyone who submitted an application.

In 2013, a new line appeared in the professional biography of the TV presenter - the program "Dress Up game", which Andrei Prai began to lead on the TLC channel. This non-standard show had to like the audience. The essence of the transfer was that four guys were selected clothes and accessories for the heroine of the release, at the same time competing for the favor and attention of this girl.

I did not forget Andrei and about the "native" "MUZ-TV" - the presentation of the main music bonus of the channel was accompanied by a luxurious show concert, which was traditionally played by TV. Andrei also participated in the preparation and holding of a musical competition for novice performers in Jurmala.

Another legendary program was the "Star interrogation". All stars, especially just starting the path to the heights of glory, dreamed of getting an invitation to this program Andrei Rajigarev. The fact is that, by rumors, Andrei invites only those performers who consider to be promising and talented. Especially bright and memorable came programs with the participation of Olga Buzova, Ivanushki International Group, Philip Kirkorov.

In addition to television programs, playing with pleasure agree to lead and private events that do not fall into the frame. The showman truly revitalizes parties and holidays, so enjoys love fans.

In 2018, the new project was started by Andrei Rajigarev, in which the presenter realized a long-standing dream. The program was called "vacation without a ticket". The transfer, as was conceived, became a full-fledged guide to the countries of the world, which tells the audience about how and where you can spend time in a new country with the least costs.

The TV host on his own experience determined the best hotels and hostels, original dishes and convenient transport in each country where the film crew was sent. During the program, the audience learned not only about popular Central Europe and such concentrated tourist cities as Dubai and Macau, but also about the emerald corners of the Balkans, lost in Croatia and Montenegro.

Several news releases are devoted to Russia. Playing showed the beauty of the seaside resorts, having visited the Red Polyana in Sochi and the beaches of Anapa, and in the release dedicated to Dagestan, told about one of the natural wonders of the country - the largest sandy vegan in Europe Sary-Kum.

Andrei admitted that in the preparation of issues, resorted to the help and advice of local residents in each country: to whom, as not to them, know the details and little things that are not spelled out in any guidebook.

Personal life

About the personal life of the playback does not like to spread, although with a height of 178 cm and a slim figure is an attractive man. In one of the interviews, the TV presenter admitted that she lived with his beloved for some time and even planned a wedding, dreaming about the family. However, the explosive character of the girl and the constant employment of the star, apparently, destroyed these relationships, and the Possiraev had never become his wife. Andrei still has a single, the Children has no children.

And in the spring of 2018, rumors about the unconventional orientation of Andrei Rajigarev appeared in "Instagram" and other social networks. The assumption that the TV host allegedly is gay, began to build audience and fans of Showman after the appearance of the photo on which Andrei is captured with the singer Sergey Lazarev.

Judging by the signature to the snapshot, the men were going to watch "Eurovision 2018" together (in which Russia was represented by Julia Samoilov). Stars fans violently discussed the presence of non-brutal drinks and fruits on the table. Young people themselves like rumors ignore.

It is known that Lazareva has two children from different surrogate mothers - the son of Nikita and the daughter of Anna; The singer admitted that children were full-fledged relatives, as the biomaterial belonged to the same parents, but the identity of the mother thoroughly hides.

Another contender in the eyes of the public on the role of the boyfriend stars was the stylist Max Mountains. The reason for suspicion served as a post published in the social network by Leoy Kudryavtseva: On video with a joint recreation, a kiss of men in his lips was captured.

Fans of raging also does not give rest and hairstyle of the star. In the photo in the youth, which are common in the network, Andrei has not just rare hair, but the real stations. Now the leader of the leader is amazed by a dense, the cause of this, most likely, is hair transplantation.

At the beginning of 2021, the lead shared the tragic news: he did not become his mother. The woman fell ill with Coronavirus and fell into the hospital, but the efforts of resuscitors trying to cope with the disease were not crowned with success.

Andrei Playing now

Now Andrei Rajigov continues to carry the audience. The showman used his traveler experience to create the author's program "Peace in one plate", where every country represent dishes that glorified it in the world kitchen. For example, Italy is popular for coffee dessert of Tiramisu, and Thailand is seafood with chicken tom. At the beginning of each release of the reciprocal program, the envelope receives an envelope with recipes of the dishes that independently prepares on the air.

The release of the show "Vacation without a ticket" about New Zealand pleased the audience an exclusive from the lead. Being in the striking landscapes of the country, Andrei personally, without the film crew prepared the material that lay down the episode.

Traveling Raigarev does not stop, eating a celebrity not only impressions, but also ideas that in the future will be built by leisure and viewers of his projects.


  • "Vacation without a ticket"
  • "Dressup game"
  • "Very important person"
  • "10 ours"
  • "Star interrogation"
  • "Peace in one plate"

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