Richard Bach - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



American science fiction writer and professional pilot Richard Bach became known to the world public due to the behavior "Seagull Jonathan Livingston". The author's novels are permeated by the passion of flight - aspirations and life, the fight against the usuality and the need to sail downstream, ceasing to dream. Fans call Bach books by motivating and changing consciousness.

Childhood and youth

Richard Bach was born on June 23, 1936 in the city of Oak-Park Illinois. According to family legend, the motherboard is the descendant of the famous composer Johann Sebastian Baha. The Roland and Ruth Bach family was not rich, three sons grew in it, Richard was middle, swarm - senior.

Richard Bach

At the age of 8, the younger brother of the future Master of Feather died, Bobby. The writer recalls that this event left in the children's soul who is unkinded wound. Memories of the tragedy broke out in the Blood from Security Book.

Literature began to interest Richard at school age. But the young man's aircraft caused such delight that he decided to associate life with aviation. Homemade models were forced to be a children's room at home. In 17 years, Bach is first rising into the sky on amateur biplane. At the insistence of parents in 1955, Richard enters the California State University.

Pilot Richard Bakh

After receiving a diploma goes into the army, driven by a dream to become a pilot. Aviation has become the main passion of Baha. Richard's military pilot served in the US marine reserve, in 141 the air squadron, flew on the F-84F bombard. In 1962, in the rank of the US Air Force, the Bach finishes the service, but continues to fly for his own pleasure.


Love for the sky at Richard was combined with the desire to write. But the best found the Baha not immediately, the author passed the hard way to writing skill. The first thing I had to be exposed on paper is technical instructions. After the end of the service, Richard worked in the editorial office of Flying magazine, in 1964 it challenges and fully devotes himself to writing.

Writer Richard Bakh

The first book of Bach was published in 1963. "Alien on Earth" is a partially autobiographical story that the state of the flight is no longer obliged to the art, but the power of the Spirit. Of particular success, the work did not have, as the Biplane released in 1966. From 1965 to 1970, in parallel with literary activities, he operates the pilot of charter flights and aircraft.

In 1970, the story-parable of Bach "Chaika named Jonathan Livingston" appears in the sports journal. The idea of ​​the work of a bird that dreams of flying without prohibitions and restrictions, the author has tried since 1959.

Books Richard Baha

Publication was not seen by a wide range of readers. But the second edition released by a separate book made Richard Baha world celebrity. For two years more than a million copies were sold. The first translation into Russian was published in 1978, the book was loved by the Soviet reader. Bach argues that he wrote a novel under the impression of real flights of the real pilot of John Livingston in the 1920s and 30s.

In 1973, conflict arose on the set of film on the novel between Richard and film studio. Bach even sued the producers for the fact that they changed the plot without negotiation. As a result, the Baha's attitude to the film was expressed only in copyright on the name "Seagull Jonathan Livingston".

Richard Bach feeds seagull

After this incident, with the second wife, they moved from Hollywood to a quiet place, where Richard continues to write and fond of paragliding. The work of that time is devoted to Lesley, and they wrote the book "the only one" in collaboration.

Airplanes occupy an important place not only in the biographies of Baha, but also in creativity. Almost in all works they are used as a way to convey thoughts. Each writer's book is a full-fledged trip to which the reader goes mentally. The fans assure that they only win from reading works of Bach: with each page comes confidence, goals in life are becoming clearer, and the desire to achieve them is stronger.

Personal life

Richard Bach was married three times officially. For the first time, the future writer connected himself to marriage in 1957, his wife named Betty Jin France became his wife. 6 children were born in the family who did not save the Union - Richard and Betty divorced, living together for 13 years. The cause of the separation of Bach calls the loss of faith in marriage.

Betty Jin Franx, the first wife of Richard Bach, with children

According to the testimony of one of the children, the son of Jonathan, the father has not been interested in the life of the first family from the moment of breaking for a long time. Now another son, James, is often coming to Richard. Together, men play chess.

In 1973, at the set of the painting "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", Richard met the actress Leslie Parrish. The woman became the Writer Museum, in 1981 they signed. Parrish became the heroine of three books Baha - "Bridge through Eternity", "the only" and "escape from security". These works added to the author of popularity - new novels were permeated with love philosophy.

Richard Bach and Leslie Parrish

In the late 90s, Leslie and Richard formally divorced. Some fans of the writer raised the wave of indignation, finding the essence of the novels is implanted, and their enthusiasm is deceived. Bach tried to rehabilitate, having released a parable, hinting for the reasons for gap from Leslie. She ends with the words "everything can be a mistake here."

In 1999, Bach married for the third time, Sabrina Nelson-Alexopulos became his wife. Beautiful girl, half of the Norwegian, half of the Greek, younger Bach for 35 years. After marriage, it became known as Sabrina Bach, wrote the book "Red Dilishes", which was translated into Russian. As the author says, this is an autobiographical book about the history of the expression of a 11-year-old girl in a modern, little romantic society.

Richard Bach and Sabrina Nelson-Alexopulos

Sabrina, like Richard, is enjoys piloting. After the wedding, the girl transported things to her husband on her own quadruple aircraft "Sessna". 16 ferrets lived in the family, who became the heroes of the Bach's works called "Chrights".

According to the latest information, Richard and Sabrina broke up, living together for about 10 years. Even during a collaboration, the third spouse was kidding that it was much easier to fly with Bach than to live under one roof.

Richard Bach now

Richard is one of the most popular American writers of modernity. Together with his team Bach launched his own official website, at which occasionally publishes news about themselves and creativity.

Richard Bach

Probably the only true love in the life of Richard aircraft will remain. After in 2012, when planting a single-engine Easton Gilbert G Searey, he burned the LAP and collapsed from a two-meter height to the ground, Bahu was banned. It is unknown whether in 2018, Richard was the instructions of the doctors, but the writer did not sell the hangar with the aircraft.

In a few interviews, Bach says that, despite the honorable age, never ceases to dream. It was the dreams that the writer give the opportunity to feel "amazing abilities and free spirit."


1963 - "Alien on Earth"

1970 - "Seagull named Jonathan Livingston"

1974 - "Dar of Wings"

1977 - "Illusions, or the adventures of the Messiah involve"

1984 - "Bridge through Eternity"

1988 - "The only one"

1994 - "Fighting from Safety"

1999 - "Outside of my mind"

2002-2005 - "Charity Chronicles"

2004 - "Pocket Directory of Messiah"

2009 - "Hypnosis for Mary"

2015 - "Angels on Polsky"


"The fact that the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the teacher will call a butterfly." "The higher the seagull flies, the more she sees." "You're better learn what you need to learn most of all." "Heaven is not a place and not time. Heaven is an achievement of perfection. "

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