Natalia Krasko (Shevel) - biography, photos, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Natalia Krasko is an actress of the St. Petersburg Theater "Travel", Poets, the wife of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Ivan Krasko. The first fame to Natalia came not as an artist: about the girl they spoke when she became the fourth wife of the older for 60 years old, the father of the star of the Russian cinema Andrei Krasko. Periodically, the media space shake scandals associated with spouses. Marriage with a huge age difference does not give rest to the public. Natalia Krasko with her husband - frequent guests of the rating television show.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Shevel was born in November 1990 in Crimea. Childhood and youth passed in Sevastopol. The biological mother refused his daughter in the hospital, and Natalia raised and raised Svetlana Guguchkin, having fascinated the baby. According to another information, Marina Zhuravlev, a real mother of actress, who led an asocial lifestyle, deprived the parental rights, and the first 5 years old girl grew in an orphanage.

Natalia Shevel (Natalia Krasko)

Reception Mom brought up daughter with all the rigor. The actress with a smile recalls that the "Commandant hour" demanding returning home no later than 22.00 was carried out strictly. And even now, when Natalia Krasko is a married woman, Mom demands to stick to the old regime, when her daughter is at her Sevastopol.

According to the memories of the neighbors, Svetlana Guguchkin is not in vain kept a receptional daughter in his mittens, the girl grew by the Tutor: jumped with the yard guys through neighboring fences, gardens. But no one was angry with the girl: Natalia has opened openness and children's immediacy. Changed in high school, it became closed and restrained.

Natalia Shevel (Natalia Krasko)

Male attention charming Crimean girl attracted from early youth. The fans were deposited by Natalia, but she gave the guy by the name of the novel. He drove 20-year-old wife in St. Petersburg.

Natalia Shevel, who had long dreamed of acting career, at first, was delighted: the northern capital with her famous theatrical universities and theaters opened great opportunities to realize the dream. But the husband thought otherwise: life turned into a routine from endless household problems. Provided the family from the novel did not work. Talking about admission to the theater university ended with scandals.

Natalia Krasko

Not wanting to change the dream, Natalia Shevel left her husband. The girl tried to build a family with the older for 19 years old by Oleg. The man is creative, he understood Natalia and supported in desire to get to the stage. But then the relationship has deteriorated due to domestic problems: Natalia Shevel became a student, she could not work, and Oleg could not secure his family. The couple broke up after a 4-year-old civil marriage.


With the future husband, Ivan Krako Natalia met at the Institute of Humanitarian Education, where he taught acting skills. Shevel so penetrated her poems that Ivan Ivanovich heard. After graduating from the university, the creative biography of the actress was not so brilliant, as I would like. The artist debuted in November 2015 on the stage of the Troitsky Cultural Center in the Musical Musicle "Gigoletto".

Natalia Krasko in the role of Charlie Chaplin

A beginner actress appeared on the stage in the bowler and a mustache Charlie Chaplin. For the game, the young spouse watched the Mother and Teacher Ivan Krasko. The main highlight of the musical - both female, and men's roles performed women. Natalia Krako got the role of a frequenter cafe.

Ivan Ivanovich turned out to be strict judge: the performance criticized, actress Natalia Krasko, despite his relatives, refused to put "excellent." Natalia admitted that the Genre of the musical was not close to her. She dreams of deep, "multilayer" roles, heroes that are experiencing dramatic events.

Natalia Krasko and Ivan Krasko

Career Natalia Krasko "Zabuxoval". The actress has submitted in an interview with the TV journalists of the Fifth Canal, that two higher education is not a guarantee of a brilliant future. And since the material situation of the Krasko family, forced to rent housing, is not the best, then you have to earn by participating in the popular TV show.

"We have to get out. No choice. No way out, "Natalia complains.

In March 2018, Natalia Krasko participated in the project Dmitry Shepelev "in fact." The reason for the appearance on the air was the imaginary Roman Natalia with a kind of man Alexander, who announced a novel with a married paint. Later, the actress admitted that the invented novel became a way to make money in the show.

On the project, Natalia Krasko was waiting for surprises. The studio came the former wife Ivan Krako and the mother of two of his children Natalya Vygl. According to the fourth artist's spouse, the third is trying to return her husband, manipulating children.

Came to the talk show and mother of the first husband Natalia - Roman. According to her, the son, heavily worried about the treason of Natalia Shevel and divorce, life was well. Roman lives and works in the USA. On the former daughter-in-law, ex-mother-in-law was imparted implicitly, calling it a mentally ill. Shepelev asked not to insult Natalia, suggesting that the woman's mouth says the resentment for his son.

Another surprise for Natalia Krasko was a meeting with a biological mother, which the project journalists were found. The woman promised to quit drinking and "homeless", dreams of establishing relationships with her daughter. He said, left daughter 22 years ago because of the lack of money.

In the spring of 2018, Natalia Krasko appeared on the project "Let them say" from Dmitry Borisov, where Ivan Ivan Ivanovich, Natalia Vygloga, was again searched.

Personal life

Natalia Krasko does not get tired of convincing an incredulous audience, which married love. Questions about intimate life is responsible that sex in their husband's husband is. They cannot start the child, because they remove housing, and the material situation leaves much to be desired.

Natalia Krasko and Ivan Krasko

Natalia admitted that if he became pregnant, no one would know about it, and the birth of a child would be a surprise for everyone.

Ivan Krako calls the fourth marriage heart, mental and friendly, although quarrels occur due to the volitional nature of the wife.

Natalia Krasko now

In May 2018, an unsuccessful photo of the actress fell in the social network. Natalia Krasko itself placed it on the page in "Instagram". Subscribers criticized the snapshot on which Natalia, in their opinion, looks like aged.

Natalia Krasko in 2018

Krako responded, saying that the whole thing is in the unsuccessful make-up. Soon the woman posted a photo on which she appeared without a make-up and looks younger than his years.

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