Dmitry Patrushev, Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation - Biography 2021



Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev is headed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation since 2018. This post came from the post of head of the largest Russian agricultural bank. Previously also worked in the field of finance and in the civil service. Doctor of Economic Sciences. Read more about Patrushev's biography - in the material.

History of family

Dmitry Patrushev was born in Leningrad on October 13, 1977. Together with the younger brother Andrei, which is now leading the center "Arctic initiatives". Mother, Elena Nikolaevna, received medical education and worked as a ultrasonic diagnostic doctor. Father, Nikolai Platonovich, in the mid-1970s passed training at the highest courses of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and entered the service in a counterintelligent department of the Office of the State Security Committee on the Leningrad Region. In 1999, Nikolay Platonovich Patrushev joined the position of Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, in 2008, the decree of the President of Russia was appointed secretary of the Security Council. Wears the title of General Army and Hero of the Russian Federation.

Father Nikolai Patrushev, Plato Ignatievich, During the Great Patriotic War, served on the fleet: was a member of the crew as a crew of the destroyer "threatening", a depolit for the destroyer "Active". Presented to a number of state awards, including the Order of the Red Star and Patriotic War I and II degree, medals "for military merit" and "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.". Grandmother Dmitry Patrushev Antonina Nikolaevna received a specialty Chemist, was a nurse during the times of the Soviet-Finnish war, saved her life in a blockade Leningrad.

Praded Dmitry Ignatius Patrushev lived and worked in the village of Subomo Arkhangelsk region. Even after the children and grandchildren settled in Leningrad, he remained in his native Vilodensky district.

Education Dmitry Patrushev

After graduating from school in 1994, Dmitry Patrushev entered Moscow State University of Management (GUU) to the specialty "Management". This multi-level scientific and educational complex is engaged in training for different areas of the economy and is considered the founder of managerial education in Russia.

In 2002, Dmitry Patrushev continued his professional training on the basis of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. From the walls of this university, highly qualified specialists in the field of international relations, economics and international law are manufactured. The teaching staff includes elected scientists and diplomats, lectures are read by foreign ministers, politicians, managers of international organizations, major military leaders, editors of leading media from more than 70 countries of the world. Patrushev studied in the direction of the "World Economy", graduated from a prestigious university in 2004.

Scientific activity

Dmitry Patrushev - owner of two scientists degrees. The PhD dissertation on the development of a process approach in managing the quality of research centers, he defended in 2003 at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. In this paper, patrols was, including the algorithm for the development and implementation of documents of the quality management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001: 2000, as well as recommendations for its implementation in research organizations.

The protection of the doctoral was held in the same university in 2008. Dmitry Patrushev examined the regulatory mechanisms in the field of industrial policy on the example of the natural monopolies of the fuel and energy complex. He proposed a methodology for optimizing the anti-monopoly control system, which involved measures to prevent the emergence or strengthening of the dominant situation of economic entities on commodity and financial markets. The work was based on a comparative analysis of state industrial policy models in developed European countries.

Finance and state service

Career Dmitry Patrushev began immediately after the end of the GUU: in 1999 he was offered a position in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. In 2004, after the completion of training at the Diplomatic Academy, Patrushev was invited to VTB Bank (at that time - OJSC "Vneshtorgbank"), after three years he became senior vice president of the bank.

In 2010, he headed the largest Russian agricultural bank created ten years before to support the enterprises of the agrarian sector. At the post of Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev worked until 2018. Under his leadership, RSHB became more universal: new proposals appeared in the list of banking services not only for agricultural producers, but also for all business areas and private clients. In November 2017, the assets of the RSKB have already been evaluated already three trillion rubles, the bank ranked fourth in terms of lending to individuals (351.4 billion rubles) and the third - in terms of private clients in the bank (806.3 billion rubles).

Despite the expansion of the bank's product line and the diversification of the loan portfolio, the amount of financing of the agrarian industry continued to grow. In addition, during the leadership of Dmitry Patrushev, RSKB has become a powerful financial group, including insurance business in the field of agriculture. Thus, the Bank was able to strengthen his position in the agricultural market and remained the basis of the National Credit and Financial APK system.

In 2018, the head of the Federal Government, Dmitry Medvedev, recommended the candidacy of Patrushev to the post of Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The head of state Vladimir Putin approved the appointment. Dmitry Nikolayevich's office in the RSKB took his deputy Boris Sheets. Patrushev was headed by the Supervisory Board of Rosselkhozbank.

As minister

With a new chapter, the agricultural department could ensure the achievement of key goals of the state program of the APK development. During the working meeting of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Patrushev, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture spoke about the records of domestic agricultural producers for 2020. According to Rosstat, Russian agrarians have gathered over 133 million tons of grain in pure weight, which is 12% more than on average for five years, and 10% higher than the indicators laid out in the state program. Production volumes and animal husbandry are growing.

The production index in general in the agro-industrial complex, according to Patrushev, was 102.5%, despite the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection and adverse weather conditions.

Russian agroxport for the first time reached $ 30.7 billion: 79 million tons of domestic production were supplied to the international market. As the head of the Ministry of Agriculture noted, the external trading volume in 2020 increased by 20% and exceeded imports.

The development of the industry helps the growth of its investment attractiveness and measures of state support. According to Patrushev, in 2020, more than 750 billion rubles invested in the APC, which is 27 billion more than a year earlier. 312 billion rubles were allocated to support Russian agraries from the state budget.

Another important direction of the work of the Ministry of Agriculture is the creation of comfortable living conditions on the village. At the initiative of Dmitry Nikolayevich in 2019, the state program of the complex development of rural areas (KRST) was developed and approved. She began to act in 2020, during which it was possible to realize more than six thousand design projects, including the construction of children's and sports fields, recreation areas and other objects forming a comfortable environment on the village. 380 objects of social and engineering infrastructure are also built and repaired, including schools, medical facilities, kindergartens, gas and water pipelines. The activities of the program touched about six million inhabitants of Russian villages and villages - 16% of the total.

Dmitry Patrushev also noted a great interest in the preferential rural mortgage, which is included in the state program of KRST. Under the terms of preferential lending, buy housing in small settlements can be at a rate of 0.1 to 3% per annum. As for April 2021, 68,700 Russian families have already used such an opportunity, the total area of ​​constructed and acquired housing in rural areas exceeded two million square meters.

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