Dale Carnegie - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Works



Those who read at least one book of Dale Carnegi cannot remain indifferent to the conclusions derived. The developer of the theory of communication, Self Made Man, teacher and excellent speaker motivated if not on the accomplishment of revolutions, then, in any case, to change the attitude towards himself and others.

Childhood and youth

Dale Brequenridge Carneghey was born in November 1888 in Missouri, in the town of Maryville. The surname of the psychologist will change later on Carnegie, to attract luck and was consonant with the name of the billionaire-steel worker Andrew Carnegie, the founder of the largest metal produce of the United States Steel Corporation and the concert hall, which is the name of Philanthrop.

Dale Carnegie and his book

Subsequently, the popular speaker will hold the first business training on the Carnegie Hall stage. Amanda Elizabeth's parents and James William kept the farm, but the income did not bring the farm, they had to save on everything, even Dale's clothes were keen on her older brother.

In the school years, Karnegi had no friends, he was very complexed due to the plight of the family, and for informal communication, it was simply not enough time - no one has canceled work on the farm. A discusional circle was helped to be revealed, where Dale was signed up so as not to clicter alone. It was where it turned out that the boy was undoubtedly eloquent and expressive.

Dale Carnegie

Father and mother wondered to give children a good education, despite financial difficulties. Dale entered the pedagogical college, but did not throw exercises in oratorical skills. Soon the fellow students began to gather specially gathering to listen to the colorful speeches of the Carnegie Student or sense him another prize from the eloquence contest.

College The future writer never finished - did not pass the exam in the Latin language. But it was necessary to live on something, and Carnegie opened courses for the farmers of Western Nebraska and Eastern Wyoming. However, it soon realized that the title of a village teacher is not the top to which he sought.

Orator Dale Carnegie

Dale got a job selling meat products Armor & Company. The work of the trading agent, the need to convince, change the position, the study of the reverse reaction of the interlocutor only contributed to the development of the art of public speech. The findings to which Carnegie came, running along the houses of Americans with the goods, he summarized in the first brochure of useful advice.

Hyboring money, Carnegie threw trade and moved to New York in the midst of the economic crisis. It settled here in a house owned by Young Men's Christian Association and took lecture to residents.

Teacher Dale Carnegie

There was no complaint about the lack of audience - in the state of depression, people rushed for psychological help, they wanted to gain confidence, solve problems with loved ones, and someone to get advice, how to advance by service or raise their business.

The Christian Association has raised Delés a fee, other centers have heard about the lecturer, and invitations began to come. That first brochure was useful, not sold out in Omaha.

Literature and psychology

By 1926, Carnegie had such experience in communicating, which impressions and conclusions were enough for the first serious book - "Oratory and the provision of influence on business partners." Moreover, the subtleties of their own learning system allowed Dale to patent it and thereby get a source of constant income.

Dale Carnegie writes a book

The next ten years led the teacher to understand that people know little to speak beautifully, they would like to change the worldview of others and influence decision-making. The fruit of thought was the book "How to conquer friends and influence people", which has become the most popular work of Carnegie. The publication was separated by millions of circulation, and the amount of the fee for the current course made the author billionaire.

It is believed that the first impression is the most faithful. On the pages of the book Dale advised that it is necessary to take it to be good and further affected which conclusions will be made towards you. Bestseller also became popular and because Carnegie brought all familiar examples from life, gave clear practical recommendations: smile, do not criticize, show interest.

Books Dale Carnegie

After such a deafening success, the release of the next book was expecting. "How to stop worrying and start living" for the first time published in the UK in 1948. In it, Dale shared the experience of finding complication methods in daily circumstances - at work, in transport, in line in the store.

For some stress passes without a trace, for others anxiety turns into chronic. Carnegie offered to distance themselves from the past and not worry about the future, live today and think positively. In addition, the person is calm - this is a busy person, loaded no matter what is a hobby, work, even an interesting holiday.

Orator Dale Carnegie

One of the ways to "start living" is to follow the law of large numbers, which in the interpretation of Carnegie says that the likelihood of the occurrence of a disturbing event is negligible.

In the book "How to produce confidence and influence people, speaking publicly" Dale made focus on speeches before the audience. According to The New York Times, this is almost the Bible for those who want to master the oratorical art. Only in America, the work of Carnegie withstood hundreds of reissue. For half a century, a practical manual has been translated into 30 languages ​​of the world.

Dale Carnegie

The author claims that self-confidence is not congenital data, but the result of the implementation of special exercises, in particular, public speeches, but according to a certain rules. Among them - following the role of the role-playing person, neat appearance, the presence of a clear answer to the question "What do I want to say?". It is also important to carefully prepare speech, not once to rehearse, try to watch the interlocutor into the eyes and communicate with people with a rich vocabulary.

Personal life

Family life page in the biography of Dale, who has learned millions of person a personal success, not so rainbow. With the first wife Lolita Baocker Carnegie lived for 10 years, divorced in secret, in order not to influence sales of the next bestseller.

Happiness seemingly found a writer and psychologist in the second marriage. Dorothy Price Vanderpul went to Carnegov lectures, read books. And in the end, it turned out to be an enterprising woman - according to rumors, according to a competently compiled marital contract she belonged half of the income Dale. On the other hand, just a spouse and translated the creative talent of her husband on business rails. Two children have grown in the family - the general daughter of Donna and the child Dorothy from the first marriage - Rosemary.

Dale Carnegie and his wife Dorothy

Donna Carnegie held the post of chairman of the board Dale Carnegie & Associates Inc., published a book with a name attracting attention - "How to conquer friends and influence people. For girls-teenagers. " Carnegie University sent American Express and Ford, Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart to study.

Programs included dozens of topics: laying the foundation for success and overcoming barriers, setting goals and use of the force of enthusiasm, effective presentations and international sales. By 2006, the number of graduates exceeded 7 million people in 70 countries of the world.


By the end of the life of Dale, one in his house in New York remained, the relationship with his wife turned into nominal. Carnegie was diagnosed by the Lymphoma Hodgkin, which is associated with renal failure and caused the death of the writer in 1955.

Carnegie's grave on Belton Cemetery in New York

There is an opinion that Carnegie shot himself, unable to resist the disease. Dale Carnegie was buried at the Belton Cemetery of Missouri.


  • "Oratory and influence on business partners"
  • "How to conquer friends and influence people"
  • "How to stop worrying and start living"
  • "How to develop confidence and influence people, speaking publicly"
  • "How to overcome the alarm and stress"
  • "How to use change yourself for yourself"
  • "How to find a way out of any conflict situation"


In this world there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and begin to give love, without hoping for gratitude. Don't be afraid of the enemies that attack you. Fear friends who are flattered. Each person at least five minutes a day is a fool. True wisdom is not to exceed this temporary limit. Confinedly, your husband has shortcomings. Otherwise, he would not marry you. Please note that the person's name is the most sweet and most important sound for him in any language.

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