Vasily Lykshin - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



The star of the young actor Vasily Lykshin rapidly and brightly broke out in the sky of Russian cinema. Artist had no acting education. His "Universities" is a difficult childhood in a disadvantaged family, orphanage and a colony for minors. But those several roles that he managed to play showed: Lykshin has congenital talent. And who knows in which films we would see a nugget, if not sudden, reliable death.

Childhood and youth

Actor was born in January 1987 in the Moscow region, in the village of Gorki-2, which is in the Odintsovo district. Parents abused alcohol. According to Vasily, his father drank dust, and Mom sang bags with potatoes in state farm and also drank. Three children grew by themselves, often starved.

Full Vasily Lykshin

In 1994, after the deprivation of Lykshin Parental Rights, 5-year-old Vasya, his brother and sister were determined in the orphanage in Zaitsevo Odintsovo district. Already there, children learned about the birth of the younger brother.

10 years old Vasily Lykshin grew in the circle of pupils of a orphanage with similar fate. Hooliganil and fought, for which in 1999 he was credited to the police. Repeatedly, the behavior of a difficult teenager was discussed at meetings of the juvenile matters. In December 2001, the Commission sent a guy in a special service: Vasily stole stationery from class.

Vasily Lykshin in childhood

In the school, Lykshin again fell into an unpleasant situation: together with classmates, he climbed into the General Covenant. Later, Vasily admitted that they climbed into someone else's house not for the sake of theft, but to quench the hunger.

A police patrol arrived at the dock equipped with video cameras. The guys fled, and Vasya detained. This time, the punishment turned out to be more severe: a teenager was defined for a year and a half in a closed Sebezy specialist.

Vasily Lykshin

Who knows how the biography of the guy would have developed, if it were not for the director Svetlana Stastenko. She was preparing for the shooting of the criminal drama "Angel on the side of the side", looked at four hundred children on the casting, but a suitable type found, seeing the cassette with Vasya Lykshin. The director instantly determined that in front of her - a congenital artist.

"It was a real artistic charisma," the woman will say later.

Stastenko persuaded the head of the specialist to let go of the ward on the shooting of the film, instructed for the guy and soon designed guardianship over him.


The drama "Angel on the side of the road" came out on the screens in 2004. The 15-year-old pupil of the orphan played one of the main roles. His hero is a 12-year-old bear - like two drops of water similar to the actor itself: the same difficult teenager from the problem family, who fell into the colony.

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Lykshin not learned acting skills played brilliantly, becoming the favorite of the film crew. He never led the director: the disciplined and duplicate, the wishes of the operator and senior colleagues grabbed on the summer.

After graduating from Svetlana Stastenko adopted a young artist. For work in Drama, he received a prestigious award - American Award Young Artist Awards, which is called the Children's "Oscar".

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Career Vasily Lykshin developed rapidly. In 2006, the young actor was waiting for Triumph. He starred in the sensational drama, the Military militant Alexander Ataisman "Babes", on the set of which was met with the Matrahm of the Russian cinema Andrei Panin and Andrei Krasko. The film became a sign in the career of the rising stars Kirill Emelyanov, Sergey Ryrchkov, Alexander Golovina, Igor Yurtayev.

In the same year, the premiere of the dramatic series of "Gromov" Alexander Baranova took place. Timur Bekmambetov and Alexander Rodninsky were produced by the ribbons. Vasily Lykshin played a major role - a hero named Sasha Gromov. The Family of the Guy on the film was Glafira Tarkhanov, Larisa Shakhvorostov, Sergey Makhovikov.

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The film liked the TV viewers so much that in 2007 it was a continuation called "Gromov. House of Hope. " And again to the project was called Vasily Lykshin. In 2008, the artist appeared in the episode of the 4th series of the detective series "Postman", playing a drunken guy in the entrance.

2009 It turned out to be more generous for Lykshin. In the 6-serial melodrama "House on the Ozernoye", the audience saw a favorite actor in the lead role - he played Jura Dedyukhin. And again, Vasily was in the company of stars of Russian cinema: Irina Kuchenko, Vasily Lanovoy, Alexander Robak, Elena Panova.

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The history of the family with her joys, unrest and turning events also accounted for millions of post-Soviet viewers. The premiere of the series took place in December 2009 on the "First Channel".

In the same year, the TV series Vyacheslav Movyov "Ranetki" about girls from the eponymous musical pop group came to the screens. Vasily Lykshin got the role of a student hero Alexei Smirnov. As it turned out, it was the last work of the artist on the set.

Personal life

Vasily Lykshin, like many teenagers from disadvantaged families, dreamed of a better life. In an interview, he admitted that he was twice baptized: the first time was small, and the second is in the orphanage, in a conscious age. After the ceremony of Baptism let go old resentment and forgave parents.

At 18, Likshin returned to the family, to mother, brothers and sister. Mom married a second time, but stepfather, as before the Father, drank. A family of seven people jutter in three rooms of the old barrack. To knock out a separate housing for the artist Svetlana Stastenko, who continued to take care of the foster son, could not: it was not possible to break through the wall of the bureaucracy.

Vasily Lykshin and his wife Elena

Vasily Lykshin joked that after work in the "thunder" popularity, he had such that the aisle was not given to the aisle. In the last interview, the artist admitted that he was in love and happy.

Likshin married the elder for 5 years a girl worked in the editorial office of the metropolitan magazine. In January 2009, Elena gave birth to a 22-year-old husband to Kiru's daughter. From her first marriage she had a son Nikita, whom Lykshin adopted.


The sudden equation of a young and already famous actor shocked fans. Lykshin died in the sleep of October 2009. He returned from filming the tired and went to sleep. Wife with his daughterhousehouse has a parent. Dead Vasily discovered the neighbors on the barrack.

Vasily Lykshin

The wife and native artist did not believe in the cause of death announced after the opening: cardiovascular insufficiency, stop the heart. According to them, valuable things were disappeared from the room, money. Vasily never complained about the pain in the heart.

I buried the star "Thunder" in Suzdal, on the Znamensky cemetery. Likshin did not live to a 23-year-old couple of months.


  • 2004 - "Angel on the side of the road"
  • 2006 - "Babes"
  • 2006 - "Gromov"
  • 2008 - "Gromov. House of Hope "
  • 2008 - "Postman"
  • 2009 - "House on the Lake"
  • 2009 - "Ranetki"

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