Fan Binbin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Russian viewer Chinese actress Fan Binbin is familiar mainly according to the roles of the second plan in blockbusters on Marvel comics and on the series "Empress China". But in his homeland, its popularity is huge.

Fan Binbin

Behind the shoulders are not only 90 roles, concerts, performances in the show, but also countless advertising with the participation of the star. In China, Fan Binbin does not come off with billboards. It is no coincidence that according to the results of 2016, she fell into the top 10 of the highest paid actresses according to Forbes, being the only foreign one in the company of nine Americans.

Childhood and youth

Fan Binbin was born on September 16, 1981 in the city of Qingdao, but soon the family moved to another port city of the same province Shandong - Yantai. Here Binbin graduated from school number 1. Despite the fact that the girl was born in the family of the hereditary military (and father, and the grandfather of the future actress served in the fleet), the parents supported her fascination with art.

Actress Fan Binbin

As Fan Binbin said in an interview with Post Magazine, in her youth her dad adored sing, and Mom was fond of dancing, but "Cultural revolution buried their dreams to make a career on this field." The ideological campaign, deployed in the 1970s Mao Zedun, led to the repression and persecution of the intelligentsia, and Panbin's parents refused for the previous aspirations.

"They knew how hard to live with a rejected dream," the actress concluded, "therefore they did not let my hobby of music."

The girl learned to play flute and piano, and at the age of 11-12 years old became an acting skill. Soon she entered the Shanghai College of Cinema and Television named after Se Jing, training in which provided her acting debut for 15 years.


In 1996, the "Influential Women" series came out on the screens in China. Fan Binbin has played a girlfriend of one of the main characters in him. But glory she brought the role of Jean Suo in the TV series "Beautiful Princess" about China's 18th century, whose show started in 1999. After the success of the "soap opera", the manufacturer company signed a contract with a young actress, designed for eight years. Later Binbin decided to terminate the agreement, but it was possible to do this only through the court.

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In the first half of the "zero" Fan Binbin graduated from training in the Shanghai Theater Academy, starred in a variety of serials and appeared in several films. The most successful was the tape "Cell phone".

The picture came out in 2003 and turned out to be a national leader in collecting. For work in the film Binbin, received its first award - the Hundred Flowers Award statuette in the "Best Actress" nomination. In China, this is the equivalent of the American Golden Globe.

Fan Binbin in the movie "King's Daughter"

The popularity of the actress grew. In 2005, she released the first music album "Just Begun". 2007 was breaking for Binbin. She not only opened his own studio, but also starred in eight films. For the role of "Lost in Beijing" belt, the girl was awarded the first international award - a diploma in the nomination "Best Actress" of the Eurasian International Film Festival.

In subsequent years, the Creativity of Fan Binbin approved her in the status of a diverse actress. The filmography was replenished with a comedy "Revenge Sophie", a ribbon about the martial arts "Shaolin" (played together with Andy Lau and Jackie Chan), historical paintings.

In 2011, he starred in the French film "Finishing Straight" along with the American actor David Carradine, for which this work was the last. In 2013, Binbin got into a Hollywood blockbuster by Marvel comics. In the film "Iron Man - 3" she got a secondary character - Assistant Dr. Wu. Forbes put her first in the list of "China 100 Celebrities".

And in 2014, Binbin received a first significant role in the Hollywood ribbon. She played a superheroine Clariss Ferguson (Blink) in the film "X-People: the days of the last future," where, in addition to her, the stars of the first magnitude were involved.

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In the same year, Fan after a six-year-round returned to work on television, and with a scope. Her Studio released one of the most expensive in the history of China's TV series - a bright costume historical drama "Empress China" included 82 series. Binbin performed a major role - Zsetyan, the only emperor woman in the history of the country.

Personal life

Fan binbin is engaged. For two years, the actress met with a colleague, the star of Chinese films Lee Chen. The couple did not hide her relationship. September 16, on the birthday of Binbin, Lee Chen made her an offer, and the lovers won.

Fan Binbin and Cheng

The younger brother of Fan Chenchen actress also took up the show business. He managed to receive the third place following the season of the IDOL Producer Talent Show. Now he sings in the Nine Percent group. The actress is engaged in charity. In 2010, he found the Heart Ali Foundation, which helps children with heart disease.

Fan Binbin now

In 2017, the Chinese actress became one of the most influential people in the world according to Time. The organizers of the festival in Cannes included it in the jury. In the same year, he starred in the first Chinese film about the air war "Heavenly Hunter".

Fan Binbin in 2018

In 2018, Fan Binbin visited Cannes again. This time - within the promotion for the upcoming premiere of the spy thriller "355". In addition to her, Hollywood actresses of Penelope Cruz, Jessica Chestain, Luita Niongo, as well as Marion Cotiyar are involved in the tape.

In addition, Fan will appear in the adventure fantasy "Daughter of the King". In the center of Hollywood history - the "King Sun" Louis XIV, who allegedly decided to make the elixir of eternal youth, for which it is necessary to catch the mermaid. But on his way there are a recalcitable daughter and the guard of mermaids. The role of the latter just got Fan Binbin. The rest of the characters play Pierce Brosnan, Kaya Skodelirio, Rachel Griffiths.

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Also, a new television drama "Conquer the World" is being prepared, where Binbin plays the role of the first Chinese businesswoman. The production of the series was engaged in the Fan Binbin Studio, the budget exceeded 500 million yuan.

Fanbin binbin leads "Instagram". Here are photos from festivals, magazine covers with a star, photo shoots.


  • 1996 - "Influential Women"
  • 1999 - "Beautiful Princess"
  • 2002 - "Lion Ryk"
  • 2003 - "Cell phone"
  • 2006 - "Battle of the minds"
  • 2007 - "Lost in Beijing"
  • 2009 - "Revenge Sophie"
  • 2011 - "My way"
  • 2013 - "Iron Man - 3"
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 2014 - "Empress China"
  • 2017 - "Heavenly Hunter"
  • 2018 - "King's Daughter"
  • 2018 - "Conquer the World"

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