Group "KnyaZZ" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



"KnyaZZ" - a team in Russian rock-party relatively young, but already with his own army of fans and other attributes of identification and popularity. Grown from the legendary "king and the jester", the group changed the sound, but retained the former mood and promise.


Songs are represented by ready-made scenarios for movies, saturated with simple characters who live full passions life.

The history of creation and composition

The base for the "KnyaZZ" was the famous Petersburg Punk Group "King and Jester", which existed without a small quarter of a century, and the motive for the emergence of a new team, as often happens - irreconcilable differences among the participants.

Mikhail Gorenev and Andrei Knyazev

Frontman Mikhail Gorenshev, whom fans know under the creative pseudonym pot, became fascinated by the production of the "Todd" musical about the serial killer Siini Todde, and the vocalist and the author of the songs Andrei Knyazev did not want to participate in this and therefore founded his own project. As the name, Andrei nickname in the former team was used. Together with the prince from Kishko, Dmitry Rishko and Assistant Director of Vakhtang Maharadze left.

Andrei Knyazev

An old friend of the soloist was joined to the new group - Basist Dimitri Nakkidashvili, Pavel Lohinn was sat down for the impact installation. Also, the first composition included a guitarist Vladimir Rodov and Keyman Evgeny Road. Stanislav Makarov played on the pipe. In 2012, "KnyaZZ" broke up with Stanislav, then Evgeny Trohimchuk came to replace Pavlu. Solo on the guitar instead of the runer performs Sergey Tkachenko.

In the spring of 2014, Dmitry Rishko "Casper" went out of the group. As reported on the official website, the musician, among other things, plans to record a solo album. Later, Dmitry declared about himself projects "The Nameless Cult" and "Casper". Instead, a single woman appeared in the team - Irina Sorokina.

Irina Sorokina

Subsequently, the albums were invited to recording albums. Cellist Lena TE and Trumpets Konstantin Knikov, Bass Gitarists Sergey Zakharov and Alexander Balunov. In 2018, the group "Fresh blood jumped" in the face of the guitarist Dmitry Kondrushev.

A little known about the biography of the leader of the group "KnyaZZ". Andrei Knyazev is a creative person, studied in the restoration school, created texts and illustrations for the King and Jester group disks. For a long time he was engaged in a solo project, which helped Andrei to organize his own musical team.

In the personal life of Knyazev there were two marriages. The daughter of Diana was born from the first wife in 2005, and the second spouse of Agata, who was fond of creating professional photos, later gave the musician to the daughter of Alice.

According to the artist in an interview, over time he did not throw the passion for artistic craft. Princes comes up with animation frames for concert screens, makes sketches for video clips.

In 2017, a hand-drawn video appeared on the Lesnik song. His Andrei was preparing for three years.

Another singer presented to the public the first book of poems, which they were written at the dawn of a creative career. Poetic collection "King and Jester. Old book "Artist issued his own illustrations. He plans to publish a number of literary works.


The Debut Maxi-Single "Middle Man" successfully started in the charts of radio stations, the track of the same name became a business card of the group. The broad public found out "KnyaZZ" after the first concert speech, which was held at the popular festival "invasion".


As part of the event, four songs were presented from the repertoire of the young team. Music "KnyaZZ" immediately accounted for lovers of Russian rock. In addition, the public has introduced the opportunity to get acquainted with the other side of the work of the participant of the group of Andrei Knyazev. Frontman introduced the artistic installation of the "Rock in Paint" to the courts of the audience. In 2013, the first clip was removed on the "man-riddle". The beginning of the history of the group was laid.

After three months, the band released the first album "Letter from Transylvania" with Adel's hits, Vervolph, "in the mouth of dark streets." The last composition repeated the success of the first song and took the top line of the charts. During the recording of the album, Andrei Knyazev was still listed in the ranks of the "king and the jester", which made it possible to consider "KnyaZZ" by his personal project, although the singer emphasized the collective participation of musicians everywhere.

In 2012, I saw the light of the "mystery of the mirrors", which is considered the best work "KnyaZZ". The plate was highlighted by entertaining texts, powerful vocals and a rigid sound. In addition, the "Voice of the Dark Valley" came out with a separate Maxi-Single, which includes the Kavern version of the "glasses" of the Aquarium group and the song dedicated to the Zenit Football Club. According to Andrey Knyazev, he composes songs, starting with the search of the melody. Then the music is arranged and only then the text appears.

It did not make himself wait for the third studio album called the "Fatal Carnival". The record musicians were carried out in St. Petersburg, and mastering entrusted the American Sage Audio studio. Fans were particularly loved by the tracks "Horse Morglen", "Morezer", "execution of a jester". The song "Normans" traditionally led the TOP "Our Radio".


The gift version of the disk is released in a dijapak format with a multi-page booklet. In parallel, the group presented Maxi-Single, which includes the compositions of the "Actress", "Gorgon" and "Morezer".

In the fall of 2014, a new record was presented, called "Magic Caliosostro". The new clip group shot on the "House of Mannequins" on the track. Some of the fans he emphasized in the album references to literary sources and films like "three musketeers", "love formulas" and Shakespearean "Hamlet". Positively appreciated and Balladny, lyrical sound "Bastarda" and "Cashercalla".

The song "Pain" released by a separate single, "KnyaZZ" dedicated to the memory of the tragically deceased friend and the leader of the "King and Shuta" Mikhail Gorenev. The melody is taken for the musical basis, which he once wrote a "pot", and then the princes reproduced by memory. The composition is executed by a duet with the younger brother Gorenshev, Alexei, the leader of the Kukryniks group.

Presentation of the Fifth Full-Format Album "Prebelnik" was held in October 2015 in St. Petersburg, in the club "Cosmonaut". 24 tracks traditionally presented separate plot stories and, as Andrew said, were invented at the dawn of solo creativity. The "Passenger" song, issued by the release, immediately took the leader's position in the "charter dozen". Hit's path to success was long: the verses of the team leader wrote back in 2006, speaking in the "King and Shuthe", music - in 2011, trial records began after another year.

A clip is removed to the song, rather reminiscent of lyric video using Alfred Hichkok's spy thriller personnel "Lady disappears." Compositions "Joker. Home "and" Joker. The Map of Fate "The soloist called the prehistory to the song about this trouser from the album" Seller of Nightmares ", released" Kish "in 2006 Together with the executor Yulia Kogan, the Ex-Participant of the Leningrad Group, the song "Witch and Donkey" was recorded. Clip on the musical composition scored 2.5 million views.

In 2016, the record of the sixth work began in the discography of the musical team - the album "Prisoners of the Dance Valley", in support of which two singles "Ghosts Tama" and "Sordun-Kaban" came out.

The musicians of the team became the guests of the Salt transfer on the Ren-TV channel, which is the TV presenter is Zakhar Prilepin. In January, the premiere of two new tracks was declared - "Bannik" and "Brother", while the second song ranked first in the charts of the Dozin charts. After the premiere of the disk in 2017, another musical composition - "Science Bill Bons" - came to the leaders of this ranking.

"KnyaZZ" now

In March 2018, Knyazev presented a novelty "Prisoners of the Dreams", the official release of which was held in the Green Concert Green Concert Moskovskiy Club. The official release of which was held in May 2017. Keeping loyalty to the genre of music punk rock, "KnyaZZ" added to the sound of Gothic-, Folk and Hard Rock. Such a move of musicians allowed particularly zealous fans to declare that their idols were not equal in the world.


The team leader said that it was worth combining songs with multidirectional content. The compositions from the album are dedicated to the cult club "there - there" and mystical creatures to the bannic and wolf tree, and Billy Milligan and the "Boss of Spirits" differ in stylistics.

May 2018 was marked for "KnyaZZ" with the release of a mini-album "Children's songs for adults" with the participation of the former comrades from the "Kish" Alexander Balunova. The "Hare" track with concise text and lyrical, as far as possible for punk rock, the sound reminded the listeners of the Wildlie Basni.

Alexander Balunov and Andrei Knyazev

According to "Ball", the joint single will be part of the new full-fledged album, the material for which "lay from the prince since the time of an acoustic album, and now, when I had a little free time, we decided to write songs."

About where and when fans will be able to enjoy the live sound of "KnyaZZ", the group reports on its website and on the page in "Instagram". In the summer of 2018, the group went on tour to the Far East, the Urals and the South of Russia.

The creative schedule of the group is very saturated: the release of the Humorous Show "Evening Urgant" took place with the participation of rock musicians. They performed the song "Jump from the cliff." On the eve of the World Cup of Football, a single "Football Russia" has been released.

In early August 2018, the musicians "KnyaZZ" presented to fans a concert program "Stone on the head" in the IC "Olympic". The occasion for the event was the 30th anniversary of the creation of the "King and Jester" project and the 5th anniversary of the death of Mikhail Gorenev.


  • 2005 - "Love Scounding"
  • 2011 - "Letter from Transylvania"
  • 2012 - "Mystery of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2014 - "Magic Caliosostro"
  • 2013 - "Fatal Carnival"
  • 2015 - "Harference"
  • 2017 - "Prisoners of Dreams Valley"
  • 2018 - "Children's songs for adults"


  • 2013 - "Middle Man"
  • 2014 - "House of Mannequins"
  • 2015 - "Russian Spirit"
  • 2015 - "Witch and Donkey"
  • 2017 - "Brother"
  • 2017 - "Holy"

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