Tatyana Klyava - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Hardly the fans of Soviet cinema could assume that the leadership of the leading role in the Barbara-Beauty, Long Spit fairy tale, Tatyana Klyueva, will not become an actress, but the saleswoman in the market. A promising graduate of Gitis, who was debuting in the cinema for 14 years, refused career for the sake of the spouse. Coming out married a classmate, who became a long-range sailor, Tatiana moved to Sevastopol and almost stopped being removed. To this day, the most beautiful princess of Soviet fairy tales lives on the Black Sea coast surrounded by the family.

Childhood and youth

Nowadays in love with Sevastopol Tatyana Klyuev - a native of Moscow. She was born in one of the metropolitan hospitals on August 25, 1951. Grew up an active girl, I was pleased to participate in school productions. Natives supported the girl when she decided to try himself in the cinema, although at that time Tanya was only 14 years old.

Tatyana Klyueva in childhood

In 1965, the first ribbon with her participation was released on the screens. In the film "Call, open the door" Alexander Mitta on the scenario of the playwright Alexander Volodina, she played the episodic role of the girl, which heroes meet in the assembly hall. The film is known for becoming a debut picture for a 12-year-old performer of the leading role of Elena Procloga. And for the key, this experience seemed to predetermined a further life path. The girl decided to flow in Gitis.


Even before the receipt, Tatiana appeared in another film of 1965 - a children's business detective "Scuba at the bottom", shot by Evgeny Sherstobitov on his own novel. The girl played Oksana - a familiar main character, leading the investigation into the strange appearance of a stranger on the seashore in the border town.

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Tatiana was tried on one of the roles in the fairy tale "Fire, water and copper pipes", but Alexander Row stopped the choice on another actress. The frustrated tan of the famous director-storyteller promised the role created specifically in the next film. The promise of Row performed: On December 30, 1970, the premiere of the fairy tale "Varvara-Beauty, Long Spit" took place. The heroine of the key was charm of the audience: Barbara began to call the most beautiful queen of Soviet fabulous films.

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Popularity collapsed on Kurav. In an interview with "arguments and facts", the actress told that letters came with bags. To her, young, an unfailed glory girl who believed that he had to answer certainly everyone was hard to cope. But neither then Nor now Tatyana Klyueva did not consider himself a star.

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Shortly before the release in 1974, as well as after it, the artist was starred in two films of Oleg Nikolaevsky, who worked at the Sverdlovsk film studio. The roles in the fairy tale "the strongest" and in the comedy "We will meet at the fountain" were noticeable, but the previous fame did not repeat. Further films of Tatiana Klyova were still more modest - the girl decided to devote the lives of the family, and not a career, and left Moscow.

Personal life

The chosen one of Tatiana was classmate Dmitry Gagin. While Klyuev received an acting education, he graduated from the Naval School, becoming a star sailor. The Klyuev was supposed to play in the film "Officers", but Dmitry took her right from the set during a break.

"Talked with me, went to the director, and then says:" Listen, let's go from here! "," Tells the Klyuev in an interview with AIF. - And I went behind him. Tell me then: "Let's go jump from the ninth floor!", I would still go! "

Lovers got married and moved to Sevastopol - to the place of work Dmitry. Tatiana is recognized to journalists, which knew about the upcoming turn of the events long before him, but did not take seriously. Marriage and moving to the Crimea to her "predicted" Yevgeny Schestobits.

Tatyana Klyueva and her husband

The film "Scuba at the bottom" he filmed in Sudak, and when the shooting ended, the children-actors were upset by the upcoming departure. In an effort to distract them, the director arranged a comic divination session. Surprisingly, the predicted Tatiana accurately came true.

All things fit into a couple of suitcases. To establish life, I had to work a lot. Some time, Tatiana went to the shooting, but the need to take care of the son Yane made her refuse to business trips.

Tatyana Klyuev

In an interview with the "Interlocutor", the actress reported that for the sake of earnings, it was settled to sell shoes in the market. After some time managed to start my own business. Tatiana developed business before managing six outlets. There was a period when he worked as a manager in a dating agency. Husband - the first rank captain - most of the time was in the sea.

Despite longing for creativity and complex material situation in the first years after the move, Tatyana Klyava admits that he does not regret the abandoned career. In marriage with Dmitry, they are already 42 years old, their son Jan is 41 years old. He is married, the pair is growing daughter Anya, the granddaughter of Tatiana Nikolaevna.

Tatyana Klyueva now

The Varvara Karpovna Krupovna became an extreme role in the career of Klyoye, the character of the second plan from the scandalous Ukrainian cike market "Island of Love". Tatiana appeared in the eighth series of the erotic series, shot in the mid-90s.

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She played the mother of the beloved of the main character in the new "Owl" on the work of the writer and playwright Vladimir Vinnichenko. This filmography in Keyely suspended. About returning to work in the movie Tatiana is not conceived, although letters from fans come so far.

The artist still lives with his spouse in Sevastopol, the family has an apartment and a house by the sea. Tatiana often guests are friends whose activities are related to cinema. Among them - the creator of "Yelash" Boris Grachevsky and Actress Natalia Varley.

Tatyana Klya in 2018

Natalia Tatiana calls no other than his sister: Former colleagues are friends over 30 years old. The actresses are often called by Skype, annually the Star of the Caucasian Captive comes to bother to Sevastopol.

Tatyana Klyava is not alien to public life. The actress enters the Union of Women of Russia and to the Union of Cinematographers. He welcomed the holding of a referendum in the Crimea and the entry of the peninsula to the Russian Federation.


  • 1965 - "Call, open the door"
  • 1965 - "Aqualanguages ​​at the bottom"
  • 1967 - "Sixth Summer"
  • 1969 - "Varvara-Beauty, Long Spit"
  • 1973 - "The strongest"
  • 1976 - "Meet the Fountain"
  • 1981 - "It's time for red apples"
  • 1981 - "Apple on Palm"
  • 1988 - "For whom I am married singer"
  • 1994 - "Tsarevna"
  • 1995 - "Love Island"

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